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Category:  Products / studio equipment / hardware sequencer

Added: 22-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

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The Q80 is a midi sequencing module with 32 track capability. Features include 26,000 note capacity, real & step time entry & edit, 10 songs of up to 32 tracks, sysex store functions, a special mode called TMotifU - a recurring musical theme stored separately from the 32 tracks (up to 100 motifs can be stored as port of a song), and a built in 3.5" disk drive. An enhanced version of the original Q80 sequencer, the Q80ex features 32 tracks / 1000 motifs / 10 song memory, 52,000 note capacity, full editing capabilities, 2 independent midi outputs for 32 midi channels, step or real time recording, compatibility with Standard MIDI file formats (both 0 and 1), and expanded system exclusive recording functions.

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Product:  KAWAI - Q80
Name: xoxos
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 12-Nov-99

check ishibashi.co.jp (i think that's it) for used gear. mine ran about $70 plus another $75 to have it shipped :) it got here in three days, and i've had several orders with ishibashi and they've done me right. otherwise i've seen them on ebay for $100 to 150 on occasion. the japanese power supply should work in the u.s.

the q80 should allow you to do everything you need to do. maybe not the quickest way to do it, but it satisfies my concept of sequencing.

what q80 does not do: there are no real time editing parameters beyond punching tracks in and out. there is no 'set swing quantize amount' function, and there is no ramping, ie. you can't set a beginning value and an end and have it interpolate values for intermediate notes.. so if you've got a snare roll with a building velocity, you're gonna have to program velocity seperately for each note, or record it live and quantize :)

what a shame, eh? here's what it *does* give you.. see the disk drive? good. pretty sure it doesn't take midi files though.. that's the q80ex..

and before i list features, a q80 trick: you can copy parts between songs by storing them as motifs..

32 tracks in 4 banks of 8, as such eight punchable track buttons, one button to switch banks. resolution of 96 parts per quarter note. bar editing: delete insert erase mix copy transpose move (shifts the whole track forwards or backwards) quantize (includes setting 'tolerances' for degree of quantization and human quantize) note split (moves certain pitches to another track) note shift (edits pitch of delineated notes) velo modify(+/-) gate time modify(x%) make motif event extract, plus micro editing which allows you to edit the exact recorded value of each parameter for all events.

oh and of course it'll save your sysex data, ie. synth patches, and i think it has a built-in tape timecode striping feature..

you can set each track to repeat or not, ie. you can have track one with a 4 measure loop and track two with an 8 measure loop, no problem. only one midi channel can be designated for each track. the layout is simple and logical, although if you're doing some editing, ie. 'insert measure..' you first have to select the 'edit bar' before you select 'insert' before you specify the exact command.. but short of having a control for every function on the front, it's a most logical and useful arrangement. a few weeks and you'll be zipping about it in no time.

mine's quite stable.. in a year, i've lost data once (back up to disk good :) and had one other crash. the timing has always been solid, and i've heard excellent things from other users (apart from one, who still uses it though..)

really.. for $150 you've got a functional and relatively comprehensive investment with some nice amenities. the ex adds more memory, i think an extra midi out and a few extra features.. but for my purposes, the memory on the q80 is adequate.. the motif function (which stores a phrase and references it from a sequence instead of repeating all the note data) is implicated to maximize use of memory. my tracks usually run 200 measures with healthy dabs of 32nd note programming, and i've only maxed the memory out once :)

email me if you have any specific questions i can answer for you.

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Product:  KAWAI - Q80
Name: Malin Cristache
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 06-Oct-02

I have a kawai Q80,but i don't have the operating manual!!!!
I need one ,could anyone help me ?

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Product:  KAWAI - Q80
Name: earnest
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 04-Aug-04

I have hundreds of disks with data dumped to a Kawai
Q80. I don't have the sequencer any more, and I am
wondering if there is a pc program that will let me
read the disks formatted on the Q80, and send (via
midi) back to the keyboard (ensoniq sq1) the dump came
If anyone reading this can help me or can foward this
to someone who can, It would help me so much.
You can reach me at earnestadams@yahoo.com.
Thank you for reading.

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Product:  KAWAI - Q80
Name: Richard Cordell (Polarity Entertainment)
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Aug-06

Have been an 'avid' (sqooz the pun) Pro-Tools user/owner for well over 2 years now, but still find my trusty Kawai Q-80 an absolute treat for sequencing/re-programming covers. It's MIDI implementation is a little cumbersome but in my opinion, more intuitive my 002. (Perhaps I should spend a little more time here?) Shall do... just as soon a I finish getting it right FIRST TIME with my humble but ever reliable Q-80!

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Product:  KAWAI - Q80
Name: eduardo ibarra
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Feb-07

Can anyone supply me some 'midi files' recorded within his Q80 ? for to play them in my Q80, I am learning about its management and I can not transfer SMF1 changed to 'zero' within my Q80. I would be so grateful if someone supply me some idea 'about it'. I got spanish & english manuals, but I am more confused after reading both. Saludos...

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Product:  KAWAI - Q80
Name: Troy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Sep-07

Here is a link to kawai's site where you can download manuals.
click on owners manuals
then your type of equipment (etc. sequencer) then choose your model.

good luck

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Product:  KAWAI - Q80
Name: K. Nazari
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 12-Jul-11

I have a Q-80 and a Kawai synthesizer module. I have a few songs which I would like to put on the youtube. Does anyone know how can one save these midi format songs from the Q-80 to a pc and subsequently upload them to the youtube? Thank you

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Product:  KAWAI - Q80
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 15-Jul-11

[quote] K. Nazari wrote: I have a Q-80 and a Kawai synthesizer module. I have a few songs which I would like to put on the youtube. Does anyone know how can one save these midi format songs from the Q-80 to a pc and subsequently upload them to the youtube? Thank you [/quote]

connect a midi lead from q-80 to a pc sequencer, set the clock so either the q-80 or the pc-sequencer is the master-clock - record the midi data across to the pc sequencer on a midi track, then use the sequencers functions to split the recorded midi track into seperate midi channels, each on a seperate midi-track, then use the midi data now in the pc-sequencer to assign to new instruments and mix the song.

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Product:  KAWAI - Q80
Name: brian s
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-Jan-12

[quote] K. Nazari wrote: I have a Q-80 and a Kawai synthesizer module. I have a few songs which I would like to put on the youtube. Does anyone know how can one save these midi format songs from the Q-80 to a pc and subsequently upload them to the youtube? Thank you [/quote]

I am doing this right now. You have to record the outgoing midi signal from
the q80 into any modern DAW. I am using ableton live. You can set ableton as the master and your q80 as a slave (running through a midi interface to your computer ). Hit play in ableton with a record the incoming signal. Then you will have to find an instrument for ableton to play with the midi signal.
This is similar for any modern recording software.
Hope that helps

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