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Akai MPC3000


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Akai MPC3000

Category:  Products / studio equipment / hardware sequencer

Added: 22-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: ??

Akai MPC3000

Here's the Blurb.....

Continuing the tradition of the industry standard MPC60, the MPC3000 adds 16 bit stereo high capacity sampling, sequencing, and much more. Features include 16 bit 44.1 kHz stereo sampling, digital input for direct digital sampling, 2 meg RAM (22 sec.) expandable to 16 meg (188 sec.) with standard SIMMS, 32 voice polyphony, Dynamic low pass resonant filtering w/ filter envelopes, 24 'drum sets' using up to 128 sounds & 4 pad banks, 1.44 meg disk drive and SCSI port, and the ability to read S1000/S1100/S3000 sample disks as well as read/write of standard midi files. The sequencer section includes 75,000 note capacity, 96 ppq resolution, 99 sequences & 99 tracks per sequence, 64 midi output channels (4 outputs x 16 channels), MTC & Midi Clock (SMPTE optional), 20 songs (256 steps per song), much more. The MPC3000 has stereo outputs as well as 8 individual outputs, headphone jack, 2 assignable footswitch inputs, and a 320 character (240x64) graphic LCD display.

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User Comments

Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: natedog
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 12-May-00

mpc 3000 is an expressive instrument. I like playing it w/ my toes while a play my other keyboards.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: /\\/E/\/E
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 12-May-00

Yeah, it's the best.. perfect midi timing can't be beaten!

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Ziggy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 12-May-00

Overpriced piece of crap!
Like it's sooooooooo much better with pads instead of keyes!.......bah!
Internal sequencer? sure, good timing....but lacking in feauters.
Memory? it's a joke....
you could get 2 ESI 4000 + a keayboard AND an old Atari for the price of 1 MPC 3000, beeing the hype it is....

geezuz, this is lame


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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: r-tek
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 12-May-00

I get the impression that Mr Ziggy has never actually had the pleasure of using an MPC :( Course now hes gonna lie and say that he has, but I find that hard 2 believe.

I could go into detail as 2 what makes the MPC great, but I cant b arsed. All I will say is that its kinda sad that people choose 2 judge these boxes (and thats people that`ve never used em) on what they *can`t* do, rather than concentrating on what they *can* do :(

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Peake
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 12-May-00

This machine was created with the musician in mind.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: jere doll
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 13-May-00

All I know is that they reissued it as the mpc 3000le and you can still get them. it is a good piece of gear if you want d+b or hip hop songs. that all.
JeRe DOll

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: /\\/E/\/E
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 13-May-00

Hey Ziggy, like r-tek said, you obviously have never used an Akai MPC000. You mention the Atari as being a better alternative, but the crappy timing on my old Atari was the main reason I bought my MPC3000 5 years ago.

Before I got the MPC, I did everything on a K2000 and Creator on the Atari. As good as people say the timing was on Notator/Creator, it wasn't, it was a joke. If I had 2 different snares playing simultaneously on the 2 and 4, they would never sync up, no matter how accurately trimmed the samples were. There would always be an audible flam. Sequencers on the PC are worse still.

In a track I was working on before I got the MPC3000, I had a drum loop playing, with some programmed drums over the top. I had the tempo matched perfectly, but the 2 parts just didn't sync up. I just accepted that it was because the drum loop was played by a real drummer.

Then once I got the MPC, I transferred the track to it, samples and all. Played the loop and programmed part together, and believe it or not, they synced up perfectly! So, where I was thinking that my programming wasn't up to scratch, or I'd done some sloppy editing on the sampler, it was actually the crappy software sequencer causing the problems.

So, working with an MPC, you can pretty much get a groove happening instantly. Basslines can be played accross the pads etc. Where as with a computer, I guarantee it would take longer, and wouldn't sound as good. The weak link with your ESI4000 Atari setup is the midi cable connecting them. With rhythm parts being played from an MPC, there is 'no' midi, which means 'no' timing problems. Although, even when you do trigger external midi sound sources from the MPC, they still play a hell of a lot tighter than any software sequencer.

One last thing, before they released the MPC3000LE, 30,000 of the units had been sold. And perhaps you'd like to tell some of these people, such as The Chemical Brothers, Dr Dre, Limp Bizcut, etc etc, that they've all bought a 'piece of crap'? I took out a bank loan to get mine, and it's the best money I've ever spent.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Ziggy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 14-May-00

It doesen't matter much but, I've actually used MPC 60 ,3000 and 2000.
And I rest my case. It's intuitive and accurate, but so is Lego. It has the flexibillety of a one-legged horse. And petty memory spec's. It's primary use beeing drums, I say it's way overpriced.

The MPC x is not a great buy, no matter how hard it was parting with you money, and it CERTAINLY doesen't get any better because you trusty old atari is bugged! shees....

"Chemical Brothers, Dr Dre, Limp Bizcut, etc etc, that they've all bought a 'piece of crap'? "

of course! I have no trouble setting *big shots* straigth.

"I took out a bank loan to get mine, and it's the best money I've ever spent. "

well, that is kind of sad....very sad actually......


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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: /\\/E/\/E
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 14-May-00

You reckon "It has the flexibillety of a one-legged horse. And petty memory spec's. It's primary use beeing drums, I say it's way overpriced" Hahahaha... You're so full of shit.

""Chemical Brothers, Dr Dre, Limp Bizcut, etc etc, that they've all bought a 'piece of crap'? " of course! I have no trouble setting *big shots* straigth." Well, that probably explains why they're all selling millions of albums, while you're here posting dumb ass messages about a piece of gear you've never had the pleasure of owning. " well, that is kind of sad....very sad actually......" Exactly !!!

By the way, there was nothing wrong with my Atari, it's just that all software sequencers have sloppy midi timing. Unless of course you're dealing with audio only, like Logic, VST or Cake. But programs like that are nowhere near as fun to program as an MPC3000 :)

Another thing, Dj Shadow did his whole Entroducing album using just an MPC60II. That's 1.5mb of memory, only 32 samples, a maximum of only 5.2 seconds per sample, etc. If you've ever heard it, you'll realise how complex that album is. It even made it into Rolling Stone mag's top 100 albums of all time list. Just goes to show that it makes no difference what gear you use, or how many features it has... What's important, is what you can do with it. And if you can't do anything decent using an Akai MPC because it doesn't have the features of a stand alone sampler like an ESI4000, then you're obviously the one who's sad or unimaginative, not the machine.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Ziggy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 15-May-00

dunno why I even bother....
Just think...THINK, what DJ shadow could have done with an E-6400...!
....course, you can make smashing tunes on a mpc x. .....course you can make smashing tunes on an ESI...on a Roland..on a mikkmakkmukk sampler...
That's not the point....

Should I reckomend a sampler or rewiew it for that matter (yes, I work in the musicpress)I'd take into such critical stats as flexibillety,memory,price..all of which the Mpc 3000 falls way short....

If you have bougth yourself an mpc 3000 and are happy with, it fine......dandy!
Either you have too much money, or ....well, akai knows how to promote their stuff...

nuff said

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: r-tek
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-May-00

Remind me again, was was it I said b4?...........

"...its sad that pepole choose 2 judge these boxes on what they *cant* do...rather than concentrating on what they *can* do".

And so there u have it, Mr Ziggys made the mistake of thinking that because this thing has akai written on , then it must b a sampler and thus judging it by those standards :( And u say u work in music media? Really? Either you`re talking out of your arse, or u work 4 Future Music because u dont seem 2 know what you`re talking about. If you`re gonna judge it as a sampler, then why the hell didn`t u mention the fact that it has no LFOs, no sample looping (on the 60+3K), no filters other than a lame 12db lopass (and the squeekiest rez you`ve ever heard), no sample mapping, they dont talk 2 computers too well, sijple 2 stage envelope (and only one per voice on the 60+3)...yada yada yada. You`ve tested these things and you`ve never noticed that? U never noticed that the MPCs amp envelope snaps open quicker than any samplers? U never noticed how wonderful swing quantise is? U never noticed what and incredible asset it is 2 b able 2 alter your drums Attack/Decay/Cutoff and pitch in seconds from the step edit screen?

U may have noticed in the kit list thread in the main room here Ziggy that on eof the most popular pieces of gear amongst Dancetechers in an MPC of some description - r we *all* really that dumb? Maybe we know something u dont eh? Besides which, if Avene bought his MPC 5 years ago, if he`d have gone 4 a PC instead, how much would he have since spent in the continual process of upgrading and replacing computer and soundcard? A lot more than the MPC I`ll tellya, and he`d stil have sloppier midi timing ;P And that b4 u take into acount depreciation.

Yeah, I know I`m ranting, but the truth is, this things kicks arse as a sequencer/drumsampler, it aint a legen 4 no reason. Oh and FYI, I also have an Emu Ultra (thats a sampler, unlike the MPC - u seem 2 b confused over such matters so I just thought I`d point that out) but my MPC is my favourite piece by a country mile.

I`ll shut up now, it`d b nice if u did the same Ziggy, but I can`t see that happening :( :( :(

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: r-tek
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-May-00

......whoops, sorry 4 all the typos; I can spell really.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: /\\/E/\/E
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 16-May-00

Well said. You're right with that Future Music comment.. if Ziggy writes for the music press, then it would have to be Future Music. There's a clown there by the name of Maff Evans who's always given the MPC's bad scores. I even wrote to the mag complaining about the guy, because quite a few of his other reviews were the same way. It's like these people don't even use the machine's they review, they just look at the specs and write the review from there.... And to this comment from Ziggy "Just think...THINK, what DJ shadow could have done with an E-6400...!" ... Well, I'd say probably not much at all. A machine like that wouldn't be suited to his way of working. Having samples assigned to keys, then assigned to programs, plus having to get hold of a keyboard to play them and something else to sequence the sounds etc... I mean, why would he want to worry about that when he's got a machine that will let him assign the sounds to a few pads. No midi cables to connect, no big keyboards taking up space. But there are things you can do on MPC's, that you can't with any other sequencer. Like in the step edit.. Just going through it.. like on this step I'll have this kick drum pitched down an octave, then on the next step, I'll turn it's filter cutoff down slightly.. things like that. A good trick I'll use is the adjusting the attack of individual drums in step edit, so that it has a kind of "voomph" sound blending into the next drum part. It sounds great...It's intricate things like this you could never do with a software sequncer/sampler combination.. Well, you probably could, but it would be a hell nightmare to do assigning controllers to everythng. And strings aswell..just set long attack and decay times, and play them on 16th notes.. It'll just sound like a sustaining string.. A lot less trouble than setting loop points. I learnt this from a Shadow interview. Another thing, speaking of the 6400, saying iot would be better. I used to own an e64 which I'd bought after getting the MPC3000. It was ok, had loads of features and everything, but I rarely used it, so I ended up selling it.. It wasn't fun to use like the MPC.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Steven
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 16-May-00

You guys confuse me. Ziggy says the MPC range sucks (basically) and gives reasons for why, you other guys keep defending the mpc range on the very basis that Ziggy critizize it!
"no Lfo, no sample loop, simple envelope,louzy filter etc"..that seems like the "flexebillety of a one legged horse" to me.
But then again I have no experience with samplers. I am thinking of buying a Yammie 4-5000, or an E-6400, as people keep complaining on the buggy OS on the new akais.
well, I haven't really considered the MPC machine. It just seems so expensive for what you get. And if one should not judge it as a sampler, what should one judge it as, r-tek?? Sequenser\workstation? Why not get a cheap swizz-clock hardware seq instead?
I like all these artist you mentioned, who uses the mpc, but I love Aphex Twin as well, and i would NEVER use the same SHITTY gear as he uses, that's totally insane. He makes tunes with an iron solider!! So, I guess that's really not a good argument people.

I think the *pro* samplers can do everything any other sampler can do, it just takes a bit of time getting to know the machine. You gotta invest some serious time in getting to know the box.

As for slagging FM; that's naugthy


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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Etk
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 16-May-00

Here's the deal, As was previously said, the MPC is not a Sampler, the MPC = MIDI Production Center, which happens to have a nifty sampling engine attached, to give greater flexability to drum pattern programming (and you can use if for lots of other stuff besides drums). The sequcener in the MPC3k "SET THE STANDARD" it IS the sequcencer that ALL strive to be, and STILL is in most cases.. Only recently did the high end software packagaes like Logic get as tight and controlled as the MPC line, but software seq is shit if you want to play live (ie, not just pressing play and twittling knobs, real shifting of patterns in a comfortable manner). That being said, there is NOTHING that compares to an MPC, it is the only thing in its class. If you want a sampler, get a sampler, if you want to do serious drum programming and sequencing, get an MPC.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Grayen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 16-May-00

Actually, you're both right. The MPC is a great and creative piece of equipment, although a bit limited (a cheap PC with Fast Tracker can do more). But no matter how great it is, it IS overpriced (especially the 3K). I'm planning on buying an XL, but I think that if Emu and Yamaha make their own MPC the prices would fall down like trees. DJ Shadow's album would not be better it was made with a E6400. Actually, I think it would be worse. Limitation breeds creativity.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Ross Mojo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 17-May-00

Just a couple of thoughts; IMHO the MPC series absolutely rock as a live midi tool, which no one seems to have mentioned.
And if you can't see the genius of its UI then, well, umm, I can't think of anything polite to say ;-)

Its not a computer replacement, its an instrument whose nuances one must get use to before you get the best stuff out of it.

My only complaint is the fact I can't wire in a realtime control knob for the filter. Que cera, cera.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: /\\/E/\/E
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 18-May-00

Well, it might be good for live stuff, but I'd never take mine out to do a live show.. It's far too valuable! Not that even do any live shows anyway, but if I did. Infact, I can't really think of a way that you could use it live. A couple of Alesis MMT8's would be better for live stuff, with the track muting.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Ross Mojo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 18-May-00

Sorry Chaps, forgot to mention I am an MPC2000XL user, so I've got 4x16 mute buttons. mmm.
And it seems like a fairly resilient beasty.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: steven .D
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Activity: Professional
Date: 18-May-00

But, can it go the distance with an EMU E6400 Ultra in the studio?

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: aaronpeacock
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 19-May-00

i just sold my "baby" (mpc2k) a few days ago, still coping with the loss. it is a great box for sequencing small grooves- drum or otherwise- the timing is tight- i preferred to sequence my Microwave 2XT with this as well- the USB midi interface I had didn't seem all that tight, especially on the microwave. the entire mpc line IS overpriced- Akai's arrogance and complacency increase with every user who acclaims the *one thing they did right* ten years ago when they started the mpc line. let's complain and bitch some so they introduce something new and improved- some of the same stupid limitations in both hardware and OS over all these years, and no significant drop in price...
I had some bad luck with the LCD screen a while back- but enough blagging- it's solid as a tank, fun to play with, and relatively portable compared to a desktop computer. As far as these other shits ripping each other to shreds on this thread, you are both right. face it:
the mpc is unique and non-duplicable.
it is also ten years old and overpriced.
it is fun, it is also a nuisance.
a bit like a dog in many ways...

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: r-tek
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-May-00

steven - we`ve already ran through all this, its NOT A SAMPLER, it wont do things the emu can and that aint the point.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Druma
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-May-00

just imagne if u could fit a great 64trk seq into your mouse. put a nice lcd, controle fader, pads to jam on and do mutes & seq's triggers!, dedicated function keys, disk drive, scsi, expandable outs for the built in sampler of corse ;) and the os would have recycle & file managing included and the sampler would sound tight & crispy, and on top of that: !perfect! timing., ..hmmm the mouse would b way bigger (size of a uhh.. mpc.. prehaps ;oP.. but man what a sweet portable package it would b,. huh.,... u wouldn't even need the pc anymore..!!

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Ralf
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 04-Jun-00

Hey friends,

don´t make the mistake and buy it now, ´cause the new 2000 is much better and makes no probs (e.g. Display who costs to repair arround 400 $)
Sounds totally the same like the 2000.

(and no effects too!)

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: gary
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 06-Jul-00

About dj shadow and just the mpc 60, that's true but he also used an adat to overdub to.
i.e he started by building loops, sending it too the adat and then resampling that back into the mpc, over and over again till he had 7 tracks of sound (last track was Midi time code )
that's it.
He's got a mpc3000 now btw.
I want a mpc cos i sick of my computer, protools etc etc setup. overkill, i don't actually make any music anymore.
i just program it :(

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: cornelius wells
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Activity: Professional
Date: 04-Oct-00

The MPC is the god of all samplers, Ive heard rock songs as well as hip-hop & R&B produced with an MPC and a stereo system only.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Hank D
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Activity: Professional
Date: 09-Oct-00

i think the 2000Xl is best not this overpriced machine.I've used both and found the 2000XL to be better.As for GOD of all sampler it's not even a sampler it's a midi production center w/DRUM sampler get it got it good.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: sound boy
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 12-Oct-00

it's quite a trip reading everyones deeply introspective takes on such a fine piece of equipment. yeah..yeah.. bad filters,bad memory(?)(i like it fine! upgrade memory board is expensive but well worth it!)who said what about it not communicating well w/ computers? umm..i can tell your really the hands on type. i got mine quite a while ago & i still think it's the bomb. i could go on forever. it's like my decks,.. excessive-yes,..worth it,.. hell yes! does it do what YOU want it to? maybe not,.. but mine hooked up to cubase is just drum surgery perfection. filters are for OUTBOARD kid.. get some knobs to fiddle.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: r-tek
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 12-Oct-00

I suggest you read carefully what I said, "kid". If your idea of communicating well with a computer is monotimbrality and no scsi dump capabilities, then I dont blame you for thinking this works so well with a computer. Read what I said, read what I said, read what I said. I think I`m trying to tell you something there. Read what I said. Did I mention you should read what I said? Ah, I did, yes. Read it.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: speed
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Activity: Professional
Date: 08-Nov-00

I use the mpc to get a loop going drop it in digital performer and then fine tune .the mpc cost a bit,but its tight for beats and fast to work with .I guess what I'm tryin say is I just like to do music. some days I use the mpc some days I use my mac as long as you enjoy why you started producing tunes who cares if its fruty loops,live it up!

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: josef
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Date: 14-Nov-00

what diff b/w 2000 and 3000?

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: k-fuc
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 14-Nov-00

how can this unit benefit me to produce jungle, breaks etc...

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: arvmeister
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Jun-02

I don't this machine. But I do own a MPC60. And I believe they have the similarities enough for me to leave this comment!!
The MPC60 machine changed my life!

I'm not gonna rant on a long length about it like i've seen on the other forum for MPC3000.

I will say this however. I've used software sequencers since I knew how to operate a computer properly. That was 11 years ago. I'm now 23. I thought nothing would beat sequencing using Cubase. Iknew the program inside-out. It did everything I wanted, my music had a structure to it that I was pleased with.

My life changed when I could start affording hardware. I got a job and saved up to build a bedroom studio. I was listening to a lot of hip=hop and trip hop. My influences come from everywhere, but mainly old funk/jazz/soul music. What was so important about these pieces of music was so their 'groove' factor. I read about a lot of people using MPC's, like the Chemical Brothers, Rae and Christian, Aim, etc. I thought I would never need to get one.

The first piece of hardware I bought was the Akai S5000. And that made me realise that hardware sampling had an extra edge over when I was sampling using my soundcard. This thing was a custom-built sampling machine, not something that can be used for a hundred tasks, that have nothing to do with music.

After this amazement, the next piece of kit was the MPC60, going by my previous hardware result. And that was it. After using computer sequencing, and knowing it inside out. I decided to move well-away and use one machine to control all the instruments.

Now, my music is more full of life, it's amazingly goos, and has all the feeling that was captured in the old music I listen to 'SOUL'. The music sounds like it's actually being playaed rather than progrmmed. Any MPC is really tactile piece of equipment, which suits me fine, as I am a tacile person and like to play my parts. I would say that this machine is not for everyone. But unless you know what you want from your music, you will always think inside a box. I've realised that in all the years of using computer sequencing, that my music was lacking that something I couldn't work out.

All i'm trying to say is that you should write you feel comfortable with. If like using the equipment you've got, then, that's cool. I THOUGHT LIKE THAT FOR 11 YEARS. IMAGINE HOW MY MUSIC WOULD SOUND NOW IF I HAD BEEN USING THE MPC OVER CUBASE ALL THOSE YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!

Go with your soul when it comes to music, it's an art form that will only live for as long as it is good!!

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Daryl
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Dec-02

Many people from the industries and underground hip hop say the mpc3000 is better than the mpc2000xl. Why is the mpc3000 discontinued and do you know where can I purchase one.What is your opinion about both machines

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: omar
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Activity: Professional
Date: 25-Jan-03

hi ,any body knows how many volts whether d.c. or ac feeds the e foil(the backlight) from the power suppy inside the mpc3000 .I thought it was the coil so I opened it to find out it was a transformer with a resister and filters but the 5 v dc that feeds this circuit goes to feed 4.7 ohms resister (not sure because the codes burned) so any info will be helpful.where can I get the yellow block to buy for that circuit that feeds the backlight display and how many volts feeds the backlight display .that dam displaY DONT WORK

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: ron dodi
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Oct-03

Where can I find a replacement Data Wheel for my mpc2000xl?

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Filta
Email: No email added
Date: 06-Jan-04

Zigga is an asshole.
Also he is a regular asshole.
As a life show, ppl who actually able to do something, not "writing about"..

MPC 3000 made so many hits..!..
Don't U think idiot, that ppl who use MPC are stupid?!
This gear has a unique sound.
This gear has timing not many of them can be tight like MPC.

Zigga go fuck yourself very hard.
God, fucks like Zigga writing some bsh and kids spending there hard money for crap he writing about.

Can U fucking believe it?!

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: mpc3000le
Email: No email added
Activity: Professional
Date: 08-Aug-05

Operating system upgrade for the MPC3000.

Free as a floppy bootable version, paid when in ROM chips.


System 3.16 is a floppy disk bootable operating system upgrade created as a service to the MPC3000 / MPC3000LE user community.

This new upgrade contains all the features of previously released 3.11 (AKAI), 3.12 (ROGER LINN DESIGN), 3.14B (ECSA) and 3.14 (ESCA) operating system versions together with some improvements.


1: Corrected a bug known to exist since system 3.00 where function not implemented messages would be displayed when accessing certain menu options and soft keys.

The system no longer displays these error messages. Menu options and soft keys concerned now function in the correct manner.

2: Corrected a bug known to exist since system 3.00 where sound memory management would become extremely unstable when recording a sample over 327.6/163.8(STEREO/MONO) seconds in length.

The system can now reliably access 378.6/189.3(STEREO/MONO) seconds worth of sound memory when recording new samples.

3: Corrected a bug known to exist since system 3.00 where audio outputs would remain in an un-muted or active state when loading or saving sounds from and to disk.

The system audio outputs should now be a lot quieter when loading or saving sounds from and to disk.

4: Corrected a bug introduced in system 3.12 where incorrect error messages would be displayed when attempting to load the maximum number of SND files into memory via a PGM.

The system now correctly reports that there are too many sounds in memory rather than incorrectly stating that sequencer memory is running low.

5: Corrected a rare bug known to exist since system 3.00 where certain types of SCSI devices would fall into a disconnected or sleep state after being low level formatted.

Disk partitioning routines at this point could not wake or re-activate the connected SCSI device. The system would then crash displaying a non recoverable fatal error.

The system now incorporates additional SCSI device re-initialization and wake up routines for each stage of disk formatting. This ensures that badly behaving SCSI devices remain accessible where possible during all stages of disk formatting.

1: Program load screen now features the function to clear entire sound allocation memory before loading new PGM, SND or SET files.

2: Disk format screen now features a FAST and SLOW format function.

Visit http://www.mpc3000.com/updated_os.htm for more info and to contact the developer if you wish to purchase the upgrade in ROM chips.

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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: Dubl-A
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 24-Jul-06

hey,..does anyone know if there is a backlight difference between the mpc3000 and the mpc3000le. i have the cream colored mpc3000 and my backlight is a little dim and indiglo/aqua colored. i saw a used mpc3000le in a store and the backlight was a bighter royal blue color..is that acurate becuase i think its time for a new backlight and i woudl love for it to be brighter and blue-er somewhat liek the display on the roland vp9000...any info?


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Product:  Akai - MPC3000
Name: John
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 07-Sep-12

on the tin. As with all Akai drum pads, including MPC pads, you have to hit them rneaosably hard to get full velocity (midi value of 127); however, this can be easily fixed by opening it up and sticking something to the underside of the pads. There are companies that provide corks circles and other things (mpcstuff.com) but I just improvised with some thin plastic circles. With this said most people don't mind having to whack them a bit and get on just fine without a fix. There is also a button to bypass touch sensitivity and set all pads to full velocity. Anyway, the pads feel fantastic and it works great. I'd read reviews about loads of nanopads breaking and there are loads of good reviews about this one. It's well built and feels sturdy. Pads are the same used on the MPCs so if you can't afford one of those (thousand quid) you can close your eyes and predend that your have one. I use it with logic and ableton.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsa0Was this review helpful to you?a0 | a0

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