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Akai ASQ10


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Akai ASQ10

Category:  Products / studio equipment / hardware sequencer

Added: 22-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: ??

Akai ASQ10

The ASQ10 MIDI Sequencer is designed to be a "musician friendly" sequencer that helps you make your music. It has advanced sequencing and editing capabilities that are unmatched by any other hardware or software sequencer~-99 sequences, 99 tracks, 60,000 note capacity, built-in disk drive, and enormously powerful step recording and editing features that allow intricate editing of MIDI events such as pitch, duration, velocity, modulation, program change, etc.

The ASQ10 has more than impressive specs. It also has a large, powerful LCD display (8 lines x 40 characters) that allows you to quickly visualize sequence data and offers on-line help in plain, clear English. Sequence locations are displayed in both bar, beat, and clock numbers as well as SMPTE numbers. The operation of the ASQ10 is both intuitive and interactive. Most common operations can be performed with a minimum number of button presses. With all its incredible power, the ASQ10 is also fast and easy to understand so you can start recording and editing immediately.

The ASQ10 will record any real time performance from a MIDI instrument into one of the 99 tracks on any of the 99 sequences using the RECORD (while erasing) or the OVERDUB mode. A three point auto location feature allows you to swiftly locate any of Three points within a sequence to perform instantaneous punch-ins and overdubs. An auto punch-in and punch-out feature leaves your hands free so you can concentrate on playing. By building up tracks and sequences in this manner and driving MIDI sound modules, the ASQ10 becomes a powerful creative recording tool.

Entire compositions and orchestrations can be performed entirely within the digital realm. Once your performances are recorded, they can be digitally edited and manipulated with precise detail. You can copy, merge, insert, delete, perform time signature and tempo changes, add timing correction (with the original note duration retained), edit individual MIDI events, and much more.

You can also program an entire performance using the ASQ10's fast step recording capability. The ASQ10 has two MIDI inputs that let you simultaneously receive MIDI data from two different sources. In addition, there are 4 independent MIDI outputs to minimize any MIDI delay and to give you the most precise possible performance. To assure precise sync capability, there are 7 different sync modes including SMPTE, MIDI Time Code, MIDI clock with Song Position Pointer, and sync to 1/4 note clicks giving the ASQ10 unprecedented flexibility to lock in sync with just about any device.

Syncing the ASQ10 to a multitrack greatly expands the already vast possibilities of this advanced MIDI sequencer.

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User Comments

Product:  Akai - ASQ10
Name: skul
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-May-99

this is a great little sequencer. very easy to use and get making tracks quickly. the seq engine is the same as the MPC60. however, it's only 16 MIDI channels (kind of a confusing point) which you can split over the 4 MIDI outs.

i have one i'm not using right now that i might be willing to part with for the right offer...

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Product:  Akai - ASQ10
Name: Bort
Email: No email added
Activity: Professional
Date: 07-Jan-04

This is the DEFINITIVE sequencer. VERY easy to use, VERY accurate, and syncs with just about anything (even video gear). Do a quick google for this unit. It is yet another legendary Rodger Linn unit that is STILL supported (almost 2 decades) with upgrades! These are built like a TANK (all metal body).

If you are a MUSCIAN, and not a programmer, then this is the sequencer for you.


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Product:  Akai - ASQ10
Name: ASQ-10 Person
Email: No email added
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 21-Sep-05

Hello People.

I am trying to find a manual for an AKAI ASQ-10 sequencer.

Does anyone know where I can find one?

Thanks in advance.

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Product:  Akai - ASQ10
Name: will
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 01-Jul-06

does anyone know where i can get one of these asq10's
i'm based in london
how much do they go for these days

thanks will

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Product:  Akai - ASQ10
Name: Musoguy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 06-Dec-11

The ASQ10 is without a doubt the best dedicated midi sequencer ever made. Its not just becasue is a Roger Linn Akai partnership although thats got a lot to do with it. Its really about its excellent internal clock. In a nutshell this thing knows how to keep time.

However, if anyone goes out to buy one be wary of peoples descriptions becasue you may find all the person has done before selling it is to switch it on and thats all. Its not that they are made bad, far from it as they are built like a tank. But those buttons (ie the contacts) even if the machine hasnt been used in years will go. That's basically what happened to the one I purchased. good chance the backlight has gone as well. It can still be used but you really need to get the backlight working. They foil used can be picked up for £20-25. YOU DONT need the entire display replaced. Only the foil.

Expect to pay anywhere from 200-500 depending on condition. I know of someone who paid £100 for one recently but thats an exception, not the rule. If you can get one for that its a total bargain, I would have no problems paying 500 for one that had everything working and didnt need me to spend 150-200 on getting it fixed up. Pay 200 for one if its in average/poor condition, no manual, box etc. Its a bit sad I know, but if you do get one with the original box and manual it does actually increase the value a little. For a collector probably more than a little.

It will sync to anything, even an audio signal (very good for your DAW) as you can bypass DAWs sloppy midi clocks.

Really worth getting if you want to get away from sequencing on the DAW. The feel of the sequencer is brilliant, even on just 1/16 straight quantise. Add the swing and you definitely have that MPC style magic. Use it with midi gear that has fast midi response (all akai samplers are good for this) and the thing can seriously groove. Very organic to work with, you feel like your actually making music. IMO, I think the thing looks wonderful. Very very 80's style, but also it wouldnt have looked out of place in the film Barbarella. One totally greta feature for a hardware sequencer is the roll button and the erase button. Its really amazing how fluid it is to use these buttons on a midi sequencer. Using the fill button on synths triggering sixteens with some swing can be very interesting and producer really musical results.

If you buy one and end up selling it you will make your money back.
These sequencers I believe will become a must have collectors items within five years. Their getting very rare, especially good condition ones.

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