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Category:  Products / music software / daw software

Added: 29-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: From 80 squids to 300 ish  |   S/H price: Not listed


This review applies to all the versions, with the exceptions :
  • Cakewalk Pro & Home Studio have only 4 audio tracks, but all the same facilities as Pro Audio
  • Song Station has no Notation facilities (notation is probably irrelevent to our needs anyway), & only 2 audio tracks with no eq facilities
  • Cakewalk Pro Audio supports external units like Pro-Tools as well as soundcards
Cakewalk Pro Audio is a strange beast, and has been around for along time in different versions. The main thing, is that Twelve Tone Software, who make it started out writing only for the PC, unlike some the others who port their programmes over from Atari or Mac versions. In a way, Cakewalk is a bit more efficient because of this, and when it comes to PC soundcards is far better equipt than say Cubase's GM/XG/GS editor which is crap !!

There's a wierd thing with some versions of Cakewalk Pro Audio, that is when you set up a midi loop, (with no audio), so the sequencer plays say bar 1 to bar 5, around an around, there's sometimes a glitch as it goes back to bar 1....!
The distributers when asked just said "No it doesn't do that".....end of story, however in the help section, it actually mentions it may do this, but doesn't tell you how to stop it !!!.......The other weird thing is that it doesn't always do it !!
Having said that; Version 5 doesn't have this problem, and generally feels and looks more solid, so I'd recommend that version or above.

Cakewalks strong points are :

  1. Price.....Especially the Pro version with 4 audio tracks (which is plenty) You can pay for an upgrade in the future to Pro Audio
  2. Unlimited audio tracks with Pro Audio, so if you like the programme and you've only got a lo-power PC, you can upgrade as higher end PC's plummet in price and get more tracks.
  3. The best setup for GM/XG/GS editing and protocol.
  4. A 256 track mixer page to adjust (and record if you like), a volume fader as well as two aux pots that can be assigned to any controller number such as pan or filter. The mixer page also allows you to do snapshot record.
  5. A disk management utility, that seperates all unassigned audio at the end of a session, and allows you to audition these parts and then have the choice to discard them. This keeps your H/D free from unwanted audio bitz.

  6. Superb controller section where you can choose a controller, and draw in your controller movements with a pencil (brilliant).
  7. A software written only for the PC.
  8. A good audio section, very easy to work with and edit.
  9. Levels of undo. You got to see this !!.....It's rediculous how far you can go back to change things, even in the audio department, you can change an edit you did, 10 or 20 edits back !!

It's crap points are really only a few :
  1. When you work on a drum pattern, you can't view the volumes for each individual drum like you can in Cubase. to do this with Cakewalk, you put a different drum sound on seperate tracks, then while in the edit window flip between tracks with a button. In practice, this works just as well, but it takes a fraction longer, and you can't see the notes relative to other notes visually which is a pain.
  2. Generally, with patterns of many small notes, like in a 16th or 32th synth pattern, it's a pain trying to shif the notes around, especially by small amounts. Cubase is better for this.

Well there you have it.......The ideal option would be to have Cakewalk Pro, or Pro Audio for it's audio and other facilities, and Cubase for the Drum Editor, and ease of editing clusters of small notes.
Having said that, if I had to choose between Cakewalk Pro Audio, Logic and Cubase , it would be Logic or Cakewalk every time. If your budget is tight, start with the Pro or Home Studio version, which will give you 4 audio tracks, and all the audio editing & eq facilities, then upgrade if you need to, to Pro Audio.

4 audio tracks however, should be fine for most dance music needs. With 4 mono, 2 stereo, you can use the audio facility to edit CD or tape compilations, including facilities like X fading tracks, etc.

Obviously we are now (April '99), at Cakewalk Version 8.... I'll be adding a review soon....

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User Comments

Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: DrCoOL
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Best Sequencer ever seen :) doh!!

I got the 6.0 hack v/ of cakewalk

fully functionnal and DUDE!!! there's

no other good sequencer like this 1

If ever u c the full 8.0 or 8.1 around

plz E-Mail me the url .... laterzzz...

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


There will be an upgrade to this Cakewalk page soon, to cover the new Version 6 facilities

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: avene
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Must say, I had a demo of this program for a while. I tried

to use it, but it just seemed too awkward for my liking. As far as

I'm concerned Logic is the best. Cakewalk reminds me too much

of one those cheap sequencers they bundle with soundcards. Sorry.

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Richard Forest
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I think I need more explanation of how to master this

acclaimed program than is available in the user's guide.

Why am I not "getting" the funcation of the extract tim-

ing. Do I then paste this extracted clip onto a midi

clip? How closely related do the two clips have to be?

How is it created??

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: william
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Thx for the review. I am taking a class in digital

audion editing at San Francisco State Multimedia

College and they are all on Mac only. They have no

info on the PC side and many of the students are

windows based. -Wm

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Steve Hubbard
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I'm using CW Pro Audio 6.0 and trying to use soundfonts with

it. Can someone please e-mail me some help A.S.A.P.

Thanks in advance!!!


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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Robert Meade-Hill
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Cakewalk Pro Audio 6 is a great product to work with but I feel that more time is needed between upgrades, for users and creators to understand and get used to this complex piece of software. I also hope that all upgrades are backward compatable, unlike Cubase VST 3.5 which now only runs comfortably on a P166. If this should happen I will be very disappointed and will take my custom elswhere because I like many other users can't and won't be upgrading my harware to match current changes.

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Seth
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I would like to know where to download a demo of CW

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: alshen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I've updgraded from CWHS 5.0 to CWP 6.0 and I'm happy to say the upgrade was worth it. I don't do much with the HD recording, but the MIDI is rock-solid in my mind. My beef about Cakewalk is that they seem to be upgrading their products too quickly (Cakewalk 7.0 is out the door in early Summer!) The tech support at Cakewalk is excellent and there are several active newsgroups that support the products (search on "cakewalk" with your newsreader). If you want demos, you can get them here:


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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Patrick Wright
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

we are going to use it to record voiceswith our midi songs, we dont have enought money to buy a 8 track recorder

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Yak
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Yak
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: zaid
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

can some one hook me up with the user guide that comes with cakewalk pro audio 6....or tell me where to get it from.....cant get it from cake walk coz i aint registered.

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Idar Andersen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I think that Pro Audio works good, although it is a bit difficult to learn everything in the program. But it is perhaps the best sequencer ever made. It would be nice with a good score editer in Pro Audio.

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: dDANIS
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I love music!

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Lee Hyun Jin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: wayne collis
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I'm a complete novice at using cakewalk pro audio 6.

however so far I have managed to write a few things and edit a load of songs off the net, which I use for back-up tracks in a Duo that I'm in.

I have a soundblaster awe64gold.

my question is how do I get different Drum kits? It seems I only have one basic kit, is this correct?

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: David Davis (Double-D)
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Apr-99

I've been using Cakewalk for the past three years, currently on version-8.04. I agree with Idar, it's a bit difficult to learn how to use all the features but otherwise I like it.

I thought I would respond to Richard's question
on the 'extract timing feature', the most critical thing is to get the settings correct. In version 8, there are 3 settings like detection level, minimum length, find a steady rythm. Lower the detection level to find more beats. Click on audition. Look at the wave file you selected, it will draw an X on every place it finds a beat. Keep adjusting the settings till it looks right. Click OK. The beats will be placed on the clipboard, select a new track and do a paste.
This feature does work, it's just hard to get the settings to match the music you want to extract the beat from.

Hope this helps.

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Kenny Sabarese
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 16-Apr-99

cakewalk is the original most ppl have not seen the versions for DOS with the orange screen haha cakewalk is a sequencer with dig audio so don;t expect a digial audio workstation but the fx are pretty good built in and well it always works for me i can;t complain i was raised on cakewalk so that is what i use CYA

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 22-Apr-99


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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Clemens
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 06-May-99

Hi Kilo...

oh god, the Cakewalk version you describe or your picture of Cakewalk screenshot is so old....

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Luke Chable
Email: Email supplied but hidden
ummm.. why?
Activity: Professional
Date: 21-May-99

I use cakewalk and i have overcome
the glitch in loop problem..
want to know how?

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Kyle Priess
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 24-May-99

Hi, i was wondering if someone could help me with a problem im having...using cakewalk pro audio 5.0 i can only get 1 audio channel, when 2 audio channels are mixed the both distort and sound absolutely terrible

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: --==MuhA==--
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 29-Jun-99

Well.. I just moved from my old all hardware setup, and am trying to do my sequencing with cakewalk... and I can't find an INS file for my Juno-106 for the life of me. Anyone have any clue how I should set it up... As for features.. cakewalk rocks!! Blows my sequencer outta the water!

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Red Rexx
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 06-Sep-99

Here's something that I discovered as a software engineer who writes drivers for MIDI and audio devices:

Cakewalk, having been around the PC platform since DOS, is about 100 times more polished in the way it interacts with drivers than anything else out there. The probability that it will work nicely with your MIDI or audio device is way better than with Cubase or anything else.

In fact, it's lousy to use for testing a new driver because the program "knows" everything stupid thing that Windows drivers tend to do wrong, and avoids them.

So, if it has the features you need, it's definitely the one to get.

PS: Cubase doesn't even use something called "thunking" for its clock which is absolutely needed to correct timing under Windows.

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: Adam Kaye
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 07-Sep-99

Cakewalk is an excellent piece of software. I own Cubase audio lite and Cakewalk pro audio 7 and use the Cakewalk more as I find it is a friendlier environment to work with and as I only use basic sound equipment, it is fully compatible and I can produce some wicked stuff with little expertise.

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Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: droid
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 26-Sep-99

got acopy of pro audio7 this year, until
then i was exclusively using logic platinum, and found the ease of use to be
exceptionaly versatile, now i save as midi file and swap back between both.they both have useful functions
great if they could be almalgmated.
oh yeah what a difference in price
logic and cubase are rich leeches compared to cakewalk which offers free ftp. and cal. files which greatly increase the versatility of this much
overlooked pro,audio midi sync is bombproof and all the stuff about the unreliability of midi just aint there.
by the way i produce electro,dance,exp.
pro7 is cooool

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Last added comment

Product:  Cakewalk - CAKEWALK PRO AUDIO
Name: droid
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 26-Sep-99

got acopy of pro audio7 this year, until
then i was exclusively using logic platinum, and found the ease of use to be
exceptionaly versatile, now i save as midi file and swap back between both.they both have useful functions
great if they could be almalgmated.
oh yeah what a difference in price
logic and cubase are rich leeches compared to cakewalk which offers free ftp. and cal. files which greatly increase the versatility of this much
overlooked pro,audio midi sync is bombproof and all the stuff about the unreliability of midi just aint there.
by the way i produce electro,dance,exp.
pro7 is cooool

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