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Category:  Products / music software / daw software

Added: 04-Jan-99  |  Author: admin

New price: £: 399 .... SAW V6: £ 299...  |   S/H price: For U.S prices, see the IQS website


SAW Plus can be described in a few short words: It's a dream!... If you're doing audio only hard multitrack, such as remixing, CD compilation, or puttin' a track together from scratch usin' sample loops and vocals etc, it's sheer heaven to use. Unfortunately, very few dealers sell this programme, so it may have escaped your attention....But this programme is the dogs nuts !!!

SAW V6 has all the same great facilities, but with only 4 mono or stereo tracks. If you want the power, but don't need so many tracks, this 4 track version is a great bargain... If you do need more than 4 stereo/8 mono tracks with non-destructive H/D for dance music... You're doin somethin wrong.

Not only does SAW Plus function quickly, easily and intuitively, It also happens to look superb as well... To give you an idea as to how well this thing is programmed.... we're talking a 16 stereo or mono track programme, with realtime multi-fx on all tracks.... Yet it comes in at just 700K !.. Thankyou Mr Bob Lentini... (we're not worthy etc!)

The various windows available, can be arranged in any combination and position on the screen, and then saved in up to 12 locations on the F keys. This allows you to go from say a multitrack view, to a close-up edit window, or to view a directory of regions you have created, at the touch of a button.....WICKED !!


SAW Plus, has 16 multi-track tracks... As in the picture above, except there are 16 of them.... any of which can contain/ record, mono or stereo files. You can record in either the multitrack view window, or the soundfile view window, after which editing is simplicity itself, with a resolution of up to a 50.000th of a second.
Raw soundfiles are recorded, and then regions, (areas) of those files are selected and given names to become regions, so all the editing is non destructive. Regions are then assigned to positions on the tracks, with full drag n drop n copy ability. Regions can also be edited on the multi tracks themselves, relative to each other, and every one of the 16 tracks has a record button, so you can use it just like a multitrack tape. Just record a track of backin for example, go to start, put the next track into record, and do it.......when you stop, there is the audio, on the track in perfect sync ready to play back.....
Didn't like the take ?....No need to rename a new file, and all that bollox, simply hit the Retake Button, and record again from the original start position !!


SAW Plus V2.4 and above, can sync to mtc, so you can sync it to Cubase or whatever and it also sends mtc, (and reads and writes smpte, with the mqx32m card). SAW will not however record as a slave, so if you want full midi and SAW for the audio running simultaneously WITH the abilty to record while they are sync'd, you have to get a mqx32m card. SAW then becomes the master as it outputs smpte code, and you can record into it as the sequencer with the midi data playing, chases it around.
If you don't want to buy the mqx32m, there is another way round it.......You can just record your midi backing onto a SAW stereo track, then use that to monitor as you get down your vocals whatever. Once you have all your audio recording done, sync up SAW to the sequencer via MTC and mix the whole thing.


The multitrack window lays the tracks across the screen horizontaly, descending from 1 to 16.......At the end of those are a further 4 sub groups which assign to up to 4 soundcards.... Givin you the potential with ordinary cards to get up to 8 outs, if you utilise the pan controls.

All these tracks each have:

  • A record button
  • Fader & pan (realtime)

  • Solo & mute button
  • FX insert point (realtime FX)

Tracks can also be dragged into any order, and each track can have a choice of several FX in any combination. These include :

  • Comp/limiter/gate
  • Stereo delay
  • Reverse audio
  • Paragraphic eq
  • Vari pitch/speed (this is not timestretch)
  • Center channel eliminator
  • Reverse phase

All FX are in real time !!!, and when set to your satisfaction, or when the processor runs out of steam (tryin to process multiple audio tracks as well as fader and FX data), you can mix down to build new audio WAV files that contain all the FX.....AND any relative fader or pan moves.....You can mix down all or parts of any combinations of track regions, and this still leaves your original audio untouched!


Incidently... when the processor does run out of steam, it's a snip to go to the AUDIO BUFFERS window... With a simple mouse click you can increase the buffers... this tells SAW+ to grab more audio chunks prior to playback... so that more of the data is delivered in anticipation of the demand... In practice, this makes for a delay, from hitting play, to audio start... This helps the PC play the required audio, (plus any processing of FX/EQ in real time), if you have not yet made an edit descision about mixing the realtime processed tracks to a permenant processed soundfile.

In a working situation, one usually plays short burst segments of the song during editing... If the PC is getting overworked, the tracks will play for a while before the "PC NOT FAST ENOUGH" flag appears... So in practice, you can edit with the buffers at LOW giving instant start for editing... and then increase the buffers to hear the full piece played back over the series of edits.

SAW Plus also does auto fades in/out, auto crossfade between tracks, (where you can specify the X-fade time/area and also the "0" gravity point... (That is, the point where the two tracks will be the same volume as they X-fade), as well as a heap of other stuff.


All your songs are stored as EDL's... or Edit List Files... AND GUESS WHAT?... SAW+ also will archive your songs in real time to a standard audio DAT machine... either via the analog audio outs of the soundcard, or preferably with S/PDIF transfer from something like the DAL Digital Only Card D/


There is also now available some extra FX Plug-in programmes to enhance SAW+.... "Reverberator" - A reverb processor... A Software Meter Bridge... and a Video Window programme, to allow you to compose to realtime video playback ... There is also a Spatial Placement programme, called "Convolver", which gives different 3D FX, and a "Tube Warmer", to get a Valve Sound FX.

I have Downloaded & tried the "Reverberator" Plug-in, cos really, adding reverb to tracks is the most required thing with a Hard-disk programme without seperate outputs... IT IS GREAT!.... The demo allows you to edit all the presets, and record/mixdown these reverbs & even save the edit list file & .WAV reverbs... The only thing you can't do, is save your reverb edits to the reverb presets list.
So imagine it's like having a hardware rack-mount reverb unit, that you can use to mix a track, but when you switch off, you loose your custom edit......AWESOME.

Some other manufacturers should take a leaf from IQS's book... Especially Steinberg...I downloaded a demo of Wavelab recently, and it didn't even allow you to process a file with the FX,... never mind save it!....So Steinberg have handed out a demo programme that doesn't let you demo anything!... (Tight or what?!).... IQS's aproach lets you really appraise the product, and after using the thing, you will be bound to start reaching for the old cash, as you imagine building loads of wicked reverb fx...and believe me, this thing is the bollox!... Every possible parameter is adjustable, and it even includes comb filters, shelving filters etc etc.... I can safely say, it sounds easily as good as a Lexicon ALEX...If not better!

Anyhow, there's a seperate short review in the sware section.

Well... really I could go on about it all day... It's such a superb program. My number one choice for dedicated H/D audio only program.... NO COMPETITION !... The programme is ROCK SOLID....and never ever screws up, and it looks so good as well, and now there's a 32 bit version which gives more tracks per processor rate, 1/4 dB Fader resolution, and faster general operation, and believe me this thing processes fast as a 16 bit programme !!

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Philippe Meiresonne
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Jocke B
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I like the program and i have been workin on it about 1 week, my frend Per Persson in Sweden Malmö have the

program, and i like it. But i am only simple a DJ, so i would like to talk to sam guy ho can programed a total

DJ-program in saw-coporation, they have al redey al the stuff, tips and comunication files to do this program

compleet. Pleas contact me so we can talk more about this thing. A DJ from Sweden Jocke.B

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Celestino Shinn
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I'm a part-time "House Music DJ and am looking to do some recording and editing on my PC. I really don't have any PC recording experience except for the dabbling I've done with Samplitude 4 and Cakewalk Pro. They are demo versions so I get an idea of what they can do, but I am limited. If you have any advice for me, I truly appreciate it.


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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Alex
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


Music rulez !:)

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Yevgen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


Proga-the best of multimedia

Good Luck!

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Si algun dia pudiera tenerlo pero no pudo porque soy un joven de escazos recursos economicos pero en verdad es el mejor de todos los editores de audio que he visto.

sinseramente martin./

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Rhett
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I think its an awesome prog, but i'm having a problem. I have an awe64 card and whenever i play more than one track at the same time the sound breaks up and snaps and pops. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

yup..... turn down the individual tracks... you're overloading the outputs

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


There will be an upgrade to this Cakewalk page soon, to cover the new Version 6 facilities

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Alex
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


Music rulez !:)

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


There will be an upgrade to this Cakewalk page soon, to cover the new Version 6 facilities

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Philippe Meiresonne
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Celestino Shinn
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I'm a part-time "House Music DJ and am looking to do some recording and editing on my PC. I really don't have any PC recording experience except for the dabbling I've done with Samplitude 4 and Cakewalk Pro. They are demo versions so I get an idea of what they can do, but I am limited. If you have any advice for me, I truly appreciate it.


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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Yevgen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


Proga-the best of multimedia

Good Luck!

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Si algun dia pudiera tenerlo pero no pudo porque soy un joven de escazos recursos economicos pero en verdad es el mejor de todos los editores de audio que he visto.

sinseramente martin./

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Rhett
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I think its an awesome prog, but i'm having a problem. I have an awe64 card and whenever i play more than one track at the same time the sound breaks up and snaps and pops. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

yup..... turn down the individual tracks... you're overloading the outputs

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: timmy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

nope, it ain't the buffers that screwing up dual

record playback...its the soundcard! awe64

and sawplus dont work together. so you can either get

a new editor, or a new soundcard...i went with a new

soundcard for $150...but hey better quality, and it

doesn't screw up on me....as for why it screws up, i

dont know, it has something to do with awe64 playback

in 8 bit sound, and saw thinking its 16 bit..why it does

this i dont know

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Dj S.A.D.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

no comments !!!

its the best :)

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Steve
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have a demo of SawPlus. I like it, with one problem however that I cant seem to find the answer to. If I record a second track, while playing back track 1, track two truns out as a mix of track 1 and my new track. ? I wish to have each track independent of the other, not a mix each time I record. Is SawPlus able to keep the tracks completely separate, or is this the only way it will record?

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Tom Askey
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Been using Saw Classic for over two years and absolutly love it. Always find new things it can do that make editing and mixing a piece of cake. Would like to try Cool Edit Pro. Anyone know where to download a demo? What's the name of the company that makes it?

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Jocke B
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I like the program and i have been workin on it about 1 week, my frend Per Persson in Sweden Malmö have the

program, and i like it. But i am only simple a DJ, so i would like to talk to sam guy ho can programed a total

DJ-program in saw-coporation, they have al redey al the stuff, tips and comunication files to do this program

compleet. Pleas contact me so we can talk more about this thing. A DJ from Sweden Jocke.B

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 22-Apr-99

what ?... wrong page... sorry

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Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Markus
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 01-Nov-99

Can someone please mail me the demo-version of reverberator for the 16-bit SAWPlus, if there ever was such a thing? The whole 16-bit family seems to be discontinued at IQS.

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Last added comment

Product:  IQS - SAWPLUS
Name: Neil Chambers
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 11-Feb-00

In what way does this app differ from Cool Edit Pro 1.2?



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