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Teletronix LA2A


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Teletronix LA2A

Category:  Products / fx & processors / compressor

Added: 01-Nov-02  |  Author: admin

New price: original discontinued - new version $3,495 List  |   S/H price: $3 grand + for an original

Teletronix LA2A

Just adding this baby for posterity - Originaly from Teletronix, they eventualy were bought by Universal Audio - The original was discontinued and now you can get a re-issue made by UA.

Here's the re-issue model from Universal Audio...

They also do a re-issue of the 1176 blackface etc

The original LA2A's go for about $3500 ish - the new ones are priced about the same.

It's a mono compressor (leveling amplifier) - Here' some snippets from the www about the original:

Amazing on vocals/bass/gtrs/overhead. Thick and gluey

Made first in Sunnyvale CA (not far from McDSP headquarters), this peak limiter has become one of the most sought after devices in music production. The LA2A, as well as other pure class A opto-compressors, are characterized by their soft knee and compression 'tail'. This gives the compression response more 'presence' in the mix as the amount of compression actually decreases when enough signal is driven into it to reach the 'tail'.

Mono valve optical compressor/limiter. Designed by Bill Putnam, it has a unique electro-optical attenuator system allowing instantaneous gain reduction with no increase in harmonic distortion, producing very natural compression characteristics. Stereo link. Minimum of knobs and fat, warm sound, the sort of unit that gave valves a good name; now reissued. Absolute all time classic design, much copied.

controls = gain, peak reduction


  • Performance freq resp: 0.1 db from 30 to 15,000 cps
  • noise: better than 70 db below +10 dbm output
  • gain reduction: Up to 40 dB distortion: Less than 0.5% THD (0.25% typical) at ±10 dBm
  • response: ±0,1 dB 30 cycles to 15 Kcycles
  • noise: 70 dB below +10 dBm output level
  • gain: 40 dB ± 1dB
  • output levelL: +10 dB nominal, + 16 dB maximum
  • input level: + 16 dB maximum
  • attack time: @ 10 microseconds
  • release time: 0.06 seconds for 50% release; 0.5 to 5 seconds for complete release
  • input imped: 50, 150, 250, 600 ohms
  • output imped: 50, 150, 250, 600 ohms

Well, who hasn't used one?... probably the most famous compressor ever made (apart from the 1176)

Check the links (right-column) there is a project page listed to build a clone version for all your diy buffs.

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