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Symetrix 501


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Symetrix 501

Category:  Products / fx & processors / compressor

Added: 20-Sep-01  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: £100-150 quid

Symetrix 501

The Symetrix 501 is a single channel compressor offering fixed or automated attack & release functions with a variable compression ratio. I use this all the time and love it!! - in auto-mode it is as smooth as a JoeMeek unit which is excellent for light compression such as on Vocals etc, but the manual overide get's great Compression fx for more extreme uses.

The unit is devided into two sections, the: 'RMS Compressor/Limiter' section on the left, and on the right there is the: 'Peak Limiter' and output section - in-between the two sections is a row of 4 buttons - In this row of 4 buttons, the far-left button switched in/out the Left-side 'Compressor Section'... the far-right button is the in/out switch for the Right-side 'Limiter Section'... so you can switch in/out either the comp' or the Limiter part. Having the added Limiter at the end of the chain is very useful especialy for digital recordings as it offers you the ability to keep dynamic control over the signal with the initial Compressor section, and the Limiter can be used to then fix the max signal level peak to keep a safe digital threshold and eliminate the chance of nasty digital distortion should your signal breach the 0db threshold on your recorder.

Refering again to the inner two buttons in the set of central 4 buttons seperating the Compressor & Limiter sections, these switch in the Stereo-Chain or Side-Chain for the unit - You can link two 501's with a rear socket connector and hence the Stereo-Chain button links two units. The sidechain is for ducking fx etc (see Compressor FX page in FX-RACK section of dancetech for more on this)

Finaly at the far-right of the unit is the compression LED ladder showing gain reduction.

On the Compressor Section - The first 4 controls left to right are: Threshold (-40 - +10dbm), Attack (12 - .25 db/mSec), Release (300 - 5 dBsec) & Ratio (1.4 - infinity).

In between the attack & release setting pots is a switch-in/out 'Automated Attack/Release button

On the Peak Limiter Pot Threshold,(-10 - +20 dbm), you get a green Threshold LED, next to the Limiter In/OUT switch, to visualy show if your limiter section is being called into operation when it's Threshold is breached....

On the final Gain output control, (-20db - +20db), there is also a Peak LED indicator for clipping.

It's a real simple but effective compressor, and a real bargain if you find one s/h in the free-ad's. I got mine for 100 quid!... and it is great... the 'auto' feature really works well, and if you use that on vocals etc for some light compression it works a treat and is really un-intrusive and invisible... BUT, cos you can switch it to manual you CAN use radical attack, ration & release settings for hard compression or pumping compression fx on drums or basses etc - all in all a great little compressor... get one if you see it!

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Product:  Symetrix - 501
Name: Alexi
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 23-Jan-09


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Product:  Symetrix - 501
Name: Wayne Allen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 28-Feb-18

I may have manuals available, just ask. Some knowledge of 70's Analogue gear.

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Product:  Symetrix - 501
Name: Len Jeffrey
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 04-May-18

Hi. I am working on a defective Symetrix 501 and I don't have the proper wiring diagram. I have the one showing a U2 which is a 21050A but the unit on my bench does not have that IC. Instead there is a 3046 IC which is not on the wiring diagrams that I do have. The gain reduction LEDS do not come on at all. Thank you for any help that you can give to me. Len.

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