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RBC Audio Voice Tweaker


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RBC Audio Voice Tweaker

Category:  Products / music software / software effects

Added: 17-Nov-00  |  Author: admin

New price: $59.00 !!  |   S/H price: Not listed

RBC Audio Voice Tweaker

This is an old Review I did in Oct' 99 so checkout the new version for upgrades...

Now I just found out about this s/w, and so this review is less full, but anyways, you can hunt out a copy of both and try them out to see... the main thing is to get this one noticed, cos it is less well-known... Also, it is SUBSTANTIALLY cheaper.... yet for doing the job, is absolutely perfect. I added it into my pc and opened up my 'pitch-correction test song with some out-of-tune vocal audio files... Voice-Tweaker is a great standard auto-pitch-correction s/w, but also has some great synthesis & midi features...

Voice-Tweaker has a much nicer interface than Auto-Tune imho, and setting the levels is nice as the mouse resolution is high so it is easier to select exact amounts on parameters... anyone who's used any plugins especially VST ones will know what I mean, how it is rediculously impossible to set a delay time of EXACTLY 314 MS cos the resolution when you move the mouse to adjust the number is way to low.... Well these controls are the first I've even seen with high-res like that... large movements ellicit small number increments... nice touch...

With Voice-Tweaker as with Antares 'Auto-Tune', you set the SCALE and KEY... Voice-Tweaker has a cool little keyboard which displays the notes in the selected scale !! - This is a great touch to try to find a corresponding scale for unusual or un-know scales... after all, do you know the notes in a Pythagorian scale?.. heh heh... anyways, to set it up you get GLIDE control to effect how fast the correction applies, setting this wide makes the correction fade slower to the new corrected note, & LIVELINESS controls how fast it reacts/sensitivity of the correction process... Again you get a nice Ladder indicator showing the proccess being applied....

Voice-Tweaker goes further adding in a fantastic TRANSPOSE section where you can retune the audio creating both a Pitch transpose, and a harmonic pitch Transpose.. the harmonic can be set to a 3rd, 7th or whatever above or below, to create harmony fx... It's not a full-blown harmoniser but some great effects can be had from turning high & low voices into their opposites to Star-wars like voice fx...

VOICE-TWEAKER also has MIDI input, to trigger either a Gate to create gated audio effects, or midi control pitch-bend & modulation.. the Midi section has also Attack & release adjusters for the Gate...

For vibrato effects, the Voice-Tweaker has an LFO section with selectable waves and rate.. Finally there is a control for 'Character' sweepable from 'Instrument' to 'Voice'.. To me it seemed to roll-off the top end a bit, but i was testing at low volume so this is a quick review addition as I say.....

All in all Voice-tweaker is an awesome s/w, and a great alternative to Auto-tune on a Poor-ass budget.,.. It really does the job of auto-correct and is a very useful addition to your plugin armoury as an effect too, - unless you've tried some gated audio fx you can't imagine the superb sort of pattern this can create for other music's like techno & trance... so it is a great all in one tool the Voice-Tweaker, cost effective with lots of creative sonic potential... try the demo !!

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Product:  RBC Audio - Voice Tweaker
Name: Boo-Bee
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 24-Apr-02

It's not that awesome... :(
Short said..... it sucks!

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Product:  RBC Audio - Voice Tweaker
Name: eu@eu.com
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 06-Nov-09


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