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Vesta-Kozo DG3


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Vesta-Kozo DG3

Category:  Products / fx & processors / audio gate

Added: 20-Sep-01  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: £80 - £150 s/h

Vesta-Kozo DG3

The 'Vesta Kozo' brand is now defunct - 'Vestax' is now the marketing brand-name for the company, and you'll know them mostly now from their DJ equipment - But back in the old days (creak groan), in the late 80's and early 90's they made a few rack fx, and this one, the DG3 'Dual Gate' was their stereo noise gate... and it is great!

I use this gate all the time for both standard gating and for trigger gating effects and it performs well across the board so look out for this baby in the s/h free-ad's cos it is a bargain gate.

The DG3 is configured as two dedicated mono gates with a switching i/o for setting them both to sync for stereo operation.

Each gate has Threshold (-48 - +4db), Attack (0.3 - 20ms), & Release (0.02 - 25 seconds) - Each gate section also has a large easy to get at In/Out switch with a red OFF indicator LED and an accompanying green Activity LED to show the gate opening and closing when in use labelled 'reduction'.

Further to this each gate has a TRIGGER switch, to switch in any added trigger input so that this controls the gate opening rather than the Threshold control setting.

Finally the power on/off is on the right and the stereo switch i/o section to link both sides for stereo operation is located on the far left of the unit.

The DG3 is 1u rack size and has a proper mains cable & mains fuse.

Round the back you get 1/4" connectors for the audio IN & OUT and for the Trigger IN's to feed the unit with your choosen Gate control signal. Interestingly there is also a pair of minijack 'GATE-OUT' socket's which will send out a gate trigger when the gate opens in normal use... so those could come in useful to gate other items such as a synth etc...

The DG3 looks quite cheezy in an 80's way, rather like say an old delay unit from Roland around the TR909 & JX3P era, with bright coloured Logo's and texts and large coloured switches etc.... but don't let it fool you that this unit is a toy cos it doesn't look all super-techno... this is a great noise gate for the electronic studio where things like key-input filtering etc isn't really required - So if you see one in the free-ad's DEFINATELY check it out... a classic.... very fast, Jap made, reliable, looks great & 'retro' as anything... a bargain gate!!...

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