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Mackie HR824


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Mackie HR824

Category:  Products / studio monitors / active studio monitors

Added: 21-Sep-01  |  Author: admin

New price: $1498 pair (rrp) - street cheaper  |   S/H price: ??...

Mackie HR824

Released or shipped around January 1998, the HR824 has been well received and are on the list of common purpose designed studio nearfeild speakers... never heard them, but they are supposed to be good.... they are 'Active' or powered monitors, and Mackie of course make much milage of their 'balanced' speakers... they are sposed to be good tho, but not cheap tho'...

Here's the spec's...

  • Low Frequency driver: 8.75" mineral filled, polypropylene cone
  • High Frequency Driver: 1" aluminum dome (damped edge amped metal alloy dome operates as a true piston to 22kHz)
  • Free Field Frequency Response: 39-22kHz +- 1.5dB
  • Maximum peak SPL per pair with music at top of console at 1 m: >121dB
  • Rated Power Output: 150w/woofer, 100w/tweeter
  • Electronic Limiter Section (Independent Low and High frequency limiting to prevent overload)
  • Acoustic Space Switch (Full space, 1/2 space, 1/4 space)
  • Electronic Crossover Type: Linkwitz-Riley 24dB/octave
  • Balanced female XLR and 1/4" input connectors

    So... the Mackie HR824 - They are supposed to be smooth and pretty flat acorss the sound with a tight bass, also they are supposed to be quite 'wide' in their feild for a decent stereo image.... whatever... they are a common make people buy... If you have them or used them please leave some comments...

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    Product:  Mackie - HR824
    Name: eric strickler
    Email: Email supplied but hidden
    Activity: Hobby-ist
    Date: 25-Sep-01

    I have had my mackies for about 1 year now and i have to say i have never in my life been so happy about anything i have bought! The second i pluged them in my mind was blown!!!!! Think of it this way when was the last time mackie let us down??? Top quality mixes demand top quality speakers and the hr824s are the ONE!!!!

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    Product:  Mackie - HR824
    Name: Brett
    Email: Email supplied but hidden
    Activity: Professional
    Date: 10-Oct-03

    The HR824 Monitors are amazing. I heard them next to other brands like Tannoy and Alesis and there really is no comparison. Don't buy them because other people like them buy them because you have heard the difference they make.

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    Product:  Mackie - HR824
    Name: Dingostema
    Email: No email added
    Activity: part-timer
    Date: 26-May-04

    My original budget was around £300 and I went to testdrive some Alesis MkII active's. I thought I better listen to a few others to compare and I did within the same price range. I saw the Mackies were set up already and asked to have a quick listen. WOW.

    The comparison was unbelievable (which is refelcted in the price of course). The detail and clarity is amazing, flat but still exciting. You dont need to crank em up to be able to hear whats going on either. You can really hear the sound of a live bass in em and not just some generic bass noise. I actually bought a pair second hand and was lucky getting a pair that were just over a year old for £650 and it has been the best investment in my meagre studio. Still getting used to them really but the future is bright!

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