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Casio VZ10M


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Casio VZ10M

Category:  Products / synthesisers / dco synthesisers

Added: 19-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: 150-200

Casio VZ10M

Massive great rack-unit....looks like a NASA rocket control panel, with great big blue screen..... powerful... cheap.... a synth with sounds if you get down and make them.... dunno much about these at all spc wise......max 16 note poly..., you can stack up to 8 oscillators for a voive and loose the polyphony to make fat sounds... not multi-timbrel... No apparently it is multitimbrel :)

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Product:  Casio - VZ10M
Name: ashley
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Mar-00

yes it is multi-timbral. works well at mid-freqencies, the lows are tight as this unit contains no samples. the top end will take your head off if provoked. all round casio magic. every home should have one. people always ask what sort of synth this is, it is casio's dx7 but more versatile. i know what all the bits do but i cant predict what they will do together which results in sonic madness

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Product:  Casio - VZ10M
Name: ashley
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 22-May-00

yes it is multi timbral. buy on of these for all your fm needs. 8 operator fm and you can set the algorythms (spellin!) from 8 osc in parallel to 8 modulating one after another, or pairs with ring modulation, etc etc. plenty of variety. multi-stage envelopes that you can edit via numbers or a graphical representation- cool. nice fast envelopes. basic lfos but if you havent got your sound sorted before you need an lfo start again. easy to layer up the voices for all sorts of movement. this unit has a very distintive sound, almost plastic in the very best sense of the word. it is obviously synthetic but not your average digital s+s disaster. no digital hash at the top end or quantising at the bottom end. an all round family fave. i love mine.

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Product:  Casio - VZ10M
Name: ashley
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 22-May-00

i do keep trying cos i laugh my head off everytime i find i use this more than use most of my other kit. just ask brian eno what he thinks of fm done right

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Product:  Casio - VZ10M
Name: nomad
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 10-Apr-01

VZ is a strange beast, offering FM modulation (like the yammys) and phase modulation (which is sort of like the CZs i suppose, but "different"). It sounds flatter than the TX81Z i think, and has double the polyphony, and is a heck of a lot easier to edit. I mean, actually enter values of course, it's not any more sensible than an FM synth, and just as hard to visualise a sound.

It doesn't get as much love as the yamaha ones, but I found it a little deeper and meaner than the yammys, not as bright as the TX81Z for sure.

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Product:  Casio - VZ10M
Name: Eddie Macarthur
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 26-Dec-01

i own a vz1, the keyboard version. it is multi-timbral (8 parts), with 8 "modules", the equivalent of 8 operators in fm. like the yamaha sy range, you can create your own algorithms and use different waveforms for the ipd (interactice phase distortion) synthesis.
all in all, a souped up dx7 soundalike but much more complex. looks very cool too!
if you like to make your own digital noises, then worth the effort.


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Product:  Casio - VZ10M
Name: Warren
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-Jan-02

Hey, I love these things! I bought two of them and together they are amazing... It is 16 voices, but the normal patches are up to 8 oscillators. However, it's a bit confusing since you can then stack up to FOUR of these 8 ocsillator patches into one giant 32 oscillator per key multi-patch... So you're down to 4 notes poly at this point, but they are REALLY deep and that's 128 oscillators with 4 keys! Crazy stuff can happen at this point! Predictability in the programming is hard... There are so many options... But, the sound is totally unique in my experience... It has almost a crystalline type of clarity to it... Some background hiss, but a de-esser eliminates that with ease. No onboard effects, but when you hear one through a good fx box it will blow you away. Great piece of gear if you can learn to use it... SoundDiver is a great help in programming once you figure out how to get the computer to talk to the machine... You have to set the module to receive or you're hosed completely... It powers up in a protected mode... All in all it is a real powerhouse machine that is very unknown... which translates to real cheap for what you get. It's the most complex synth Casio made in their pro phase... Totally unique. Definitely NOT analog...

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Product:  Casio - VZ10M
Name: mike
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Dec-07

im glad no one famous has claimed to use these.. because it keeps them cheap! if Prodigy used it, they would go for 3-4 X what they go for!

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