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Category:  Products / audio interfaces / soundcards (analog, adat, s/pdif)

Added: 04-Jan-99  |  Author: admin

New price: £ ??.... CHEAP !!  |   S/H price: Not listed


On the lower budget system, I have allocated using a standard Soundblaster 16 bit card for the audio. These cards will not be Full-Duplex, (simultaneous record & play), although you can download some Full Duplex drivers.....I don't know how well they work though. The sound quality will be OK though for getting the audio in and out of the system.

You will be able to play your midi data, and record vocals into the system. The limitation will be of course that you will not be able to monitor a main vocal as you record backing vocals for instance without adding fake-duplex drivers......

Well we have to start at the bottom, but the first cheap audio card I would recommend, the Turtle beach TBS 2000, only costs 125 quid. So it's not going to kill you to put one into the system at the earliest opportunity.... Not to say the Soundblaster in all it's various guises is crap.... it's not...... they are ok as a monitor source.....

If you start with the Standard Soundblaster, you will need some time anyway, to get to know the software etc. during which time you can get the money together for the upgrade if you need true Full duplex, or if the Soundblaster doesn't give you enuff quality........Works fine with most s/wares.... plenty of drivers available.... keep the drivers up to date, and it'll work fine.....just DONT install all the Creative .exe crap s/w that comes with it..... ONLY install the card as an add-new-hardware......just the drivers, and you cant go wrong really.....

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User Comments

Name: L. Zanre
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I am using a new Sound Blaster 32 which they claim supports full Duplex.

When I use it with Cubase I record the first track fine, then when I record

the second track while hearing back the first track still sounds great, but

when I play back the 2nd track it sounds like theres an electronic static

sound in the back ground of my recording..Anyone want to take a shot a this one ??

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Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99





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Name: Jim Carter
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I've had 2 Sound Blaster AWE 64 Gold sound cards. Both have the same problem.....the

volume level on audio CDs is about 20% of the level on .wav files. The audio level on

CD playback in the software is at maximum level. I've had several basic Sound Blaster

cards in the past and none exhibited this problem. A friend of mine also experiences the

same problem with exactly the same card. I have a new IBM clone, Intel 166 mhz MMX,

32 mb EDO RAM, 24 x CD ROM drive. I've plugged the sound card into different slots

on the motherboard....I've tried different cables connecting the CD drive to the sound

card....I've tried different sets on speakers....nothing makes a difference. I appreciate

your help.


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Name: kkold
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Soundblasters suck. I've got AWE32 & AWE64 and they bouth suck. They 're usable 4 games, not 4 music.

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Name: Mike Withers
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have a SB64 Gold and I am tring to get it to

work properly with NT4. Are there any drivers

available to do this for me or any tips to get the

damn thing to work??

I can get it to play only .wav files but not .midi

files. The only driver I have is the SB16 which

comes with NT4.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.


Mike Withers

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Name: John Gamlin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Drop the Soundblaster and replace it with the

Ensoniq Soundscape VIVO 90...it costs almost the same now!

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Name: Jeff Phillips
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have found that using the speaker jack instead of the line jack will give you less noise as long as you have the master volume down low. The AWE64 preamp is quieter, but it's drivers are worse than the 32's. What I really like about this card is the ability to upload .wav's into a user soundbank. Do any of the other cards do this?

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Name: Wendell Gilbert
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Actually, I don't have a problem with any certain soundblasters. I just have a question I need answered. Let me start at the beginning. My sound wasn't working at first, except for the sound of my modem when I dialed in. Then, I fixed that problem and had all of my sounds working for at least two weeks. Then one day I get on my computer and none of my sounds work. Not even the sound of my modem. When ever I try to play something it tells me that my sound card isn;t installed. What I am asking, is does anyone know why I am getting this response? An answer would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Name: Ned
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Kilo, I was wondering if you had the web location or e-mail address

to a reliable Creative site that deals with recent

driver upgrades. I have a Awe64Gold and the only driver I have found for it

is in the Creative Zone drivers page which isn't even a 64gold purpose driver. It wasn't recognised

by my sound card when I installed it so any help would be greatly appreciated. The main reason

for the need I have for a new driver is a problem that I have found several others having as well

with this card causing audio hangs in cakewalk at random times during recording. One minute its recording and playing back fine,

the next you press play, there is a slight delay in the wave HD access time (half a second) and the progress bar

just moves along silently. All other windows apps have no sound and it hangs up on the Windows shutdown screen upon restarting, Any help or help refferences re: Creative support. And driver locations

would be more than greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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Name: Jason
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Re: MIDI drivers for NT - it's actually the case that NT drivers are a bit trickier to write than Win95 drivers, so most Manufacturers just opt not to spend the effort. MS doesn't write the soundblaster drivers, Creative Labs does. MS just publishes the spec and lets the manufacturers decide what to support.

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Name: Ben
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I just bought the AWE64 Gold and have to say I am not very happy with it.

I wont say that it is absolutely shit cos that description is reserved for all the Creative predeccor cards but,

Be warned.... The Sig to Noise quote of -90dB is bullshit!

On my system in Sound Forge the card is sitting at -70 dB for stand alone noise with all inputs muted. (figure derived from Sforge's audio meters.

The hiss is still very noticeable in all recordings and would not reccomend it for the audio critical..

My second complaint is that the card BRAGS about having no on board amplifier.. Well this is great bar the fact that you cannot play or record CD's internally at optimal gain due to the fact that with th CD meter cranked it only reaches the Yellow on the Audio meter for volume causing a un-dynamic flat tone.

My final two whinges about this card are 1) If you have any intentions to use Dos games and apps, forget it! The card gobbled up my base memory to the point of below 400k out of 640. All my dos based games stall.

2) The volume control for Master volume and Wave output volume sliders in Mixer crackle with digital pop which is really annoying, Also the card makes randomly loud POPs upon starting and finising card initialization (every time you pless play or record). These seem to be worse than the init pops on my old SB16.

All in All Creative have and will always be a TOY sound card producer.. I mean, what friggin use is a digital output without an input.. mmmmm.

I am not financially well off and think it sux that I have burned this cash on a shit card that even The Mix magazine said was quiet and impressive.

Maybe I need to read between the lines, by quiet it means not quite as bad as the Sb16 and by impressive it means WOW, Its cheap isn't it..

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Name: Matt Hall
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I'm thinking of getting an AWE64 gold and using it

as a sampler (with the sound fonts, etc). Is

anybody out there doing this and does it work ok?

This is to save the $1000 plus that I woulnd otherwise

spend on a sampler.


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Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99


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Name: alex
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

i'm d't have install sound AWE 64 to my comp.

I have: sound - AWE 64

pr.- AMD K6 200

sys - Win NT 4

What I must do ?

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Name: John Forward
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

This is a great page, but how do I use the installer to make my card run?

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Name: Dan Purpura
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I just bought an AWE 64 Gold, and all I can say

is that it sounds amazing. Just blows my IBM MWAVE

soundcard away. Well worth the money.

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Name: Noel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

the AWE 64 GOLD is really good. For audio, it has features that the others don't. The plain AWE 64 is just as bad sound quality as the lower models. The glod version is only $200, and it is a good buy. Gold plated RCA outs andS/PDIF output card included. Only Creative labs card worth a damn in my opinion. Very quiet! Don't get any other Creative Labs card!!!! You will be dissapointed!! Get at least the gold!

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Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Also, if you grab that Wavesurgeon software from this site, it will format awe32 samples from audio loops etc..

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Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

hey....ther's a link to some SKB 909 & 808

files in the sampler section....

in WWW sample resources....

As for the NT4 thing, we run some machines with standard soundblastres in for checking audio sites with NT4....there is no midi with NT4...only audio,...just set it up as normal for any card under NT

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Name: Jose Orlando Forero
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have problems whit Sound Blaster 8X, runing under Windows NT 4.0 Server. I need help you, quickly please.

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Name: George
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have been using the original 8 bit sound card (I put in some upgrade chips from creative labs about 4 years ago). I

have used dos, win 3.1 and windows 95, and never had a compatibility problem. My machine has changed from a

286, 386, 486, and now I use a 6X86 P150. I have found all the multi-media software works fine. I do not write

music, however I do listen, and the sound from my card (4 watts per channel) into non-amlified, non shielded

speakers is great. So I ask myself, why is their so much hype about fancy soundcards, while their debugging, I'm

listening. I have yet to find any article telling me I'm hearing inadequate sound, or I would hear different sounds

with my software. So if you just want a sound card, and don't intend to write or record music, find an early 8 or 16

bit soundblaster sound card, and enjoy

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Name: veronica graves
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

my first visit here; great site!! i am learning about the Sound Blaster actually. there is so much i don't know yet, so i

really cannot offer any comments per se. but i will say this, i have a poor sound quality. the recording quality is very

poor in that its sound level is very low, nearly inaudible.

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Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Agreed...the soundblaster is included as most people will have one pre-installed......they will work ok for adding

audio to a mix.....and give reasonable sound as a stand alone...But hey...we are talking about a card thet costs about

25 quid !!!.....As for Creative....I talked to a guy who was part of the sales leadership a few years ago, and he had to

really fight to get Creative to include the S/PDIF output on the awe32 in the advertising literature....seems as if

Creative thought that it was irrelevent as a selling point to customers.....So the company obviously takes a games

user approach.

Mind you, I have been informed that Creative sell 1.000.000 cards per DAY worldwide !!!....(probably mostly to

oem manufacturers etc.)

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Name: Martin S. Mason
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

The sampling on this card are a disaster... Laden with noise, with no high frequency or low frequency response...

The same is true all the way through the Creative labs line up to thier top end AWE64 cards... The DAC/ADC

sections are crap... If you are interested in making music, AT LEAST, spring for a TBS2000...

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Name: Jang woo kil
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

At first thank you for your attention to me. I have soundblaster 16 card. But I have some problem with it. I can't

hear any streo sound (Just can hear through one speaker) Could you tell me how can I hear PERPECT Streo sound

with my card. South Korea Jang woo kil

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Name: sedusa
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

the SB16 does not work well in "full duplex"... The manual claims that you can perform recording and playback maneuvers, but my system ALWAYS crashes when I try this, and my files ALWAYS get corrupted. Needless to say, THIS SUCKS. I hated the noise at first, but it gives your track a shitty lofi sound that I have come to kinda like. However, I'm unhappy with it's performance in general. Kilo, you were telling me about some kind of sampler/sound card that you were gonna review... Do you think that they're available in the States?

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Name: arthur jackson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I wanted to bye a not to expensive soundcard to

start experimenting with audio recording.

I needed a full duplex card because I planned to

use it for multi track recording recording one

track at a time. Unfortunately this never worked

out for me. My problem occurs when I have recorded

one track and then try to record other track along

with it. When I play the recorded tracks the tracks

are unsyncronized and have lags making them unuse

full.... too bad.....

Creative Labs told me this problem occur because

of the hardware in my PC, and that there is

nothing to do about it.....

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Name: Sasha Pericic
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

The SB card that I use is Acer's Magic S20. This is a card based on the OPTi 929 chipset and is capable of stereo sampling up to 49.9kHz.

Even though it is not a genuine SB and it is reasonably old (1995), the sound output is pretty good (CD quality), the only flaw is that its frequency response for line input is not at CD quality level. This means that if I want to create a mix or record a song, I have to rip it digitally from the CD-ROM drive itself and then edit it.

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Name: =M-C-LOVE=
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

This card is getting too much blame. I have an

AWE-64 (not gold) with 24 megs of sampling ram.

I don't use the crappy stock samples, I use it

for sampling. It's very good for this...

There is some noise, yes, but is it really that

much of a problem?

The reason most of us are not famous isn't that

we have too much noise in our recordings.

Some people spend thousands on their systems and

then they sound like generic, typical techno

copy babble.

I get full-duplex multitracking on the AWE64.

I end up with 16 tracks of audio going on a

P166 with an IDE harddrive through this card.

I really is a great value for the money.

The onboard samples SUCK. However, the SAMPLING

is pretty solid. The sample editor doesn't crash.

It would be nice if it had analog style filters

for the sampling but it doesn't...

This card is great. Stop expecting too much from

a 100$ card!

=M-C-LOVE= http://www.abstractreality.com

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Name: exxosphere
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Im very happy with my SB16 because as the name says, it blasts any form of sound, or generally speaking music, and turns it to something incredibly dirty. I'll never part with it, nothing is better than this nasty/gritty 8 bit sound produced by MOD trackers - garbage-techno heaven. Like having a Ensoniq/Mirage, almost. I wouldn't say that tho if I hadn't 3 others HW pro samplers behind to do the clean stuff. But be clever and don't send these little crappy things to the trash, especially the older ones, or u'll regret it!!!

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Name: Matt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

You people are bullshit. I got a SB16 Vibra PnP installed and it kicks ass. The midi pretty much sucks, but with a MIDI port, who the hell cares. There is no output jack anymore, reducing the audio "noise", and I can take samples on this thing at CD-Quality. For god sakes man!

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Name: chaos
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Totally SHIT!I have an awe64 that was already installed when i purchased my computer.Everything on this soundcard sucks!!!Sampling and playback is bad and midi has too many problems.If you make music using sequencer software you will get sick of all these "AWE ERROR" messages.If i could,i would give this creaky shit -5!!!.I recomend that you buy a GRAVIS soundcard.DEFINATELLY BETTER!!!

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Name: Al Reid
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I just bought the SB LIVE! card

touture tested it the nth degree and found that on

my p 200 mmx the claim of -120 db noise floor

was a little bold but not untrue as of yet

the emu 10k chip gets a thumbs up for live

recording (live as in 16 chan to 2 live band)

and was amazed at how well this card performed

if you are recording from a low noise rig

the -120 db noise floor is pretty easy to realise

the 171 cdn that i paid for the card was well spent

top marks for the 120 db range impmentaion

good souning F/X suite and a good software bundle

A good S/C to record 2 chan 44,100 Khz audio

on a 200 Mhz system,sound forge 4.0D I was able to

exceed all of creative`s claims for noise,dynamic range

plus it has SPDIF,Digtal cd in

good buy all around

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Name: John McCallum
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Great site and plenty of support here for Creative victims.

Jeez muzik people love to slag off creative. Their stuff is just consumer hardware after all-there are good (price, availability) and bad (support,audio specs)sides to this. If you want pro audio gear expect to pay pro audio prices.

With the retro/lo fi trend still strong maybe it is time for people to get stuck into coaxing the sounds from their 486s & shitty soundcards?? If the techno pioneers of Detroit had just spent their time

bitching about the how the analogue beat boxes didnt even sound like real drums & bass instead of getting stuck in where would we be??

Actually I regretted buying my AWE64 gold but down here in NZ the choice ain't huge....

I'm glad I kept my SB16 card in and after finally resolving the plug'n pray problems under Win95 I can run both cards OK. Sure helps getting around the "full-duplex" failings of the AWE64.

By taking care to install the AWE64 away from video stuff and earthing my noise aint too bad and I'm plenty happy with DATs recorded off the SPDIF output on the 64.

I had the dreaded "Roland keyboard" problem (wouldnt work right with Midi in) on the 64 and had to get it replaced. Slack really.

The AWE64 sampling stuff is a fiddle to get used to and poorly documented. However after discovering the AWEtoy freeware and Seq303 sequencer & vintage dreams soundfont sets I have even come to like this feature. SEQ303 allows you to use the card as a midi-syncable beat n bass line box without hogging cpu. Works nicely with a midi-syncable softsynth like Vaz.

Maybe next time I'll buy a fancy pro card but then maybe I'll ditch th 64 for a crappier FM lo-fi card......

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Name: Tuffy Sutton
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

My sound card works in dos but not windows.

What can I do?

I have Creartive Labs Sound blaster Pro.

But on it's small i-con it has a Yellow "!" on it

If you can help me Please e mail me

Thank You


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Name: Stuart
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have a SB Awe 64 Value, runnning on NT, it all works ok, apart from the awecp32.exe midi synth bank program, the fonts show up wierd, and it reports 0K memory available from 0K. - surely there should be `some` memory - is there a program to wipe the synth rom and clean it up??


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Name: Kevin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have a sound blaster 16 and the record control

will not become highlghted for me to use it so I can

not record anything or even choose it please reply

back with a method of solving this problem (asp)

Thank you K.

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Name: inchWorm
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

hey what are the control numbers on the awe 64 for

cutoff and resonance, respectively......

anyone have a table or chart???????

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Name: Rigormortis Zalman
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I recently baught a Soundblaster Live! and i was

wondering if i aught to take it back before my 30

days is up. I mean, i know creative lab's

reputation for shitty noisy cards but possably

they did something right for once (that may

suprise me though because they -do- advertise

some fairly impressive features for a meer $200

retail. there's got to be something wrong with

it). well in any case this is a fairly new

product and no one seems to know much about it

yet and i just want to know if it's all that it

is cracked up to be. Please to e-mail me because

it would be sad for me if i was stuck with a

fairly junky card seeing as i am fairly big into

music production and farily light in the cash

sector (i'm forced to use a casio CT-700 as a

midi controller *shiver*) In any case i would

appriciate any feedback and thank you in advance

for your help.

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Name: Tomcat
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99


First off all - what a great website you maintain!

Truely cool! I want to make a few quick remarks on

the SB(i have the AWE64 installed)in Windows NT 4.0.

FYI - finally i got my blaster working by disabling

the PnP feature in bios setup (I have an ASUS P2L97

mbd with PII proc.). Here's the procedure:

1. install NT4.0 Service Pack 3! (downloadable

if necessary.

2. enable pnp - doing how is described in

awent40.exe package. After following Creative's

directions only the midi chip works, but still

no other sounds.

4. here's the tip: disable the PnP feature in

bios setup. I guess this works for a lot of


5. Install the standard SB driver again and

suddenly everything works smoooooth.

Hope this info is of any value to you.

Again: great site!



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Name: shahar
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

hi name is shahar and i hope you cand help me with a problem.have got an issssss background sound when i am hearing my mp3, cd, and everything else throuh the card. well i asume it is because of the sound card and the current which runs allong the data line ( it has a scientific name but i don't know it in english).you have any isea hoe to reduce this background sound ? (accept maybe filtering by some sharewares using fourier transform)replacing sound card. i have got now a 16 bit creative sound blaster. thank you

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Name: NiCkoLaz - IRCNET
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have the SB AWE64 Value Edition.

I have no problem with games...but when I tried to use

Cakewalk Pro Audio 5.0 and 6.0 it was a disaster.

The audio parts of my sequences would stop sounding after

10 minutes of work. I tried everything...changed drivers applied any

patches...but nothing CW PRO AUDIO 5.0 and 6.0 wouldn't work normaly.

That story took me 6 months. The solution came with Cakewalk pro audio 7.00

I don't know why but the audio part worx fine... at least until now.

But there are some other bugs.eg The first track with and sf2 bank sometimes changes to

an AUDIO track..weird..

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Name: joo chung
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Well, no one's talked about the Sound Blaster PCI,

so here we go.

It was cheap, and damn, do you get what you pay for.

This thing is utter crap. The midi is all software

and sounds really crappy despite the 2, 4, and 8

MB versions of the soundset. The audio section is

terrible as well. IT's perfectly usable for games

like Quake2 or whatnot, but i can't get any more

than 1 mono 44khz 16bit audio stream in cakewalk

pro audio 5 without problems.

if i enable stereo mode in cakewalk, there is a

slight pause at the beginning of audio playback

(the audio keeps playing, but the midi stops for

about a quarter second) ... consequently, everything

is totally out of sync. even when i'm just using

one mono drum loop.

when i try to put two samples together, like a

drum loop with a sampled bassline, the sound goes

absolutely to shit. even with the sound turned

down, there is just a crap load of distortion and

breakup, and to top it off, the midi timing gets

very very erratic (i'm using a roland scc-1b for

midi out). this also happens in "enable simultaneous

playback and record" mode. supposedly full duplex,

it is ... sorta. obviously not in cakewalk.

don't buy this card. get a turtle beach card for

only a little more money.

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Name: James P David
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Okay, so the deal is that nothing but 16bit SoundBlaster will work with MIDI on NT??? How sad!

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Name: Keith
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

A couple of months ago, I purchased an AWE64 Value

because I got tired of the cheesy MIDI sound.

I'm glad the store took the damn thing back! The

sound quality was better than the crap that came with

my computer(Packard Bell) and the wavetable sounds

were a refreshing alternative to the FM MIDI, but it

was laced with flaws. I kept getting a continuous

low-level ticking noise in the main audio section

(at both outputs) and I had trouble emptying and

loading patches into the onboard mem. What really

pissed me off was that an accidental feedback from

the mic caused the inputs to become degraded! I

literally killed the CD and Line inputs from some

feedback. My factory soundcard has never done this,

so the fault is somewhere in the quality of components

or circuit design an Creative's part. I sure hope the

64 Gold isn't this way, or there are going to be alot of

pissed off SB users. This could have been a rare factory

flaw, but I wasn't taking any chances with a replacement

board, so I got my money back! Never again, Creative Labs!

Next time I'll spend the extra dough and get a Terratec or

TB Pinnacle.

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Name: Joe Blow
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Somebodys got the free America Online keyboard!

The one with the CAPS LOCK key stuck down?

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Name: Mike Thipthorp
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99


I have a SB Pro Card in my P166MMX. I cannot play MIDI files in Windows 95.

If I go to DOS and run sbmidi.exe and then playmidi, hey presto! However, if I run sbmidi.exe in win95, and then try to run playmidi ... nowt.

Also If I simply click on a midi file, I get a window which looks like it's playing the file but no sound.

I'm new to win95 and I am sure I must need to install drivers somewhere, but where ?

Can anyone help me ?

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Name: Aleix Tc
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I bought an AWE64 Gold a year ago. I'm very dissapointed with it. Creatie's ultra-low-noise is around 70 db noise level... and the emu8k featured is this soundcard has no dynamics, very metallic reverbs, and a infamous rom sounds... if you want a sound blaster for games, buy only the sb16..... don't waste your money with these tons of bullshit with only 30 voices... although creative try to convince you that it has 64 voices... (yeah, 30 hardware voices & 32 heavy shit of wavesynth sinthesizer with 50 db of noise level and low-end dynamics range....) argh!! if you want some cheap soundcard for making your first steps in music, buy the maxi sound or the terratec ews64...

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Name: Kingsley Ash
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I don't seem to be able to play

audio in cubase and run Rebirth at the same time.

If Cubase is up and running then Rebirth just

won't play and if Rebirth is up and running then

Cubase says "can't open native audio engine".

Is this because the SB16 is crap or could there

be something that I'm doing wrong??

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Name: ZombiE
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

One of my first visits on diz site... The site is

cool, but not the SB. Soundblaster and Creative(?)

suxx. I heard some Sb's and I heard that these

were noisy ones too! The SB is useful, but only

for playing games, or "Multimedia Experiences"...

( I have a GRAVIS US PNP pro...)


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Name: Markus jakas
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

On this site, Ben complained that the SB64

produces a great deal of background noise. Well

I had the same problem with my old SB16VE: with

nothing connected, a recording should have been

silent, right? Well, was not. Was loaded with

audible noise. However, things got A LOT more

tolerable when I grounded the computer. (No

surprise there, of course.)The wall power

outlet isn't grounded, so I just conncted the

computer to a radiator with a pice of copper wire.

The built-in power-amp of this card is another

source - or perhaps collector- of noise. Had my

earphones plugged into the "speaker-out" output,

and there was like a continous hum. Now I have

them connected to "line-out" and when I need more

volume I run the sound through an old stereo amp.

Shitty as that amp is, it's still better than

what's onboard.

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Name: nirvi
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

i didn't found any argoument about learning sound font bank

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Name: Troels
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hi there, I would appreciate some help on AWE64.

On Creative labs site, they have a FAQ witch descripes how you should appearently be able to alter some NRPN's realtime. Mainly i'm interested in altering the "filter cutoff". Now I tried placing a normal NRPN controller to the associated NRPN-number (Witch is listed in the FAQ... 22 if I remember it right), however this doesn't work. Do have to get into sysex, or what am I doing wrong (currently using Cake7)?

The tool AWEToy does the job anyway, but only on one channel at the time, is this a limitation of the AWEToy or of the soundcard?

I'd appreciate any answers allso e-mail'ed to me.




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Name: Markus Jakas
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 07-Jun-99

Any user comments on the Live!? I've been looking around for a card with digital in-and output, and the Live! 256 seems like a good deal in other areas too. But I've read some claims thet the digital in- and outputs are actually flawed, with distortion and not-too-great noise-ratio. Are these claims true, should I start looking for something like a Guillemot Home Studio Pro 64 instead?
PS. Have ot been here for a while - the new look is nice, Kilo. I also like the fact that the pages are now loading faster!

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