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Gadget Labs WAVE-4


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Gadget Labs WAVE-4

Category:  Products / audio interfaces / soundcards + breakout box

Added: 04-Jan-99  |  Author: admin

New price: $399........ (can't find a UK price)  |   S/H price: ??

Gadget Labs WAVE-4

This is another reasonably priced 4 input/output card available on the market, bringing the total of 4 output cards that I know of to 4... (Terratec-EWS, Dman-2044, Maxisound Studio 64, and this one)..... 4 outputs is a nice central amount for those who really dont want 8 outs, and for whom stereo doesn't quite hit the mark for external mixing.... or maybe you need two outs to sync a s/w synth with your audio/midi programme... The Gadget Labs unit has no synth onboard, and no sampling facilities or anything like that... The company simply pushes it on a sonic quality tip at a reasonable price.....

Well, the price seems about on par for the course. I've never tried one, but the spec's seems fine, so we'll see if any reader-user comments appear to enlighten us a bit as to the real world abilities of this card....

The Wave-4 comes with 4 analog outs at semi-pro line level (-10 dbv).... and Gadget labs claim superior performance and quality due to several features.....

Firstly, the card has an onboard 64K cache.....SoundCache™ architecture they call it..... which they say helps it to overcome any audio drop-outs caused by video card buslock etc as the card grabs audio in anticipation of demand, onboard, just as s/w based h/disk programmes do when playing back audio...... Wave-4 also uses 4 independent processer chips for the DA's, again claiming excellent quality from this design.....the card has a 26-pin connector for mini-sized wavetable synthesizer card..... this connector can only be used with mini-sized card like the Kurzweil HOMAC card or the TeleVideo WaveImpact card. It DOES NOT support the full-sized wavetable daughter cards such as Yamaha DB50XG..... The Wave-4 has a dedicated output socket for the daughterboard should you add one, which means there is no blending of the synth out with the audio out, which they say means less noise as the two amps aren't summed together creating extra noise.......

The Wave-4 is a half length ISA card, uses no jumpers and no DMA's due to the onboard cache..... similar to the Turtle Beach Tahiti etc......and of course, you've got a midi port/socket, which requires a connector cluster cable.... oh yes.... It's full-duplex too, for simultaneous record & play.....

Anyhow, never tried one..... here's some spec's:

  • Sigma/Delta, 64 bit oversampling
  • Sample rates: 32, 44 and 48 KHz
  • 92+dB dynamic range
  • 20-20Khz frequency response

So..... there's the product news.... Bear in mind of course, that you can only use the 4 outs with a midi & H/Disk programmes like Cubase VST, Cakewalk Pro Audio V6 or above, Logic Audio, etc... older Cubase and Cakewalk versions only allow one card support.......So.... anyone using this ??... let's have some comments !

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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Name: Bob
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I just got the Wave4. I had a little trouble with instalation...but it was of my own doing. Great support from the top to bottom at Gadget Labs. They are right on top of any problem you might have. Now that I have the card settled into my system, I think it's great. I haven't heard any other cards, so I can't compare it, but I am a no-noise freak...and there is none here. I will report later after I have more use on it, but so far....so good!

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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Name: Stuart Brewter
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

What about Soundscape Mixtreme - It blows the pants off all the other cards here !

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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Name: John Harland
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Great card. Seems as quiet as my Pinnacle, and is INFINITELY more reliable, and the tech support is good.

Win95 drivers seem really stable, even when doing 4 track simultaneous play/record using SAWPlus 32.

NT4 drivers are also good.

If only it had an internal mixer........

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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Name: dre
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I recently purchased a wave 4 card and it sounds great! It blew away the pinnicle in ease of installation and compatability. The computer it is in will only be for multi track recording, so sounds are not needed. I will get another for 8x8 recording with Cubase vst. It also has a "Cubase compatability mode" which seems to work well.

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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Name: Catsuit
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I love my Wave/4! It's delicious, and people saying "noise level is OK" irritates me because I can hear NO noise, and I even have crappy monitor systems. This card is quieter than any of the stereo components I have, and it has done nothing but please me day after day. It also gets along with my SB16 on the same system (which is a very sad P75), so I can run my tracker and record/play back on the Wave/4. I do crazy things like syncing my MC-202 with samples of its own sync signal in the tracker coming out of the SB and record the 202 with the Wave/4. This card has opened up so many possibilities, and it was CHEAP.

Also, Gadget Labs gets lots of bonus points for providing four very nice stero 1/8" plug to RCA jacks and a MIDI In/Out/Thru adapter for its own card.

I you're wanting this card but aren't sure, I'd be happy to talk you into it. I love it. Pefrect for a mid-fi bedroom producer. Much cheaper than any tape unit you could get or this price.

It sure beats boom box dubs.

5 means it rocks, right? I'm a yankee.

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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

the wave-4 is available to the sale?

if yes ,we are interested for buying severals cards .

if u could send me the latest features.


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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

a pc can support severals wave-4 in full duplex?

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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Name: Gary Parent
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

WAVE-4 solved my SRP sync problem. TAHITI was off by up to .3 sec. over 5 minutes. WAVE-4 is off .002 sec. I can live with that. Noise level is OK. Ordered from the manufacturer over the internet at about $250. Not bad for the price.

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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

dont understand that criticism.......surely the s/w u mix with has faders ??........

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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Name: Gavin Lawrence
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

The card performs very well, though for our broadcast related applications it is a shame that there is no mixer on board; so no volume control settings are possible from Windows, nor any audio changes during playback (ie fading tracks and jingles and inserting news feeds etc)...

...this reduces the final score, but otherwise a useful product.

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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Name: Zachary
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


I am looking for an Roland MT-32 Module or LAPC-1 Card I have checked my local

computer store..nothing..can you help me! I have wanted one since I was 14!!



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Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


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Last added comment

Product:  Gadget Labs - WAVE-4
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 31-May-03

how can i reset or change the pnp settings (for using in windows xp)

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