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Category:  Products / audio interfaces / soundcards + breakout box

Added: 22-Apr-99  |  Author: admin

New price: $ 1500 - (Dont have a UK price)  |   S/H price: ??


I just found out about this card the other day.....so this is not a personal review of a product I've tried, like with the Tahaiti, Pinnacle, the DAL cards & the Soundblaster.......I must say though......although it seems to be an excellent product, I feel it is rather overpriced !!.......

The spec of the card is very high. You get 4 balanced analog outputs with high quality 18 bit DA's that can be set at either +4dBu or -10 dBV....& you also get AES/EBU or S/PDIF digital I/O......Also, the Studiocard is a 32 bit PCI bus card, so much better throughput should be expected over ISA based cards....You also get high quality balanced connectors as well.

Let's think about that.....Comparing the physical output/input facilities only, if you bought 2 Tahiti's + a DAL Digital Card D, it would set you back about the same amount of money.....and although I haven't heard this card, the spec is higher than a Tahiti....more around the Pinnacle/DAL level...which are more expensive....So it would seem to be a good deal....but now we have stuff like the Event Cards coming out, there is really no way these type of prices can be considered reasonable if Antex are expecting to crack the music market as a name product....(regardless of the quality !!) .....I'd say it should be more around the 900 - 1K mark with features such as this card has....There is competition now from the Korg 12/12 IO, and the Event Layla to name but two.

I'll have to check back with the distributors again to see if there's a price cut due....Probably this card is aimed more at professional mutimedia & video type applications, with features like code generation etc.....But, If you are seeking a high quality proffesionally spec'd card for your work, then give this 'Studiocard' a look.... The features certainly seem impressive !

Anyhow, here's the spec' list :

  • 4-Channel digital audio
  • PCI-based 32-bit card
  • Balanced analog I/O
  • Digital I/O
  • Windows NT
  • 92dB dynamic range
  • Digital mixing with 32-bit floating-point precision
  • SMPTE and MTC time code
  • 16-bit A/D and 18-bit D/A
  • 32-bit floating point DSP
  • SPx connector
  • MIDI port
  • List price $1595

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Name: Coley Productions
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 22-Apr-99

I checked out every available pc digital card

system from $1,000-$5,000 and nothing came even

close to Antex Studio A/V Pro. There's alot of

crap out there and most of it is geared at the

musician (go figure). This board works with any

windows95/NT music/sound software on the market.

But its best feature is that its true pro, it has

some awesome power the others don't and its made

by folks who have been in the business longer than

any of the rest. Hard to believe but its true.

I never intstalled a driver for a piece of hardware

in NT that was as simple as the AV Pro... but how

many has it crashed my box =0. It locks up with my

Timeline Micro Lynx via LTC in and resolves to my

house video sync and never gives up a frame. Go to

the site and check it out.

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Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 22-Apr-99

Well.....There you have it from the horses mouth so to speak....Kyle works for Antex, and like he says, it is aimed at pro video/mutimedia studio type stuff.....so, If that's your game...It certainly seems to have all the stuff you need....

but for adding audio to our dance tracks, it's a bit over the top...However, as i said...If you dont have a budget problem, then it gives alot of features....

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Name: Kyle Betts
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 22-Apr-99

The Studiocard isthe perfect NT audiocard for adding audio to video. The card is capable of interfacing with

products like the DPS PRV 2500 for perfect sync. Studiocard offers SEMPTE, MIDI, VITC, LITC, SEMPTE to

MTC conversions, MTC. Offers you both SPIDIF & AES/EBU digital formats, does composit video. You can use

multiple cards in a system to keep beefing up the number of available descrete balanced I/O. You will need an

application like SAW plus or Samplitude 4.0 in order to take full advantage of the multiple I/O. The Studiocard

come with an analog XLR breakout which attaches to the back of the card. There are several optional cables

available: 1) Digital breakout Provides user with XLR Dig in & out, LITC I/O, MIDI I/O, external clock in 2) PVR

interface Allows user to interface Studiocard with DPS Perception PVR Note: If you are using this video board and

DO NOT have an accellerator attached this is the cable you want. It has a SMB connector on one end and a two

pin connector on the other. Attach the SMB to the clock in on the Studiocard. Attacth the 2 pin connector to pins 37

& 38 on the 40 pin block located on the DPS PVR 3) Internal Clock cable - Allows user to use more then on card in

a machine at once. 4) VITC Provides an alternative method of hardware sync. If you want to do screen dumps and

composit video you will need this cable. Also if you DO HAVE an accelerator present on the PVR you can use this

cable to generate the time code via H-SYNC. If you have any questions on the card, how to become a distributor, a

dealer, or where you can buy one......drop me an email or give me a call. We are a worlwide distributor of all

ANTEX Products. Kyle Betts Sales Manager, North America TRACER Technologies Inc. 1600 Pennsylvania Av

Ste # 101 York, PA 17404 888-8TRACER 717-843-5833 (outside the US) 717-843-2264 fax kyleb@tracertek.com


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Name: jeff
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jun-00

This is the flat out best card you could ever want for the PC using NT. I am not a spokes-person for them, nor do I get anything for saying this. I have been lucky enough to buy a few for my company and have had the wonderfull expierience of using them. They have the capability of stacking 4 of their cards together to give you 12 audio devices. Ask for Dave Antrim and tell him that Jeff with Activate sent you. He will probably cut you a deal.

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Name: terrac
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 21-Jun-00

i have to admit that your assesment of this card is correct, $1500 + is too much for the abilities of this card.
Someone would be better off with a MOTU 2408 and you would pay a lot less money for somthing that does considerably more.
Or if you are not down with motu then grab something like the Terratec EWS64XL. My anot have the MIDI but you would save almost a G

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