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Category:  Products / audio interfaces / soundcards + breakout box

Added: 20-May-99  |  Author: admin

New price: £399 inc VAT  |   S/H price: Not listed


Wicked news... another 8-in/out soundcard coming to the fray... This ones from Terratec, makers of the EWS64 serie and a few other items, and this looks like a massive winner for them - on the usual proviso that it interacts ok with proprietry s/w's ok - (we'll rule out vst shall we??) ha hah - no - sorry - chuckle - they say it has ASIO drivers - ok then....

ok.... it's a busmaster card... 24 bit/96k compatible... with switching for the 8 RCA phono in's/outs allowing you to select -10dBV /+4dBu... nice and compatible with any studio from a higher-end mixer to a small 8 channel jobbie for home... nice...

what else... well, it comes in 2 parts... The pci card busmaster card... which also has (praise the L-ord), midi In/Out... you also get a nice likkle 16bit/48k stereo monitor out from mini-jack that may be very useful to you in a mixer/multi setup it definitely would be a nice inclusion, despite the dreaded mini-jack connector....AND S/PDIF... !!... yip-fuckin-pee for that one - at the retail price it's almost like it's been added for free... and yup.. the s/pdif is also 24/96 compatible.....

Terratec claim this card as well as being a wicked product is more efficient for your system, relieving the host CPU, from having to do 24-32 bit conversions on the incoming audio as the drivers do it for you... they say that 32 bit data gets sent down the pc buss more smoothly than 24 bit, and this relieves cpu work ...

What else... well as it's 5.25" it's desined to either fit in a drive-bay where you connect and internal cable to the card... or.... it's stand outside, and they give you a nice long multicore cable too at 2.5 meters - that's good...cos often these connectors are a tad short, like on the Event cards...... there's lots more in fact, like hardware meters... and it being truely full-duplex... all the in's & outs can work at the same time, and you get a s/w mixer/utility with it too that allows you to set levels, change rates, and also allows you to save an entire setup for the card/system for later recal... nice touch that....

yup- there is lots more... i gotta get one tested !! ... Simon at Terratec did promise me a full EWS/microwave system to try out ... i'd better get back onto that now the DT site is finally finished -remake contact and get it sorted....... but suffice to say, at the listed RRP of a measly 399 in the UK, this will be a killer product for Terratec, cos despite the ever escalating PC power available, and the smarter s/w's that allow in-pc production, I don't think Terratec have left it too late.... the seperate out market will be around for a LONG time - it's so creative to work hands on with a mixer..... nice one Terratec.... here's the spec's....


  • 8 channel analog I/O with 24-bit, 96 kHz selectable between +4dBu and –10dBV
  • Analog converters in a shielded 5.25" breakout box for internal or external use
  • Stereo S/PDIF I/O with 24-bit 96kHz operation
  • Separate stereo monitor output (16-bit 48 kHz)
  • 2 internal connectors for CD-Audio input (16-bit 48 kHz)
  • Driver support for Windows™ 95/98, Windows™ NT4 and ASIO

  • S/PDIF co-axial digital input selectable between 32, 44.1, 48 and 96 kHz sample rates
  • S/PDIF co-axial digital output selectable between 32, 44.1, 48 and 96 kHz sample rates
  • Data transfer over the PCI bus in ‚4-byte‘ mode for reduced CPU overhead
  • Manual control of SCMS (Serial Copy Management System) data
  • All inputs and outputs accessable from standard Windows applications
  • Separate drivers for inputs and outputs
  • All settings can be saved and loaded from the bundled Control Panel application
  • 2 meter long cable for connecting the breakout box

  • Hard disc recording system for PCs
  • PCI card and breakout box for internal or external use
  • Busmaster transfer supporting ‚24-bit 4-byte mode‘ (32-bit)
  • 10 inputs and outputs in total
  • Simultaneous record and playback of 16 channels at up to 24-bit 96 kHz
  • 8 analog inputs individually selectable between +4dBu and –10dBV
  • 8 analog outputs globally selectable between +4dBu and –10dBV
  • 24-bit/96kHz analog to digital converters with 100dB dynamic range and 64x oversampling*
  • 24-bit/96kHz digital to analog converters with 110dB dynamic range and 128x oversampling*
  • Input level adjustable with +18dB gain in 0.5dB steps
  • Stereo digital input (S/PDIF co-axial up to 24-bit/96kHz)
  • Stereo digital input (S/PDIF co-axial up to 24-bit/96kHz)
  • 20 channel mixer with 36-bit internal headroom
  • Hardware VU-meter for each channel
  • Analog stereo monitor output, 16-bit/48kHz (3.5mm jack socket)
  • 2 internal analog stereo inputs, 16-bit/48kHz (Molex)**
  • MPU-401™ compatible MIDI port
  • Shielded 5.25" module with 8 analog inputs and outputs (RCA Phono) and MIDI IN and OUT (5-pinDIN) for internal or external use.

well..... the Terratec EWS88 MT....Comments please....

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS88 MT
Name: Bastiaan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 21-May-99

Hmmm, does it use the EWS soundbanks too, for sampling or is it 'just' an audio-card?

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS88 MT
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 21-May-99

just a multi-out/in audio only - there is no sampling or synth in this system - i guess you could compliment it by adding the EWS64XL package

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS88 MT
Name: Agent Orange
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 02-Nov-99

I work at radio station. We're looking for pro yet cheap cards. This card sounds the dopest of them all. You can daisy-chain up to 4 together in one PC. I know, I know the Yamaha DSP factory kills all. But doesn't it only do 48khz? That sux. I think if you want profesional quality you need 96khz. Yall should check out TerraTecs sampler and synth cards. I think I'll get them all.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS88 MT
Name: agent orange
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 24-Nov-99

I saw the new midiman today. It's all the same as this. yet it's a very pro implenetation and cheap. ie. all i/os are balanced 24/96 10in/out, etc...

I'll tell you how it goes

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS88 MT
Name: Clemens
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 11-May-00

.... arghhh....Terratec = Terrortec.

Maybe the EWS88MT is a good piece of hardware, but I have made such bad experience with Terratec-gear and Terratec support so I wouldn´t purchase any products from that company in future.

Get a look at Midiman Delta 1010. Its not as cheap as EWS88MT, but really well designed, good support and rock stable drivers. Even for WIN2000.



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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS88 MT
Name: 3745
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 30-Oct-00

Had the Terratec 4 about 2months and it is an absolute bargain - latency on Athlon 750 with 128mb SD RAM @ 12ms. Actually thinking about getting another one, maybe the 88D with a converter just in case i go ADAT in the near future.
The hard disk recording quality is absolutley superb and above all its a bargain if you need more than 4 ins/outs.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS88 MT
Name: Bastiaan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 31-Oct-00

Hmm, what about the software and drivers
included. I used to have the EWS64XL and
terratech promised soooo many thing that
they NEVER delivered. It was a very
painful experience with an otherwise
(spec\s wise) good and very promising
soundcard.... So inform us what have
they delivered in term of software..
does it work the way is supposed

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS88 MT
Name: Ed
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 01-Nov-00

I totally agree. I got the EWS64 in 1997, and I had to wait OVER A YEAR before the sampling software was ready. As far as I'm concerned, that has to be against trading standards regulations, because it was advertised as a sampling card, and it clearly wasn't. When it finally came out, the software was confusing, and the documentation poor anyway. The mixer app has to be the biggest headf**k s/ware I have ever used.
Confused? It was like 20 blind lesbians in a fish market. (sorry - bad joke.) By all accounts the MT is a good product, but it would have to be absolutely stunning before I'd buy Terratec again.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS88 MT
Name: 3745
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 01-Nov-00

2 b fair 4 the price the 88MT is stunning, i think terratec have learnt a lot from the EWS64, at least the was some good reason 4 its existence!!!!

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS88 MT
Name: zelalem
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-Jan-12

I cant understand the input adjustment of my ews88.Please help me.

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Last added comment

Product:  TERRATEC - EWS88 MT
Name: aziz issa
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 03-May-16

i looking for :


i need quantity

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