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BrightonART Coldcutter


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BrightonART Coldcutter

Category:  Products / music software / software effects

Added: 20-Jan-03  |  Author: admin

New price: free  |   S/H price: Not listed

BrightonART Coldcutter

Looks interesting this one... a small plugin you can load a loop into and then slice it up and re-order slices etc... Here's the site info:

Developed by BrightonART, designed and sponsored by Coldcut for DNAROM fans worldwide (Do No Art, Run Our Machine).

The Coldcutter is a VST 2.0 plugin. The Coldcutter is designed to chop a loop into a number of slices or 'cuts' and rearranges them randomly in real-time according to a number of parameters. The current version of the Coldcutter was primarily designed for use with Ableton Live 1.5 but works with Cubase. It has undergone preliminary testing on Cubase VST 5.0 R4 and Cubase SX 1.01 on Windows 2000. Any information about compatibility problems with other hosts or versions of Windows gratefully received.

For bug reports or to join the Coldcutter mailing list, please email coldcutter@brightonart.co.uk


Reverse - Probablility that a given slice will be reversed. 100% means all slices reversed. 0% means no slices reversed.

Coldcut - How much the slices are shuffled. 100% means that no slices are in their original positions. 0% means that all slices are in their original positions.

Repetition - How likely a given slice is to be repeated. 100% means first slice is repeated throughout the loop. 0% means no slices are repeated.

Cuts/Bar - how many slices in a bar (not in a loop). NOTE: This means that if you want 1 cut/beat and the loop length is 8, you have to set cuts/bar to 4.

Envelope - Ramps the volume of the audio before and after a cut. Use this to get rid of clicks between slices using small values less than 100. Does do a quite nice 'pumping' effect at higher values with small slices...

Variation - How many times the current loop is repeated.

Silence - Probablility that a given slice will be silent. 100% means all slices are silent. 0% means no slices are silent.

Loop length - number of beats in a loop. Typically set this to the number of beats in your audio loop. Nudge loop length to recapture the loop.

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Product:  BrightonART - Coldcutter
Name: Uncle Reg
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 27-Jan-16

This is a wonderful plugin. I've used it back in 2002 2004ish as Hotblack DeSoto on dnbscene.com and electronicscene.com. I was always after that ever changing beat.. coding in mounds of refills and breaks. This plugin can almost imitate that. It can take a bit of setting, but get used to it and even alter it on the fly and your softdrummer goes jazztastic. He comes alive... stunning really. I giving it another shot now. I'm after that IDM storytelling beat and I'll get it tae.
Uncle Reg.

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Product:  BrightonART - Coldcutter
Name: guy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 11-May-18

heys i like fsus

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Product:  BrightonART - Coldcutter
Name: Matthew Martin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 01-Nov-21


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Product:  BrightonART - Coldcutter
Name: Halos
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-May-22

[quote] Matthew Martin wrote: Hi [/quote]


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