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AIPL SpinCycle


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AIPL SpinCycle

Category:  Products / music software / software effects

Added: 17-Jun-04  |  Author: admin

New price: Registration Fee $29 - shareware  |   S/H price: Not listed

AIPL SpinCycle

Building on years of research, and LeslieTM Speaker analysis, SpinCycle is the only audio plug-in to digitally simulate a rotating speaker. If you closed your eyes and played an actual rotating speaker, then played SpinCycle, we bet you couldn't tell the difference! We couldn't! It's that real.

Add this sound to organ, guitar or vocals and hear the difference! AIPL's patent-pending SpinCycle simulates a mechanical rotary tremolo and vibrato system and is based on the Doppler-effect. In addition to simulating the vibrato and tremolo modulation, SpinCycle simulates automatic speed controls (more below) and stereoization for an infinite number of microphone placements. There are thus NO sonic tradeoffs, just great big rotary sound!

Don't worry that your recording studio does not allow interactive DirectX processing, SpinCycle has controls that automatically control the speed of the rotors. Try the AutoRhythm and AutoSpeed settings. To simulate the classic Leslie foot pedal, us the AutoRhythm setting. To create a totally new and cool "flange", mix a stereo track where both tracks are identical, except one is faded in or out, with stereo AutoSpeed. If you can convince your studio to allow real-time interaction when processing a mix and saving it to file (not just preview), we will add a fast-slow switch.

Suggested Uses for AIPL SpinCycle: 1. Adding harmony to vocals or guitar (use corresponding presets) 2. Organ, with or without AutoRhythm selected 3. Using two off-axis microphones to produce a rich stereo sound 4. Using AutoSpeed and Mic2 on a stereo mix, where each track is identical except one is at a lower volume or faded in or out. This change in speed between two identical tracks produces a unique "flange". There is nothing similar to it with previous speakers. 5. Creating Surround Sound, by using two SpinCycle modules on two identical tracks, one with both mics in the front (default position), and one with both mics behind the speaker (Behind Speaker button selected). You can use the Room Spin (Surround-) presets. More details are available in the Behind Speaker section of Mic Placement and the Surround Sound section of help!

AIPL SpinCycle Algorithm:

The 24-bit sound-processing algorithm is based upon a theoretical and experimental analysis of the frequency and amplitude modulation produced by a rotating speaker. The digital algorithm efficiently solves the actual equations produced by a rotating speaker. The algorithm is not a simple approximation as necessary with analog equipment. If you are concerned about required compuational power, SpinCycle will run in real-time on any Pentium. If you want extremely accurate sound (labeled ProSoundTM by AIPL), you can select this option on SpinCycle for previewing and/or processing your audio. Please note that ProSound is included only in the Professional version, but you can evaluate it in the Shareware and Standard version.

Minimum System Requirements
  • DirectX audio plug-in compatible recording studio
  • Windows 95/98/NT(4.0) Pentium 120 CPU
  • 16 MB RAM (32MB for NT)
  • 256 colors/ 800x600 resolution graphics adaptor
  • 1 MB disk space

    Evaluate AIPL SpinCycle as Shareware

    As shareware, the standard version is fully-functional, and the pro version, including the ProSoundTM button, is time limited. After purchasing, you can instantly convert the shareware product to a fully-functional Standard or Pro version. The Standard version will not activate the ProSound button, whereas the Pro version does. Both are 24 bit processing. However, ProSound produces cleaner sounds by eliminating digital byproducts. We chose shareware so you could fully evaluate our products, and we could pass the savings on eliminating distribution and packaging costs on to you (as well as saving trees)!

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