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Emu EMAX-2


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Emu EMAX-2

Category:  Products / samplers / e-mu samplers

Added: 09-Nov-01  |  Author: admin

New price: Out of production  |   S/H price: 500 - 600 (uk)

Emu EMAX-2

If you're looking for a bigger sampler, on a budget, then the Emax-2, whilst having less memory than todays samplers, offeres excellent sound quality, polyphonic multi-outs, and scsi as standard... add one of these to a h/d system or a synth or 2, they are fantastic...

Two versions about... the standard seems to be 2mb ram..... and there must have been an upgrade at one time to take it to the other spec' of 8mb... dunno if you can get it now, i doubt it.... so... there is about an 8mb fitted version too out there if you can find it....possibly it was called the 'Turbo' version.... may have had a h/d built in too... Emu did a few small h/d's on the Emax series.......

Emu went for a full digital synthesis section for the Emax-2, losing the Curtis analog filters of the Version 1 model......

Better polyphony is here with 16 notes plus each note can hold a primary & secondary sample without affection polyphony to get x-faded drum hits etc.....

Simple as pie to use the'se Emu's...... sampling is a breese on the Emax units.... highest quality output & input converters for the time still hold up today no probs.... I think you'd be nutz to take an old S1000 over one of these Emax-2 units...... unless you needed to work with the Akai library specifically... that is the low-point for the emax.... great library, but not much cdrom support or library support from 3rd parties who tended to favour akai format....

Still..... the Emax library is brillaint.... and with 8mb if you can find one, and 8 poly outs it's a winner, the 2mb version is still good... but the 8 is obviously better unless you get a rock-bottom price on the 2mb version.......... check it out......scsi as standard which is the best ... you can see the picture unit above has a zip drive attatched sitting on top...... Get an 8mb version with a zip & a h/d system , and you'll be in heaven, as these Emax machines provide huge varied libraries of sounds, as well as kits......... (that piccie i cleaned up above is the only emax-2 pic on the www i reckon !).....

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Product:  Emu - EMAX-2
Name: smurfster
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 30-May-99

Hi! What sound formats can the Emax 2 handle ? Are there any programs available on the Internet that let you convert .wav samples to Emax 2 format , so you can edit samples in Goldwave etc ?

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Product:  Emu - EMAX-2
Name: paul
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 19-Sep-99

Does anybody have a procedure for setting up a zip drive with one of these. I've tried , but can't seem to get it to work.


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Product:  Emu - EMAX-2
Name: Christian K
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 10-Jan-01

I own a EMAX II R with 5MB equipped! And it rocks!!! It rocks real! I go for a harder kind of music... Just put that real raw samples in it (i sample with my PC and MidiSDS into the EMAX II...) and it turns them into bombs! I have an Iomega ZIP connected with no problems! If you want to hear it... Check my page! The song "F.E.A.R. (v0.89) features nothing but one EMAX II!

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Product:  Emu - EMAX-2
Name: David Meyer
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 28-Nov-01

I had a rack version of this with 8m/b -sold it and got a more up to date sampler but I really miss the Emax it is fat and warm and if I saw a keyboard version out there I think i might just buy one again

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Product:  Emu - EMAX-2
Name: Martin Mobeus
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 29-Nov-01

Ha, that's mine that is :))) Please feel free to use the copy from the rest of the article on my page. Absolutely brilliant site by the way, when I've got some time I'd like to post some articles. Oh btw, this is an article I did on TB303 programming - please feel free to include it if you think it's of any good; http://www.mobeusrecordings.co.uk/Features/tb303seq/default.htm - and here is my emax article: http://www.mobeusrecordings.co.uk/Features/emax_retro/default.htm

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Product:  Emu - EMAX-2
Name: Philippe Landry
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 30-Nov-01

i just LOVE my Emax 2 Turbo's(i got another just incase, god forbid, the first one breaks down--or if i need one for live stuff). like the man said, it's a breeze to use. you just turn it on, select a drive, then bring up your sampling options and start sampling. and it's a treat when you find one with a SCSI port. i fitted mine with an Iomega ZIP250 so i can sample with complete abandon! i've written roughly 20 or so songs with it and i've barely used up 5% in the memory. i basically use mine for drums, loops, sequences, basses, etc...basically the meat of the song. i love having everything on one board. it's got nice filters, resonance, tremelo(but it seems more like modulation to me). it's got a pretty deft aftertouch. i like making really resonant bass sequences with it becuz it has alot of parameters that have a "Random" setting which will make for some really weird effects(i do whole loops like that too...pretty interesting...makes it sound very organic, like an EKG). when sampling for synth's sake, it makes a great synthesizer too. only problem i find with it is there are no effects other than chorus. aside from the odd freezing that happens maybe once in a while(maybe it's just mine), i don't think you'll have any problem whatsoever with the Emax.

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Product:  Emu - EMAX-2
Name: Philippe Landry
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 01-Dec-01

hey paul, on the back of your zip drive there is a switch...it will be 5 and 6. set it to 6. then turn on your emax and go to drive select. select drive six...it should be there. that's how i hooked mine up.

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Product:  Emu - EMAX-2
Name: Kennethtoldam
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Dec-01

I have emax 2, and itīs the best buy ever, but i have this irritating noise from the outputs. The more output the more noise i get. Itīs not very much, but it appears more in the silent part of my music. how can i reduce the noise?
Feel free to give me Your advice....

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Product:  Emu - EMAX-2
Name: Ron Fibers
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Dec-01

The noise is coming from groundloops in your house
I mailed emu-techheads abot this.
is the noise very high frequency?
Eliminate all possible faulty wiring on the emax and/or your mixing desk

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Product:  Emu - EMAX-2
Name: ollie
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 07-Jan-04


I am selling an EMAX 2 Keyboard on Ebay.co.uk. It is in perfect condition and also has a SCSI port!

Currently the price is just over Ģ40!!! so those interested in bidding can do so at the following link:


I keep getting asked how many meg it is but i can't seem to find out! (i don't know anything about music production). Can anyone tell me how i could find out? The model number is 2212.


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Last added comment

Product:  Emu - EMAX-2
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 21-Oct-22

on master 4 or two the see u're memory master and doing bye two the
multliplication to had the good memory part Of the emax version.

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