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Sonic Flavours R66 Digital Reverb


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Sonic Flavours R66 Digital Reverb

Category:  Products / music software / software effects

Added: 12-Jul-05  |  Author: admin

New price: US$149.00 or ¬119.00  |   S/H price: Not listed

Sonic Flavours R66 Digital Reverb

Saw this one tipped on Gearslutz, and the demo's at Sonic Flavour's website do sound peachy. Anyways, adding it to the listings. The demo emits a really annoying beep (to often imo to make demo-ing anything but infuriating), but we're adding it to the listings. This could the one for you if you seek hi-end large verbs for trance and other sty;es or just for good old vocal verbs etc.

Specifications of the R66

  • digital reverb unit software for use in VST host programs.
  • 32-bit floating point audio resolution, sampling frequency up to 192 kHz (VST host).
  • operates as send, insert, or master/end effect. Stereo input and output; also works in mono.
  • Windows & Mac OSX.
  • fully automatable in all VST hosts that support automation.
  • adjustable predelay, early reverb, late reverb, early/late reverb mix, pitch modulation, decay (feedback) damping, shelf equaliser and master mix.
  • early reverb size from 0.33 to 83.3 metres; late reverb size from 2.60 to 666 metres!
  • 104 factory presets, 24 open user-preset slots, 8 favorites slots.
  • preset and preset bank management options.

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