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Category:  Products / mixing desks / analog mixers

Added: 26-Feb-08  |  Author: admin

New price: 1/2 a million quid  |   S/H price: Not listed


Some history from the Sonnox site

Sony Oxford, which was originally set up in the late 80's to design a high end pro audio DSP system and bespoke software design tools. The target was to take Sony into the high end recording studios. The team that initiated the Oxford Group, combined a number of varied disciplines which included:

  • Digital hardware design including DSP ASICs.
  • High Quality analogue audio and convertor design.
  • Software and specialised audio algorithm design.
  • Mechanical and graphic design.
  • User interface design.
  • Record/mix engineering.

The first product was the Sony OXF-R3, or "Oxford" , as it's often called. A high end digital mixer, it's greatly favoured by those who care most about their sound, and it's that technology that the Oxford Plug-Ins are based on. Our philosophy has always been to bring the highest quality audio to the pro market at an affordable price.

Although software maintenance of the OXF-R3 continued for some years, the core activities of the group diversified. Oxford became the world leader for development of 1-bit audio processing (DSD, the basis for SACD), and additionally took a variety of R&D contracts from various groups in Sony such as audio compression and delivery for the Disk Technology Company in Japan, and audio processing and editing for a Sony group in California that was developing a video workstation product. One notable success has been a spin off technology from DSD into an AES-recognised standard multi-channel audio interconnection system called SuperMac. In parallel with these projects we diversified further by re-purposing much of the original OXF-R3 development towards plugins, initially for Pro Tools. In April 2007 this plugins business was spun out of Sony and became Sonnox Ltd.

The Sony Oxford Team consisted of a bunch of dedicated enthusiasts who cared passionately about what they do, and this theme is carried forwards with Sonnox. Most of the team are musicians and all have worked in pro audio in various roles. Product Position

In line with our philosophy, our aim is to position our products with an emphasis on quality first, combined with operational ease. We always take the time to make it right!

High End Quality Audio
Our pedigree, for want of a better term, is the high end recording studio where quality is crucial. Our technology has won over many a ‘golden ear' who previously maintained you could ‘hear digital'. (That may have been the case in the past!) We have a number of Grammy Award winners that bought the OXF-R3 console, including George Massenburg, Peter Gabriel and Mick Guzauski. We are currently selling the plugins to these same luminaries, and many more besides!

yes it does look like a console from star trek, and noobs usualy crap themselves when faced with this type of console, but remember... digital mixers usualy utilise common hardware controls into which you switch channels to be tweaked... the Oxford is no exception to that protocol having two eq sections (left and right) and 2 dynamics sections (left and right) on the board fascia... when I say sections for noobs I mean actual controls.. Like on a normal hardware analog mixer you have say 8 channels, and each channel has mebbe 4 eq knobs?... well how the Oxford works is you have just one EQ controller area, but it can switch to tweak/control any of the channels... it is in effect simply a very high quality, 'built-in' version of a typical hardware controller such as the behringer BCF.

Anyways I added this mixer for posterity, I never used one but I have wrangled with it's baby sister.... "A sister!!" (Darth Voice).. Yes, the very popular DMXR100... Sony flogged 500 of the DMXR100 in just 7 months when it was released. The DMXR100 i think was popular with recording schools because they offered both a cheaper 'Oxford' experience and a required console for the protools suite all in one.

Anyways the Sony Oxford.. any user comments?

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Product:  SONY - OXF-R3
Name: Joe Noel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 18-Nov-09

Do you know where there is a pdf manual for this online? Cheers, Joe.

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Product:  SONY - OXF-R3
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 18-Nov-09

[quote] Joe Noel wrote: Do you know where there is a pdf manual for this online? Cheers, Joe. [/quote]

yup! we've added it to this page - see -Product manual or files- heading in he right column

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Product:  SONY - OXF-R3
Name: LXK
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 25-Apr-12

looking for PDF manual

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Product:  SONY - OXF-R3
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 25-Apr-12

[quote] LXK wrote: looking for PDF manual [/quote]

well you aint looking too hard cos the manual download is on this page

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Product:  SONY - OXF-R3
Name: LXK
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 25-Apr-12

looking for manual.....

Thanks for your hint. I can find a link on this page, but if i follow that i get an alert "Sorry you need to be registered and logged-in to download that!"

How can i proceed?


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Product:  SONY - OXF-R3
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 26-Apr-12

[quote] LXK wrote: looking for manual.....Thanks for your hint.
I can find a link on this page, but if i follow that i get an alert Sorry you need to
be registered and logged-in to download that!How can i proceed?
Thanks,Alex [/quote] well that means you need to register with the site
& then log in to download. The sign-up link is at the top right of every page.

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Product:  SONY - OXF-R3
Name: jimmy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 25-Apr-13

i need owner manual

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Product:  SONY - OXF-R3
Name: funny
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 25-Apr-13

[quote] jimmy wrote: i need owner manual [/quote]

now how are you going to ever work a mixer like that when you cant even see the manual on this page?

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Last added comment

Product:  SONY - OXF-R3
Name: Jean Pierre
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 11-Jul-20

I own a Sony oxford oxf-R3 but need to configurate the bios again.
Try at startup F2-F8-DEL... nothing helps.
Any idea how to get into the bios?
Computer: Digital DEC 54-24778
My best Jean P

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