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Boss SP 505


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Boss SP 505

Category:  Products / samplers / roland samplers

Added: 17-May-02  |  Author: admin

New price: $495  |   S/H price: Not listed

Boss SP 505

The Boss SP 505... and now I just got one!

Jesus where to start, well, it's so new to me I'm still figuring shit out. I'm basically comparing it to our current sampler, the electribe ES-1. Here are the huge pro's, for me at least: NON-global delay (unlike Mr.ES-1), graphical waveform editing on a huge gameboy-like display, it does real loops (unlike ES-1)um...well let me talk about the cons b/c this is what SUCKs:

RCA analog in/out's (minor pain), no MIDI thru (kind of fucks up the MIDI chain in our live setup, have to use the thru box, yay), um, and it doens't have a dedicated mute/solo button for individual samples. I guess I'm looking at this from a live-useage perspective so that may not be a big deal to other people.

It does have a 4-part sequencer controlled by 4 buttons that could serve as mutes...but I dunno. Everything feels a bit out of my immediate control at the moment...too many screens and things to push. Prob. just cuz it's new to me. But no dedicated mute for each part? C'mon, I must be missing something (I hope).

One MAJOR SUCKY THING: The pads, while they are big, aren't EVEN as responsive as say, a typical mid-80's drum machine! Like, you try doing some two-finger snare rolls and you'll see- it will miss notes!!! I can get 1/32 notes w/ one finger but I can hardly get 1/16ths with 2 fingers! Again, maybe that doens't matter to most ppl but for me, it's kinda critical. The control over the quantize is great tho- and w/out any quantize it records at 1/96 resolution. Yes, we can now break out of 16 steps and actaully make some beats!

Basically I think it's better than the ES-1, but I'm keeping the fucking receipt till I'm convinced I could actually make it work as well as the ES-1...

Anybody else messed w/ one of these? $495 new...

Boss Spec's

  • Compact sampling workstation with onboard sequencing and effects
  • 8 voices of CD-quality sampling, expandable up to 128MB via SmartMedia*
  • Chop function divides loops and maps individual samples to pads Pitch function for playing back samples at new pitches as on a keyboard
  • BPM Sync function instantly matches up to 16 phrases to the same tempo
  • 64 onboard Tones with drums, bass, keyboard, synth sounds and more
  • 4-part Pattern Sequencer with Quantize for easy song creation
  • Intuitive graphic LCD (with waveform display) and three knobs
  • 26 effects like Tape Echo, Isolator and Vinyl Simulator with resampling and realtime control
  • Imports .WAV/AIFF files via SmartMedia*; Coaxial/Optical Digital inputs
  • SmartMedia adapter or PCI adapter card required for .WAV/AIFF conversion.

    Options Include:

  • S16M-3 SmartMedia? Card
  • SM-32 SmartMedia? Card
  • DR-10/DR-20 Dynamic Mics
  • FS-5U Footswitch
  • DP-2 Damper Pedal

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    Product:  Boss - SP 505
    Name: Biff
    Email: Email supplied but hidden
    fartstrings r us
    Activity: Hobby-ist
    Date: 09-Oct-02

    Easy to use, can give you the blues
    when BPM sinc, gets on your nerves that you can't think.

    still getting to no one and other.

    hate the plastic casing

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