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PalancarWare Scalar


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PalancarWare Scalar

Category:  Products / music software / software effects

Added: 24-Oct-02  |  Author: admin

New price: free  |   S/H price: Not listed

PalancarWare Scalar

Scalar is a unique compressor using a proprietary scaling algorithm. win, Mac & beos.

From the attached text file with the download:

What is 'Scalar''? Simply put, it's an unusual compressor that finally makes dynamics processing approachable by mere mortals. I call this compression algorithm "scalar compression".

Like all dynamics processors, it is designed to be used as an insert effect, not a send effect. You can use Scalar as a send effect, but in this mode it will not affect your input signal at all.

Traditional compression uses a "damping" effect, by increasingly clamping down on the volume of a signal the more it exceeds a certain threshold. Scalar compression, however, seeks instead to model a signal's waveform within a given amplitude domain.

To understand how it works we need a little background. Consider a sample waveform such as this:

As shown, there are two variables at work here. Max is the maximum possible sample value at any point on the signal curve. For 16-bit PCM signals, max=32767; for 24-bit signals it's considerably higher.

The other variable is C, which stands for the Ceiling we want to compress the signal to fit under.

Looking at the sample signal, it's clear that portions of the signal exceed the value of C, but fortunately do not exceed the value of max. This makes the signal a great candidate for scalar compression.

What scalar compression does is "scale" the input signal down to fit within the dynamic range established by C. The result is a signal curve that looks very similar to the input curve, but is smaller so that it fits neatly between +/- C.

DSP pros might wonder whether this means there is a loss of audible volume? The answer is no, because under the hood, the scalar compression engine establishes a dynamic threshold, somewhere less than C, below which no compression will occur (see the T variables):

Thus, instead of fitting the entire curve underneath C, the algorithm only fits that portion of the curve between T and C; the curve less than T is unaffected by the algorithm.

The result is a remarkably smooth compression effect, with absolutely no hint of pumping or breathing. This is truly an unusual compressor, one that I think you will find to be a useful addition to your toolbox. It can't solve every dynamics problem, but it has a unique character other compressors cannot touch.

The plugin has only two controls:

Input Gain - this controls the amount of amplification (or gain cut) that occurs on the input signal before any compression is performed.

Ceiling - the value of C, expressed in dB. If you set this to 0dB, it is the same as setting it to max. Setting it to -3dB means that the signal will be scaled to fit so that no sample values exceed the -3dB mark. And so on.

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