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Category:  Products / audio interfaces / soundcards (analog, adat, s/pdif)

Added: 04-Jan-99  |  Author: admin

New price: £ 129 - 449 (+ more for add-on's)  |   S/H price: Not listed


This review is old - The EWS series started with ISA cards, and contained various models with add-on exteral in/out unit which could be added on.

There were various models in the series - The EWS64 L was the basic model spawning the variants: "L" (basic) "XL" and the "XXL". Then there was the "S" model, the EWS64S, which had only a 1Mb GS instrument set and only 16-bit converters as opposed to the 18-bit of the other models.... Anyways here's the old review/PR...

I just found out about this card the other day... It looks like another great product!

Unlike some of the other multi-out cards that are appearing on the market, the Terratec card IS priced at a realistic £449!...This makes it excellent value for money just as a 2 X 20 bit stereo out card.....But there's more.

This card also has a 4 Mb 64 note poly synth/sampler on board with samplestore up to 64 Mb & onboard DSP which takes pluggins.....Not only that, but you also get S/PDIF... Not one pair; but TWO!

All in all it's looking like excellent value for money... Also, Terratec are based in the Germany & the UK, so for us Europeans it's easy to call them up... Incidently, Time & Space the CD people are the distributor in the UK.

I've had a few chats with the UK people, & they are cool... Currently, the card is supported by Cubase Audio, & Cubase (standard with audio)... In fact, at that price, the card comes bundled with Cubasis Audio!... However, at present, these softwares are being upgraded to make full use of the cards own DSP audio mixing functions... In other words...It works now, but the PC's CPU is doing the work... once the development is done, the card will take over these functions allowing more breathing space for the CPU.

And check this out!... The card comes with a module, that slots into a front panel drive bay, giving - Joy of Joys - Front panel access to the connectors & sockets, with 2x midi IN & OUT, S/PDIF IN, & 2x S/PDIF OUTS!... Also theres a headphone socket... The module connects to the card via ribbon cables.

The synth spec's are pretty impressive, bristling with filters & multiple LFO's etc....and yes... It's also a sampler, with up to 64 meg of ram....& it reads S1000 library & Turtle Beach Sample Vision... as well as .Wav files... wow !!!.... And of course, you can allocate one pair of outputs for the sampler/synth, and the other pair for you PC audio... cool huh?

Basically, there's too much to list here, for example, it also supports all games modes, with a 3d sound processor, and 4 way speaker connections for surround-sound... All I can say is....This is the first Musicians level priced multiple out card that I have seen...Coincidently, Emagic have also just released details of their Logic Audio compatible 8 output card for around the same price... So it looks like the floodgates are opening in the IBM PC audio market finaly... See, it WAS worth keeping the faith!

This product from TERRATEC, (like the Emagic card), currently is supported by only a few softwares, but development is happening, so keep watching!.... I suggest you go & check their site for the full impressive spec'... This REALLY is a beastie if it performs ok in real life!... GO THERE RIGHT NOW SOLDIER! :)

VST now comes with EWS ASIO drivers in-built... You can also get a new front-panel unit upgrade that contains 2,(yup two!!) Waldorf Microwave synth engines!...Blimey!!!... You can even allocate the Microwaves' filters to samples & synth sounds, or even apply them to an audio input, cos yup... the panel includes audio-inputs to the filters! Now THAT could well be worth a look... Terratec came in for some verbal due to late driver & s/w editor (Edison) delivery, but that is now sorted, so check this unit/system out.... add in 2 microwave units to the Terratec's already full-features could be the clincher... certainly, if it all works ok, then a card, with digital synth, sampling & 2 waldorfs for about 700 squids... is er.... well, very good for the dosh!..... check it out... By the way, since this was written, there are now several EWS models, including a cheap one at about 129 quid.... good for a budget system.

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User Comments

Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: kirill
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

And I just don't know what to choose pinnacle or ews64. Help me in advice, please

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: V. Demali
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

hi terratec. What is going on. I'am living in Netherland. I'am making music for 11 years now. During this period I

had to wait several times for many equipment. (even month) but this is ABSURD. I saw your card on internet the

Terratec EWS 64. I went to some music and computer shops to order it. They never heard about it. I call nearly

every shop in Netherland to see if they got it. Noop. Only one shop told me that they sold one to a costumer which

order it december last year for (FL1100,) one thousand hundred (dutch gulden). I told them I sold my keyboard to

superman so he can fly faster. Thank to me many shops are telling their costumers sind januari about the terratec

card. Oh, I nearly forgot, one shop has the folder. (not bad).

I was wondering 1 if this card realy exist. 2 if I

had to wait another 60 days to get one, according to the costumer who order it the year before. 3 if I still get all the

soft- and hardware mensioned in the folder at the same price. It is very deficult to wait without a specific data. Can

you please mail back. Demali@globalxs.nl I think that terratec is the best audio sampler card on the marked

now. But if no one can buy it or even touch it, I think I will make a much better home page card specification then

you guys. Sorry about the bad engles, my spelling checker on the computer didn't work. sincerly, V. Demali

Adress: Bennekelstraat 95 5654 DC Eindhoven Netherland Tel: 0402511829

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: -[ph¤gy]-
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

In a test in a swedish magazine EWS got more points than Pinnacle. Totally, that is. I think

Pinnacle scored higher on hd-rec, but EWS had a lot more on the synth. I don't know, just heard this from a friend.

(Read more about EWS64 on http://surf.to/phogy) ... whez the ed!son?!

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: nanook
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I talked with sascha@terratec.de and he sain that

the instrument editor ED!SON should be available

at least before christmas.

If you just CANT wait try this: Go to


and grab some soundsets. Now load one *.94b file

into your fav soundeditor and locate the start of

the sample/samples. Insert a sample of choice,

but check the length of the file, so it doesn't


Now use the EWS64 soundbank program to upload the

*.94b file into the RAM and load the *.mid file

that came bundled with the *.94b file.

Use the force folks.. =)

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: JObert van Gool
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

This mutha kicks definately ass, although there are a lot of

stories going around, that it's difficult to install an' stuff,

it's almost plug and play.... drivers ver 2B2 are out, install

like a dream. Nuff said about the official v 2 drivers,these

will enable you to take this baby to it's limits!

With a little patience I'm convinced the ED!SON sample editor

will be delivered soon, as Terratec has held their promisses!

Now go buy one!

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: -[ph¤gy]-
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

i finally got my Ews64... Really great crystal clear

sound -but- where is the Instrument Editor?!

The software ver 1.3 is dated some time in

August, and it's October now! :(

I bought the card instead of a new synth, to

make my own techno/trance tunes. To that,

you MUST be able to create your own sounds...

I hope it'll arrive soon. Oh- another thing- is there

no echo-effect for the synth? Shouldn't that

be implemented in the sound-editor...? (I've

read the manual for it) And some other cool


And how the [BEEP] do one get windows to

play it's 'system-sounds' through the CODEC?

(with headphones on, you almost get killed

by them, since the volume on the Wave#1-#8 is set too high) Ne-1 else with this small problem?

Anyway - this card really rocks. Built for the

future they said. (The EEPROM could be

reprogrammed to make the card to a whole new


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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Hilevelt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Steinberg gives a VERY sweet upgrade to VST, at least they did for me, but I'm just a sweet-talkin' motha' fucka' like dat, ain't I? ($99 "dongle-trade")

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: janne
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

this is the same message i posted to pinnacle's

pages... i'm buying a soundcard for pc, options

are pinnacle or ews 64 xl. pros and cons, please?

thanks in advance.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: jason rowe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Maybe Im being a little harsh on Terratec, the

sample editor might be available now, if so Ill

buy it and itll get 5/5, if no editor 1/5, ill let

you know

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: jason rowe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

EWS 64 seems great BUT..... Who would sell a sampling

card with no means of sample editing ? If you visit the

site there are loads of bugs in the install. I was

about to order one when I though .. if the installs

crap what are the drivers going to be like ? Id wait and

see if they get their software act together....Or is

this the norm for high-end sound cards ? If so I can

see why muso's like dedicated hardware.. I hope it

does get sorted cos I want one (p.s you might need

a MIDI kit to use the extra midi ports, I dont know the

price ). Best price seen so far in the UK 339 plus VAT.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Paul Butler
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Looks good, almost too good!

Available now from Multimedia Direct in UK

Costs 399.99 Uk Pds Tel : 0171 2886132.

I'm going to buy one. (Some music shops think

it's not out here yet 17/9/97). Does anyone have

driver trouble etc... ?

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: nanook
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Yep it rocks. Buy it folks. Let's encourage

future work of this baby .. Oh btw.. Have you seen

the little message on the card? It reads:

Please RTFM.


Too bad there's no instrument editor yet..

(I get a hardon everytime I see screenshots from


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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

well....there's a few enquiries coming from all over the place, about where or how to get this card.....I've contacted

Terratec......and asked them to send a list of distributors around the world.....stay tuned..

Ok.....it seems, that there's been some setbacks, as there always is with a new company and a new product, but i believe that this will be a product that will become well known once it gets going....I called Terratec again about 3 times over the last weeks...but no return calls....sad.......still, I'll keep trying.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Jason
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

The card has alot of potential. The sound cards perceived noise level is great(virtually no hiss even at high levels; using Beta 2 drivers. Cubasis AV works well w/ the card however every time I exit Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.01 I get a GPF, this has occurred since installing the Beta drivers, hopefully the true 2.0 drivers will correct this problem. I would definitely choose this card above any others out right now.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Mc_Cyber
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Cubasis AV available for EWS64 !

just check ftp site on www.terratec.de

... 1.1 MB ... and this version only works if you have an EWS64 XL :-) ( installed )

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: john
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

looks the bizz! I want one....

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: dj arttee
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I got one it´s great, but i´m still waiting for the sampler software. arttee

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

ok peeps......I've just got of the phone to simon Edmonds, the UK man...The EWS-64 is out for release from 1st of August....Go to their website to find a dealer, or email me, as we are going to become a London dealer in the next few weeks.....!!

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Mark
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Terratec already brought a few on the market (to test, not for retail).

but don't get your chears out to early. I'v heard there are a few bugs in the drivers (Not talking about one driver here).

The release is now pospone to September, therumour is that they will bring it out in seperate parts as well (?).

P.S. Sorry Mr/Mrs Vemali I live in the Netherlands and I knew, where did you ask, Woolworth (Hema).

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Simon Edmonds
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hi everyone,

What can I say...

The EWS has been released in limited quantities in NL and Germany for last two months. New production is underway and we will be shipping in quantity from 1st August, I promise.

It is a cool product (I made sure that I got hold of my demo unit early but it was hard work prising it out of the factory in Germany).

Any questions, check out our website or mail me direct.

Again, sorry for the delay, but I think that you will find that it is worth the wait.


Simon Edmonds - TerraTec UK

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

aha....hello Simon...nice to see you visiting !!

.....Agreed people....it will be worth the wait....I think the Terratec will become one of the first well known & used PC synth/sampler/audio cards....the facilities are right...and the price is right....Very best Luck !!

and you folks out there, If you are running a PC, and lookin for a sampler...then if stereo outs/4 outs is enuff for you, then check this Terratec out....a good soundcard is gonna cost you about 300 minimum anyway, so really, you get 2 extra outs, and a sampler & synth all for an extra measly 150 quid !!...plus, you can load samples to the synth for synthesis just like a real proper sampler with a synthesis section....

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: John
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I spoke to a salesman of the distributor in the Netherlands.

He told me that start delivering it from about the 15th of August.

I can hardly wait to get one, looks great.

To bad the software isn't complete yet.


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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

... Yes Available In belgium Costs around 20800,- BEF tax included. Its still needs sample-editing software ... but if you send in your reg. card they will send it for free ... I don't know about Cubase AV included ... it's just released 3 of august 1997 ... maybe they will send it afterwards ... btw i have cubase ... and get my VST upgrade for free ;-) EWS will have ASIO support for Cubase ... Think this beast will rock the place for some Time :-) If you are from belgium and want more info on it e-mail me ...

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Yax
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I was planning to buy a pinnacle but now with this

card out, I'm not sure.

What do you think is the best, the terratec ews 64

or the pinnacle?

(This is a great site. Keep up the good work)

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Uwe F. Bauer
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I've got my EWS64 XL last week (final revision v1.2) and all I can say is: It absolutely kicks ass! The audio quality is too good to be true (in fact it's superior even to my K2000) and the feature list just doesn't end. The card's signal routing & processing is highly configurable. For example you can send a digital mixdown of all internal and external sources directly to harddisk -- rocks! Pro-level CD mastering has never been easier.

Also, after all I've experienced, TerraTec are very dedicated to customer support. In the past they offered product upgrades at no or very little fee more than once. Very nice guys indeed.

Sounds if I'm working for TerraTec, eh? Believe me, I don't. I'm nothing more (and nothing less) than an extremely satisfied customer, who feels that every single penny was spent right.



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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: John Foll
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I'd like to clear up a small misnomer, you said above. It comes with 6 MB RAM, not 4 (at least in the U.S.) and even though most software programs don't directly support EWS-64, they will all use it, since it has more than one WAV Digital In / Out Ports in Windows 95. It is indeed impressive. But the headphone jacks suck (hi-noize). All Windows compatible music / audio programs will work with it (if they go thru the Windows 95 sound system manager). The Sample Editor is not ready for this yet, however, it is worth buying JUST for the quality of its Audio output! Everything else, is gravy! I have been searching for a Windows 95 compatible sound card to replace my old Turtle Beach Tahiti (which only works right in Windows 3.1) and have finnally found it! I like the WaveBlaster compatible connector, but cannot use it, for various reasons. They have one of THE MOST STABLE drivers of any sound card that does Studio Quality Digital Audio & Midi! It doesn't want to lock up any more! I am using the Beta4 drivers for it! Another really cool thing about this card is that you can have up to four of these cards in your computer at a time, and they share the same driver and Interrupt IRQ and I/O & Memory Addresses! The only problem you might have, is that Windows 95 currently supports only 11 Midi In & Out ports, a single 8 port Midi Interface (like Opcode or Mark of The Unicorn) will cause Windows 95 to lock up, if you attempt to use too many sound cards in one computer! However, if you can give up the "PRO" midi interface, you can use all 4 of these EWS-64's in your computer! This would give you 8 (count 'em) digital I/O ports at the same time! This card is fast! You can play huge wav files on slower hard disks and computers without a glitch or hiss or pop!


John Foll

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: mike dutson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Sounds good !!
Today (saturday) i phoned a large music store in
Manchester, England asking about multi output
sound cards and they knew sod all about anything
and these guys are supposed to be in the trade !!
I want one !!!

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Simon Edmonds
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hi there, It's me from TerraTec UK again...

Some of you seem to be having trouble finding out where to buy an EWS64 XL...

Try Time&Space on UK (0)1837 841100 (I think) or mail to sales@timespace.com The srp in the UK is £399 inc VAT

The version 2.0 driver is on official release from our website ( www.terratec.co.uk ) and the sample editor is due out in beta in January as well as some additional utilities for simple uploading of .wav files and we are working on a .sbk soundfont convertor/uploader.

New drivers are seriously good with both VST and Cakewalk Pro Audio V6.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Mika
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

EWS or Pinnacle? How do the samplers deal with stereosamples. Are the samplers really stereosamplers?!

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Alex
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99


That is Cool and amazing, but where can I buy it via ONLINE order?

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Del Pohlman(AWE composer)
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

This looks like a good one!

I own an AWE32 w/ 8Megs Ram & a WaveBlasterII Daughter Board.

Also I have an AWE64 value & AWE64 gold.

Can I buy this card in the U.S.? via mailorder?

Del Pohlman -- Tulsa, Ok. U.S.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Maro Market
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hello Simon!

Please help me. I don't know what type of soundcard to choose: EVS 64XL, AWE 64 gold, or Pinnacle. Thanks a lot.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Caliban Tiresias Darklock
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I'm looking seriously at the EWS64 card, and I

have one major question. Has anyone successfully

hooked this up as the *only* card in a system,

i.e. completely replacing the usual SB or

whatever, and slapped the DB50XG on it? Can anyone

who has one of these cards speculate on whether

that will work properly, if they haven't tried

this? It looks to me like this is a great way to

go, but I'm a little nervous about whether I'll be

pissing away $400. ;)

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Robert John Godfrey
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Though the specifications of this card are very attractive in terms of what you get for your money we have found a serious snag when using the card for serious work ie CD Mastering etc.

Both of our cards (we have two)have a loudish whistle at around 12KHz which we need to filter out using SoundForge.

The other problem ocurrs when you try to record/play reasonant program (high Q synth effects) or choral music.

There is an high level of distortion produced no matter how low you drop the input.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Christian
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Thinking about getting an EWS 64 - spec sounds to good to be true!

Is Ed!son available yet?

Will it work with both Cubase 3.01 and VST?

Some people have said that it is a pig to install - why?

What are the available IRQ's and addresses?

I'll give it 5 out of 5 if it lives up to expectations

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Christian
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I also forwrded the above questions to Terratec Uk and they have given me the following reply:

" The ED!SON is under development and you can keep up with it on the website.

The release is expected in MARCH/APRIL. and if you purcahse an EWS64 and register you will recieve it free of charge.

It will work with any sequencer you wish....

The Version 1.3 drivers were a little difficult ro install on some machines but it was basically because the instruction manual was a not very good. If you buy one and have difficulties installing it, call me and I will make you happy...

I am assuming you read the Future Music review, apart from the installation the magazine review was very good..

Available IRQs etc... That depends on your system.... "

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: DJ Mouse
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hey, the EWS64L/XL is the best card you can use if you wanna make music at home with MIDI and Audio. The onboard effects of the card (chorus and reverb) are perfect and I think it´s a cool idea making the connectors on a front panel so you don´t have too many cables behind your PC.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Jazz
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

This card seems to be just like what i need to improve

my hd recording quality, And 4 point mixing

(4 out, that just what i need) But how about midi sounds?

Are they any good, or useles GM crap?

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Latest news.... Waldorf Microwave-2 baord available soon for the Terratec ews !!!.... It will be fitted into a new front panel module, that will replace the old one...... all the same functions for the front panel will be there, but with the addition of the Microwave-2 synth... yes a whole microwave 2 synth !!..... not only that, but..... you can also send any of the Terratec sound sources, (samples, sounds from the 4mb rom wavetable synth etc) to the waldorf for processing via the Microwave filters etc, as well as external sounds (there's also an external IN for the waldorf.!!!)..... also, the output from the waldorf can be recorded direct to hard disk as an audio file !!...... the entire mix of h/d audio, internal synth, samples and waldorf, can all be mixed to the s/pdif out's on the terratec for direct digital transfer to dat...... also, that same sum total mix, can again be recorded to hard disk as a stereo audio file..... so basically, you've got infinate re-sampling of all sources to hard disk.. (these h/d files can also be loaded to the samplers ram......... or played back from hard disk via your midi & h/d s/w......

I'll be getting a Terratec-ews64 soon (just ear-ached Simon at Terratec into a cheap deal !!.. heh heh)..... so I'll review the card in total-full soon as the studio's set up at the my new address..... until then, seems like this card is going from strength to strength....... the Waldorf is a great addition, not only as a synth, but the famous Waldorf filters are thus available to process any sound whether from sample ram, synth, or h/disk,,,,,and the results can be sampled also.... great!!!.........

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: radium
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

it seems this soundcard is perfect!! althouth i know i wont make full use of it...

i live in the middle east - how can i order it???

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Duncan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

EWS 64 XL PRO avaliable from Choice in the UK for 299.00 excl VAT. They also ship to Germany, Holland and major European cities.

(I'm assuming this is the full on card, not a cut down, but check first).


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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: JbRt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I was really impressed by this outstanding piece of equipment........

I say WAS because I have this card since August 1997, and still

Terratec has failed to deliver all the software promised...

Primairely I bought this card for the 'so called' semi professional


Terrortec keeps on promissing to deliver... but when, at last it has

taken half a year now, and I'm starting to get fed up!

If you want to buy a soundcard with sampling capabilities,

DO NOT BUY THIS ONE!!!! ( well, not YET anyway..)

P.S. Apart from the software not beeing finished, there are

updates; I am working with computers for about 15 yrs now, but

even me it takes at least 2 hrs to get my system running the

way it did before the upgrade..... IT SUCKS!!!!!! ( Primairely

because of Wondiws95, because the NT 4.0 drivers aren't released

as well!)

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Steve Ellis
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Don't get too excited over the EWS 64.

Echo has a 2 in 8 out card for 315 US Dollars with 20 Bit DA/AD's ("Darla") and an 8 in 8 out card called "Layla" for 899 US Dollars with a rack mounted Balanced XLR connectors being released in late April. (Compatable with Cool Edit Pro Software)

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Xtant.....
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Just a word about 4outs...... Cos there is no!

There only two stereo pair, but realy usable is only

one of them, because only one of them goin throug

DSP-synth output (18 bit phillips dac), other goin throug

Crystal CODEC (16 bit) and this one is too noisy.....

Of coz you can use Crystall for a games, but not for a recording....

But anyway, this is a best card on the market today

by price/features..... And about a Darla.....

I've read some reviews pn the mags and was not

impressed..... Why people needs 8 outputs if they're

not enough quality?? The only feature of Darla is to

do multitrack, and if it can't do it well why to buy it?

I think EWS is is more worth investement than Darla....

(And... hmmm, sorry if my english is too poor...)

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Klaus Schulze
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

First Edittion of the Sample Editor Ed!son is out now !

Check Terratec's Homepage

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

But the [signal to noise] ratio is terrible!

One of five cards give the declared in tech.doc.

s/n ratio.

If Anybody knows about it send me e-mail.

p.s Sorry for wild english.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Xtant
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Yes, the s/n ration varies from card to card but also

from system to system... To obtain maximum s/n level

it's need to look carefully on cable location and components

inside your box. Also using of plastic screws will not a

bad idea... I've got a -85 -90 db in my box.....

But there are other problems with this card still not solved:

- samples limited to 512kb size (firmware problem, will be fixed soon)

- not stable filters (firmware)

- not a pro level of FX algorithms (also firmware)

and so on....

But Terratec guys sad that they will fix it as soon as possible....

I hope it will not be as soon as TB does Pinnacle Patch editor :)

for this time 4/5 coz the problems described....

(and sorry for my english)

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: (:ChRoNiC:) Hollandia
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hmm i think its a funking Great card,

Still i have had some problems regarding DIRECTSOUND cause when i play QUAKE2

i get crackling noises (somebodey?)

butt still its great for my style off music (ACID:)

i use a Tb-303 and a TB-909 and the EWS64L/XL fits good in this config


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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: XtanT
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

YO, Kilo.... i was not able to finde a word on waldorf site

about this unbelievable microwave-2 addon......

Can you be more specific? Where can i find a info about


BTW, i'm owner of EWS and i'm completely satisfied!

Stright to digital recording through internal stuff is great!

You, guys, can now forget abouta your machine noise!


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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Liam Gallagher
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99






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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Dale Monaghan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

ps. I sent the wrong email address. It's shado@cairns.net.au

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Dale Monaghan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I bought the card as an alternative to buying a sampler after having being convinced by a computer literate muso friend. I'm starting to appreciate dedicated gear more and more. It's false advertising, I think to rave about this Ed!son thing when after 3 months of owning it, it still can't play stereo samples. It probably wont play drum loops off the keyboard, and as far as upgrading to 64meg; well how many terratec sites do you have to visit, to find out what's the best type of RAM, cause every computer wholesaler I've come across asures me that they don't make 64meg fastpage 8chip double sided whatever they are's. When it comes to actually getting things done I have a completely isolated setup of SC-88. Roland U-220. Alesis DM5 with my old laptop running Mastertracks onto a VS-1680. As for the desktop monstrosity taking up a bedroom. Well untill Terratec get their act together it's good for the gilfriend to do up resume's on. you won't see Roland releasing any product untill it's up and running.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: tommy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

hey Liam Gallagher, calm down! I too had this problem- just use the headphone socket and connect it to the line in of in-2 and make sure you get the right level. No Problem.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: intel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99


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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: martin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Whats the point? This card sucks if the sampler isn't working properly

I'm glad I read these comment, as I was just about to buy one on the grounds of it being a sampler, as it seems like a good investment compared to a few grand for a standalone.

However, if the samples don't work, It woould seem much more sensible to buy a cheaper one,

and use cheap outboard effects, like a zoom. The rest of its fancy functions are available in freeware, as far as I can tell.

So, any one from Terratec fancy convincing me I'm wrong?

or even saying why is 150 quid more than the sl, which appears to have a better

sampling rate anyhow (up to 52kHz vs less-than 48kHz, according to their website)

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: nik
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

HEEELLLLOOOO !!! Is there anyone outside who MADE

music with this card ? who can help me?

Just hear at the realtime ! for example on the

terratec EWS64XL CD v2.0 :\HotStuff.!!!\Sounds\Songs\Instr

epiano.all, soundtrack.all, synbass.all

Can you hear the clicking by using controllers like pan,cutoff... ?! This is really not useful!

Or do i make something wrong?

I use Cubase Score VST 3.553

Please em@il me --- THANKS

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Moritz Blume
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I bought this card just when it came out on the market.

A sticker on the Box told me that the software was incomplete,

but would be there in a few weeks. A few weeks are now like 7 months,

but the sample editor is not available yet.

Without the sample editor, the card is useless for me.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Simon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hi everyone,

Just a few bits of info...

Xtant, there are four mono outputs otherwise known as two stereo or even useable as one quad with realtime panning via MIDI. all of these outputs are through 18-bit DACs from the Dream DSP and also available simultaneously as 20-bit S/PDIF from the front panel.

We are still waiting for pricing on the MicroWave PC. It will be under £500 and it is a TerraTec product availble through our dealers (see website) as opposed to Waldorf dealers. We expect to ship late April.

Ed!son second beta is available from our website and it looks good so far. Stereo sample support not far off and we are DEFINITELY working to smash the 512Kbyte limit on looped samples.

New Set Manager in a couple of weeks will give native support for E-mu/Creative SoundFont(tm) 2 format, to be followed by Akai and others.

Pricing in the UK is around £399 inc VAT, any prices significantly lower are likely to be misprints but feel free to shop around for the best deal.

Kilo... you gave me earache but... no action !, keep up the good work and don't forget all of you visit the website (www.terratec.co.uk) for all the latest... You can even see what we look like now.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Troels B-Knudsen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I too own an EWS. And i'm very satisfied with.

At first mine was a bit noisy too, but I relocated

it to another ISA port away from the gfx card and

motherboard and I get a crystal clear audio. It's

a shame that a lot of the software isn't finished

though. But when it's done it'll be an extremely

good soundcard and it'll get my full mark. But

untill then it's only get 4


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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: nanook
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Stop whining over edison! Its out, and it's even beta 0.40 ! =)

Worx great though .. filters fixed aso ..

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: james
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have had quite a few problems with getting acquainted to the card and keeping it running smoothly with all of my other software and hardware. The installation for me was quite a business, but then again, I'm a relatively inexperienced Pc and sound person. For the new comer who wants to make music who's heard this is a great sound card. Yes it's potential is incredible for the price, but you will need patience, and some more technical minded friends and of course a crash course in electronic music making from websites, experimenting, friends and reading to get busy. Good luck!

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

yes indeed.... gotta keep you on your toes.... I'll be back again until i get a FREE one....... (heh heh)

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Graeme Bennett
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I own a Terratec EWS64XL and, while I am moderately happy with it, I find the enthusiasm over its S/N ratio unjustified. It is quite noisy, and the noise actually gets louder (crackling sounds) when you run Cubase VST.

Also, its mixer software (currently 2.03) is slightly buggy and incomplete. While I'm not about to pull it out and put my old AWE32 back in, I'm not sure I'd recommend it over an AWE64 Gold & RAM/Gina combo. Despite all the negative comments you tend to read about the AWE64 Gold around Usenet, the AWE64 Gold in my other PC has been considerably less trouble overall and sounds quite good, albeit not as "big" as the Terratec unless you add the optional EMU 8MB RAM GM bank.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Andre
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

The ews64 has prooved to be a very efficient soundcards. It gives U the flexibility most sound cards don't give and it has enough FX make some hardware obsolete

Where can I downloads soundsets?

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Hmmm
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

If this card is so great, how come lots of people in #AudioWarez/MidiWarez are dropping, read selling, them like flies?

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Juan Pablo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I cant record audio sicroniced

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Martijn
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Im working with the EWS64XL myself, and i really enjoy the card. The only problem is that the software for sample editing got a lot of problems....im new in this business, but the card could have been a little more comprehensive to newbies..But the sound quality is superb! Also the 5 1/4 bay is really handy....masterkeyboard and synthmodule.....just plug it in! Greeting from Holland.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Jimmy Summers
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

This card is a real surprize of goods in the swamped soundcard market. If you want more than just crystal clear sound but a plain recording card only! There's your answer to a question What card to I buy for recording? If you want a soundcard that is way more than a crystal clear recording card, this is the only card! I love it so much I'll never change my position on it it terms of "whats a better card?" There may just be a better card available but hell it's not a TerraTec and it costs double, and I've got great recordings, a sampler synth, enormous great sounding soundfonts and 2 midi outputs for 32 midi channels. Now for the price or any argument what-so-ever, How can ya beat that value!! Sorry there is no competition, I saw their products and I had the cash. The EWS 64 XL is what I bought. Go ahead check out there homepage! This card is for real!

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Luc Bossé
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hey!! Wouldn`t it be great if people put a date

on their comment/remarks on the list. That way, we

could know if the comment are or have become obsolete

(like certain driver not being out yet (WHEN??) and

glitches in the software (WICH VERSIONS?? HOW LONG AGO

DID THOSE PROBLEMS EXIST??). We even have articles on

there dating from when the card wasn`t even distributed

to open-stream yet.. How does the non-knowing person

figure out the facts and updates without dates indicating

when the article/comment was writen?????????????

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: exxosphere
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I remember having been very enthusiuastic about this card... BUT after a lot of investigations, it turned out to be far too much "halfway serious" product for me. I mean I'm not a pro, but I always buy working, reliable and PROBLEM-FREE gear (which doesn't always means expensive), and the EWS unfortunately doesn't fit the bill. This is because I love music. And I hate having to deal with 'less than very good' gear, and I don't wanna spend 8 month waiting a soft or an update or a driver that will never come instead of making music, trust me. And I don't wanna spread aluminium sheets inside my computer to reduce noise level, or whatsoever (BTW I'm a hardware design engineer and I've already designed interfaces for PCs, but there is simply one time for making things and one time for using them...). This card is probably OK for game players and entry-level music making. But I find myself far better having one single awesome A/D D/A card than 8 crappy ones. It's a lesson I learned from life, after having bought LOADS of gear, ranging from excellent to crappy. It's far better to have one single port Opcode or Motu MIDI interface than 4 ports with shitty timings and unreliable data buffers and which cannot be configured as you want, or where you cannot apply the specific SYSEX filter that will remove the 'system reset' message that will erase all your POLY800 memories when u launch Cubase (see my review at Sonicstate on the POLY800 if u wanna learn more...). I've also come to dislike the 'all-in-one' concept. Because 90% of the time you get nasty compromises hidden everywhere. Please stop believing in miracles, guys. But it's a question of philosophy, so I understand if u disagree. Now go to www.sonicstate.com (software/virtual/cards section), check the user reviews on the EWS and THEN make your choice. (overall rating : 2,7/5 on 1999 feb 8th).

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Alexander
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hi by All! I live in Russia, in Moscow. And one year I am by the owner EWS64XL. As a whole certainly not bad, however it is necessary to tell that at given soundcard there are some restrictions which obviously worsen a situation of things. This restriction on the size of samples in 256 êá, the high quality of effects (for example very small time of a delay etc.) does not suffice. Leaves to wish the best interface of the software. Does not read samples from AKAI, as is declared by the manufacturer, is not present ASIO of drivers for Cubase. Also there are problems with synchronization MIDI and Audio. But allows to make completely digital mixdown Midi and Audio... On it all that I wanted to tell. Thanx.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Mark
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Im trying to decide between terratec EWS64XL and zefiro ZA2. I use cubase VST score 3.55. I will use flying cow external D/A conversion. I am interested to know the synth, installation,hard disk recording are with ews64.

Please email if you have one.


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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: matt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

its a bunch of crap that doesnt work with fuck all

if only it worked.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Jimmy Summers
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I am a proud owner of this card and I must say the company, the product are excellent. It's the most joy filled hardware in my system. I record music on it every day with very clean and clear results! Their software is very well designed and looks really cool! I recommend this product to anyone.The TerraTec boys sent me a free upgraded cd at no extra cost to me and It arrived 4 days later, wow. There are other cards, 24 bit etc. etc. and I saw them , studied them and then I bought this card! the EWS 64 xl, THE BEST! I will never let IT go

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Jimmy Summers
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I am a proud owner of this card and I must say the company, the product are excellent. It's the most joy filled hardware in my system. I record music on it every day with very clean and clear results! Their software is very well designed and looks really cool! I recommend this product to anyone.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Vladimir Elenkrig
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Hello.I finally got my EWS64 xl.Exellent piece of gear.

But the problem is that the owner's manual is in German(I got the card from direct

online shop from Germany)Is it possible to send me the manual in English?Thank

you for your attention.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Nick
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

It must be a part of my computer. But it's

a problem. I live in Kiev, Ukraine, where nobodys

heard about EWS64. It is nice country, isn't it?

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: franck Mercier
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Well , I bought my card one tear ago . The results

are very good .

Only one Thing : I have waited one yer to have edson

in final version!!

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: cicalone
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Best soundcard on PC , ALL in ONE , and the price is inviting

Good Job Terratec.

The Waldorf Microwave pc for Terratec is the STATE OF THE ART

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: martin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

i considered buying it to use as a sampler BUT

after collecting some infos i found out that


that's not enough for me.

I'll wait for EMU-Audio Production Centre or

Pulsar(more expensive but more "professional" and

you get real synths with it)

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Purple Snail
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Yo phogy, why the hell are you bitching about the codec...everyone know its crap...Use the analogue In-2 for recording, i get -100dB noise from it. Oh and people who wanna upload their own samples, ive written a program to do it...get it from www.xs4all.nl/~arnoud1/

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: hajee
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 03-Aug-99

Yo, arnoud what the hell?!!?
Instead of an EWS sample proggy i get i stupid caresale advertising. What the heel is up with that?


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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: hajee
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 03-Aug-99

oops sorry i made a typ...arnoud i forget the 1 in the end...sorry mate.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: JT
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 04-May-00

Great budget sampler for your PC. The internal FX are crap but you can use external FX box to spice the sound. You can create some great sounds with this card.. the groove park sonic planet cd is great example of this (must have for EWS users) it's even praised by the sound desing guru rob papen. only bad thing is that the card uses ISA so it's a bit outdated. However it doesn't really require that much bandwith if you use the synth engine only. Get some other card to do heavy VST or directsound apps.

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Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Albert
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional,part-timer
Date: 22-Aug-00

This is the top-of-the-line soundcard I've come across so far for making professional sound tracks. 64MB of sampling including a powerful Instrument Editor all at your fingertips is just one of the reasons why this soundcard shines above the rest.

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Last added comment

Product:  TERRATEC - EWS-64
Name: Shpongled
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 01-Mar-01

For me this card is becoming totally useless. The samples/soundfonts which you can load to EWS64 XL's ram sounds very unprofessional. You can hear it especially in hihats and other hi frequency sounds. Plus the Asio drivers still don't work properly. This card looks very good in paper but after you have used it you certainly can notice that there is something wrong. :( I'm buying new card soon.

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