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Allen & Heath GL3300-816A


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Allen & Heath GL3300-816A

Category:  Products / mixing desks / analog mixers

Added: 12-Dec-03  |  Author: admin

New price: 2,268.79 UKP - 3,199.00 Euros  |   S/H price: Not listed

Allen & Heath GL3300-816A

ALLEN & HEATH GL3300-816A 8 Buss, 16 Mono-ch., 12x2 Matrix, 8 Aux

The ALLEN & HEATH GL3300 represents a breakthrough in price versus performance and functionality. It offers the professional user a new level of versatility to quickly adapt to the exacting demands of live sound engineering today. The GL3300 is developed from the successful GL3000 console which included innovative 'mode switching' that quickly converts the console from Front-of-House to On-stage Monitor operation. Apart from continuing the development of this unique feature, the GL3300 packs in more features and performance at the same price point of the mixer it succeeds. We now offer you 8 subgroups, 8 independent aux sends, 4 mute groups, 2 matrix outputs, stereo mic/line channels and lots more...

  • Easy to use intuitive layout.
  • 16, 24, 32 and 40 channel frames each with 4 Mono / Stereo input module combinations.
  • Mono and stereo channel bolt-on expanders available to extend up to a maximum 40 channels.
  • Separate safety approved power supply unit.
  • SYS-LINK buss expander option.
  • VU meterpod option for 24, 32 and 40 models.
  • 4 assignable mute groups for combined channel control.
  • L, R outputs on balanced XLR with inserts.
  • Mono sum output on balanced XLR with mode switching to 'listen wedge' monitor.
  • 8 subgroups, with 4 available outputs on balanced XLR with inserts.
  • All 8 group outputs available on 25pin D connector as an option.
  • L-R, mute and pan on each subgroup.
  • 2 matrix outputs on faders fed from L, R, 8 subgroups and stereo returns.
  • 8 aux sends, 4 on jack, 4 on balanced XLR outputs with inserts.
  • Mode switching to convert console to on-stage monitor status with 8 mono and 1 stereo sends.
  • 2 stereo returns with faders and routing.
  • 2-track record and replay with level controls.
  • Individual talkback to all aux sends.
  • Extensive monitoring and metering facilities
  • Gooseneck lamp connector.
  • Advanced channel features including +48V, phase switch, lo-cut filter, meter and insert.
  • Direct output on mono channels.
  • 4 band 2 sweep EQ with wide ranging frequency sweep and +/-15dB boost/cut.
  • Pre-post aux switching with additional internal link options.
  • Stereo mic/line channels with XLR/Jack inputs and inserts.
  • High performance circuitry used for low noise and sonic purity.
  • High quality, proven reliable parts used throughout.
  • Rear mounted connectors, comfortable soft armrest, wide write-on strips.
  • Rugged metal beam construction for on-the-road rigidity, easily flightcased and transported.
  • Removeable steel base for easy access to individual circuit assemblies.

Sadly Allen & Heath don't see fit to store any decent information on their older products besdies the manualk and a few low-res brochers... If you use or have used this mixer, please add some uder feeback or comments below!

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Product:  Allen & Heath - GL3300-816A
Name: Toby Mills
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 21-Mar-04

Product Review - Allen & Heath - GL3300 Mixing Console

The Allen & Heath GL3300 fits into the middle of the companies large format analogue console product offerings. The console packs all of the 'must have' features you need in a live mixing workhorse as well as a few 'nice to have' extras that make working with it in any live situation a breeze.

When our new unit arrived the first thing that surprised me was its size. The GL3300 is so compact I initially thought our supplier had sent the wrong model. Its amazing that Allen & Heath have managed to pack so many features into such a conmpact frame without creating that 'crammed' feeling inherent with so many manufacturers that have tried to do the same thing.

The GL3300 is a joy to use, we used it on a large outdoor show within 24 hours of it arriving and before I had had a chance to really become familiar with its layout. It was literally a case of out of the box and into the truck so I was a little nervous about using it without a prior dry run, but the few encounters I have had with A&H products in the past gave me enough confidence to bank on the companies reputation.

From the minute I started to use the console I was immediately comfortable with its layout and performance. Everything is where you expect it to be, I found myself confidently reaching for controls by touch within a few minutes. The response of every control is predictable and precise, and there are no feature gotchas or quirks. A&H have done their homework with the GL3300 and absolutely nothing is left wanting.

The rear end of the console does not share the same spacious feel as the top, however in the interests of keeping the console compact, A&H have definately chosen the right place to make the required space savings. Whilst things are definately on the tight side at the rear, the layout and output options are superb.

There are 8 flexible, balanced XLR outputs on the back in addition to the two master outputs and single mono. Four of these are assigned to auxiliary outputs by default and the other four to group ouputs, in monitor mode all 8 can become balanced auxiliary outputs that can be controlled using the 8 group faders.

The console also provides TRS jacks for the balance of auxilary outputs in standard mode and inserts in all the right places. An upgrade is also available that provides balanced ouputs for all 8 groups.

Some of the nice touches include;

- faders on the two stereo inputs (returns) for flexible effect control or handy CD inputs.
- 3 led channel meter on every channel that provides quick glance gain checking without having to PFL preview every channel.
- An Analogue meterpod for group, master and PFL metering in addition to a 2 channel 12 segment digital meter.
- 10 by 2 matrix with two 60mm faders.
- Syslink option for no mess linking of two consoles together.
- Individual mode switching of Group / Auxiliary output and fader assignment.
- 4 mute groups.
- Both auxiliar groups (1 to 4 and 5 to 8) are pre / post fader switchable.
- analogue meterpod

I have used a lot of different consoles in my time but would have to rate the GL3300 as the best in this category by far. There are plenty of products on the market that offer similar features to the GL3300. Very few manage to deliver all of these features in a complete package without making a compromise somewhere. The GL3300 simply doesn't compromise anywhere. When A&H include a feature in a product they make sure that it works the way any professional engineer would expect,4 and they make sure that it only adds to the quality of the product without compromising the overall package. The result is extremely well rounded and rugged products that continue to earn their place in installations and touring rigs around the world.

The GL3300 has that great warm sound that can often only be achieved by using vintage audio equipment, however the GL3300 delivers this sound with an incredibly low noise floor which is something that can't be said for most vintage equipment.

If you are looking for a cheap mixing desk, then the GL3300 is not the best choice. But, if you are looking for the best quality, sounding and no compromise large format console with all of the tools you need to make a great mix, then you could do a lot worse than the Allen and Heath GL3300.

Toby Mills is head sound engineer for one of New Zealands leading sound hire and touring companies, noise productions ltd.

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