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Allen & Heath GL3000 series


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Allen & Heath GL3000 series

Category:  Products / mixing desks / analog mixers

Added: 28-Nov-11  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: Not listed

Allen & Heath GL3000 series


8 Group FOH or 10 Send Foldback or 8 Group/8 Auxiliary Dual Role Console. Features 4 Band EQ with Two Mid Sweeps on Mono Channels, 8 Auxiliaries, 2 Stereo Returns, 10x2 Matrix, Comprehensive Metering on all Channels/Groups/Outs, 4 Stereo Channels with Dual Mic Pre-amps (Except 16Ch), 2 Track Recording In and Out, 100mm ALPS Faders, Individual Phantom Power on all Mono Channels, Insert Points on all Mic Inputs/Group Outs/LR, Mutes on all Inputs, Individual Channel PCB's, Optional Meter Bridge (Except 16Ch). SYS-LINK™ Compatible.

There are four consoles in this series plus various accessories including SL-1 sys-link card which enabled consoles to be linked:

GL3000/16 - 16 CHANNEL MIXING CONSOLE: 8 Group, 8 Aux, 16 Mono Channels
GL3000/24S - 24 CHANNEL MIXING CONSOLE: 8 Group, 8 Aux, 20 Mono/4 Stereo (28 Mic) Ch.
GL3000/32S - 32 CHANNEL MIXING CONSOLE: 8 Group, 8 Aux, 28 Mono/4 Stereo (36 Mic) Ch.
GL3000/40S - 40 CHANNEL MIXING CONSOLE: 8 Group, 8 Aux, 36 Mono/4 Stereo (44 Mic) Ch.


GL3000/8M - INPUT EXPANDER: 8 Mono Channels

GL3000/4SM - INPUT EXPANDER: 4 Mono and 4 Stereo Channels

GL3000/M24 - 24 CHANNEL METER BRIDGE: 8 Group, Left/Right and Mono Backlit VU Meters. Individual Channel Inputs can be Routed to Meter Bridge via PFL Facility.

GL3000/M32 - 32 CHANNEL METER BRIDGE: As GL3000/M24

GL3000/M40 - 40 CHANNEL METER BRIDGE: As GL3000/M24

RPS9 - POWER SUPPLY: One Supplied with Console. 2RU.

RPSD - DUAL POWER SUPPLY MONITOR: Automatic Switching Unit for Connection of Two PSU's to GL3000 Console. 1RU.

GL3000/SL-1 - SYS LINK™ CARD: Internally Fitted Card For Each GL3000 (Excludes Cables)


  • Dual functionality. GRP/Aux mode switches reverse aux master section with the group faders, giving up to 8 monitor sends with inserts on 100mm faders
  • Formats: 16, 24, 32 and 40 channels
  • 8 audio groups. Assignable from paired routing buttons and pan from channel. Groups 5-8 have XLR outputs, 1-4 are to the mix only. All have inserts
  • 8 auxiliary sends. Switchable pre/post fade in blocks: 1-4, 5-8
  • 12x2 matrix fed from groups, LR busses and stereo returns
  • 4 band EQ with separate sweep and cut/boost on mid bands. HPF @ 100Hz is switchable
  • Stereo channels. 16 channel versions had all mono channels. All other models had 4 stereo inputs to the right of the master section. Mic or line source on 2 XLRs or 2 TRS jacks
  • 2 stereo returns on TRS line inputs with 60mm fader and routing to group, LR and matrix
  • 12 segment bargraph meters on L&R. 4 segment leds on GRP/Aux masters. 3 segment leds on channels. Optional VU meterbridge was available for 24-40 channel versions
  • Lamp socket (BNC)
  • PSU. Console was supplied with RPS9 rack mounting (2U) linear power supply

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Product:  Allen & Heath - GL3000 series
Name: Dennis Dozier
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 08-May-16

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