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Studiomaster Series II - 16-16-2


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Studiomaster Series II - 16-16-2

Category:  Products / mixing desks / analog mixers

Added: 27-Apr-05  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: 250-500 quid depending on condition & luck

Studiomaster Series II - 16-16-2

Another old classic from Studiomaster who ruled the waves for home/budget studio mixers back in the 80's, along with Allen & Heath (A&h) and Soundcraft... This mixer to all intents and purposes is a Studiomaster Mixdown with added MIDI Controlled Muting (MCM) automation.

In fact, Studiomaster pioneered this mute automation, & as far as I know this was the first retail mixer with MIDI automation onboard.... The mixer responds to MIDI Note-On, Note-Off, & Key-number information & reads and writes data to/from your sequencer for muting channels and Aux returns.

4 band sweep eq, 6 Aux's, 100mm Alps faders, phase-reverse, 48v phantom power, and the mixer like previous Studiomaster series is expandable (or was expandable when the units were available) to 40 inputs and 24 tape monitors.

Here's the actual bare mixer unit:

and here's the expansion units...

The main image at the top of the page (and the large image you can open below) has had 2 x 8 channel expansions added and the extra 8 bus expansion so it'd be a 32-24-2 with 24 monitor bus's I think is right.... Crafty buggers eh those Studiomaster boys, they offered and upgrade path for your mixer!

The Series II had a rackmountable seperate power supply which was a big improvement on the rather weedy onboard units fitted inside the Mixdown series.

This mixer was also available as 16:4:2 and 16:8:2 configs.

Click for a Larger image

Anyone still using one of these babies?... please add some user comments below!

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User Comments

Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Matthew
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 09-Sep-07

I got one cheap as chips on ebay, and after a good look over, was right back in working order. In view of its age, I get the odd random crackle from some mystery circuit somewhere, and also the EQ sweeps don't like being changed at higher gain levels (nasty pops and sqeaks from sweaping across high frequencies).

It sounds nice when I'm happy with settings, and there are loads of output options (ALL unbalanced jacks). I wish I had the 16 bus version (I have 8 buses).


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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Max
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 13-Dec-07

I'm been using this desk in a 40 - 16 - 2 configuration for more than 10 years and I have to say I've loved it because of the fat EQ and the routing system. I have recorded and mixed down everything from film scores to Dub, Hip Hop and R&B and more and made my living from outside clients and re mixes. It's got some crackly pots now but it just needs a good clean.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Graeme Robinson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 26-Dec-07

I bought my 32:16:2 Series II new in 1987 in Wakefield UK. I
then produced gold and platinum masters using this beast with
a Fostex E16 and then ADATs in the mid 90s. The sixteen
subgroups were priceless for live full band sessions. The desk
was in near constant use until late 2004 when my studio was
downsized, then it was then stored in bubblewrap for two
years. After using two smaller scaled mixing consoles with
ProTools systems in a production set up, I relocated my main
studio and out came the Studiomaster again, still working and
sounding bigger and better than ever as a front-end to a
system of ProTools and 32 tracks of Fostex HD multitracks.
Twenty years service aint bad, bravo for British engineering!

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Alasdair Davis
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 08-May-08

I've been given one of these desks and I have really enjoyed using it although the use is minimal so far.

I have a question though which some of you more experienced users may be able to answer about the heads up display.

When you click on the button to the left of the fader 1-2 you get the graphic showing signal on 1 and 2 but how do I get channel one to affect just the first channel on the graphic and channel 2 the second one and so on.

I don't need and answer as it makes no difference in the long run but it'd be cool to know.

Cheers in advance for any help!


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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Tony Clark
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-Sep-08

I purchased one of these used about 10 years ago and have enjoyed it very much. I like the fact that it can be both a in-line and split board depending upon your record monitoring needs.

You do need to clean all of the pots because these will either be scratchy, frozen, or produce the awful squeeling noises another owner noted above. Mine didn't come with the power supply but it did come with a road case. I contacted Studiomaster and they were very friendly. I was sent a photocopy of the schematics and owners manual for free! I used the schematics to convert a different external powersupply and it works great. I did have to go through and clean the whole board up because it seemed like it had sat in the road case for a very long time with no use. This is not a job for the feint of heart though. I also learned that I have a later model that does not use the clunky midi note mapping system that they used in the early models.

I use it as a frontend to my computer studio setup and a Fostex B16. The B16 has not seen much use lately which I am trying to remedy with a larger studio setup but the computer does get used. It is a M-audio 1010LT and E-mu 1212m which makes a good pair with the StudioMaster board. At first I thought the input preamps were a bit noisy but after getting used to how to set the gain stages they are very quiet and clean. And yes, I really like the EQ section that everyone comments on.

I will attempt to answer the meter question asked by Alasdair:

The meters only monitor the 16 sub groups and the solo buss. So, if you want to monitor any of the input channels then you either have to assign it to one of the subgroups and set that subgroup's fader to unity/0db or select solo and monitor the solo meter. I think this was a very clever way of giving full metering without having the expense and space of a full meter bridge; you can meter any send/channel that can be solo'ed.


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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Alam molina
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Feb-09

yo estoy trabajando con una mescladora studiomaster diamond pro 24/4/3 y me gustaria obtener el manual.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: NoteFarm
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 03-Mar-09

I purchased one of these desks in January and I love it. I had to do a fair bit of cleaning and restoration
but now it looks as if it were new.

Some pots were basically glued in place due to neglect and lack of use. I bought them back back to life
by tacking of the knob and then very very carefully dabbing the smallest tinniest amount of WD40
around the stem with a cue tip. This took allot of time but worked a treat. The faders were all perfect.
There are still a few noisy pots but that will be easy to remedy with some switch cleaner.

I love the sound of this desk. It has personality and its own sound. This took a little getting used to not
because I didn't like the sound or personality but because compared to my previous desk, a Soundcraft
Studio 24 that was was very transparent, this desk seems "warmer" or "softer " to me (sorry that
sounds nebulous and esoteric I know)

The routing on this desk is amazing too. I understand mixing consoles much more now than when I
first got my Soundcraft so I may have missed many of the options that were on the Soundcraft Studio
24 but the Studiomaster seems to be laid out much more logically and more flexible.

The construction is solid and certainly seems to stem from a time when things were built to last. I must
say again compared to the Soundcraft this desk seems more like a luxury car.

I would like to buy a spare meter bridge if any one is selling one or knows of one for sale please get in

Also I have the owners manual in English and will be scanning it and turning it into PDF format. So if
you are rebuilding one of these desks and need a copy please email me and I will be happy to e-mail
you a copy once I have scanned the whole thing.

Good mixes to all,


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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Dan Fittell
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jul-09

Hi Jay,

Are you able to email a copy of the manual?? I have just purchased a 24/16/2 series 2 and don't have any
manual and they are quite hard to track down.

Hope you can help,

Dan Fitell dkfittell@gmail.com

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Johnny
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 23-Sep-09

Hi I read that you still have the manual, could you possibly email it onto me, would be very grateful,


[quote] NoteFarm wrote: I purchased one of these desks in January and I love it. I had to do a fair bit of cleaning and restoration but now it looks as if it were new. Some pots were basically glued in place due to neglect and lack of use. I bought them back back to life by tacking of the knob and then very very carefully dabbing the smallest tinniest amount of WD40 around the stem with a cue tip. This took allot of time but worked a treat. The faders were all perfect. There are still a few noisy pots but that will be easy to remedy with some switch cleaner. I love the sound of this desk. It has personality and its own sound. This took a little getting used to not because I didnt like the sound or personality but because compared to my previous desk, a Soundcraft Studio 24 that was was very transparent, this desk seems warmer or softer to me (sorry that sounds nebulous and esoteric I know)The routing on this desk is amazing too. I understand mixing consoles much more now than when I first got my Soundcraft so I may have missed many of the options that were on the Soundcraft Studio 24 but the Studiomaster seems to be laid out much more logically and more flexible. The construction is solid and certainly seems to stem from a time when things were built to last. I must say again compared to the Soundcraft this desk seems more like a luxury car. I would like to buy a spare meter bridge if any one is selling one or knows of one for sale please get in touch.Also I have the owners manual in English and will be scanning it and turning it into PDF format. So if you are rebuilding one of these desks and need a copy please email me and I will be happy to e-mail you a copy once I have scanned the whole thing. Good mixes to all, Jay [/quote]

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: stephane
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 03-Oct-09

i own a studiomaster serie II 16-8-2 and i really love the sound of it,i got the 8bus hook up to my motu 828mkii and it makes some nice recording.
i'm looking for manual for it.
email me please if you got it.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Oddgeir
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 04-Nov-09

Does anyone have a power supply ep-3 to an studiomaster series 2 24-16-2 left over?
I¡äm missing mine, and it seems like noone have thees power supplies.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Willemradio
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 19-Nov-09

I have buy a secondhand Studiomaster 16-16-2.
Now I'm looking for a user manual and a service manual.
Who can help me.

with regards,

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: jaryic
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 08-Dec-09

I own a 32-16-2 that I bought used on ebay. It took me half a year to get it cleaned, replacing some broken switches as well as building a custom roadcase. Now it's working like a charm again. It has a warm vintage sound I totaly love.
I use it mainly as FOH Console with a musical company. The massive input, output and routing possibilities give you all you ever need to make even the most impossible demand come true, up to multitrack recording, submixing, multichannel surround out and broadcast feed at the same time.
Thus most I/Os are unbalanced I stacked up some multi DIs in my siderack.
The What-you-see-is-what-you-get of analog consoles is the way I like to work in live situations so I will never trade it in for a digital half the size but double the features hidden beneath countless pages. :)

[quote]how do I get channel one to affect just the first channel on the graphic and channel 2 the second one and so on.[/quote]

It's like on every other console featuring mixing busses:
You have to view them as stereo pairs (like the master L-R bus).
Depressing the 1-2 switch on your Channel-Strip places the signal on submix buses 1 and 2. Now sweeping the PAN-Pot all the way to left will send your signal only to bus 1 (odd) while sweeping all the way to right will send it to bus 2 (even). This will also show on the Meterbridge.
If you're mixing the busses to Master you will find another PAN-Pot on your Group-Strip used to place it in the main Mix.
This is an excelent feature of the Series II allowing you to go from Recoring to Playback just by engaging the tape return without the need of even moving one fader.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Stefan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 01-Jan-10

Hi everybody !

I have got the 16-8-2 version of the series II, i bought it used about 15 years ago.

I used it recently to track drums into our Fostex D2424 for further guitar/bass/vocal overdubs and mixing in cubase for my current bands debut album and it still worked pretty good for that, i like this old mixer.

I have been looking for a schematic for a while since i accidentally burnt one of the monitoring outputs and i seem to have lost my original owners manual as well, so if anyone have a pdf of these i would be very greatful for a copy.

Thanks in advance

All the best !


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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Frank Sanderson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 07-Feb-10

Hi There,
I'm very interested in any of the expander units for this mixer. That is, the eight channel expander and/or the tape monitor. I've got a 24-8-2 which I really want to expand to 32 or 40 channels. I've been googling 6 checking ebay etc, but nothing's turned up yet. Any help would be well appreciated! Thanks!

Best regards,
Frank Sanderson

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: guy bryson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 23-Feb-10

I've recently got a hold of a 24/16/2, its a real beauty and in great condition, everything in operation is clean and quiet.
I am trying to hook up to a Motu 24I/O, then to my Pc loaded with Cockos Reaper. my trouble is i am getting a low end hum from each output on the desk. ive tried all conceivable gain levels, and pre amp in/out levels. i can get it to a minimum, but its still obviously there.
when i activate each channel in the software the hum gets louder each channel thats turned on.
Does anyone know if i am missing something, (a brain maybe), or could there be a prob with preamps, bad earth, or something else.
I would really appreciate some help, or perhaps a contact that can have a look over the desk for me.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Frank Sanderson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 04-Jun-10

Hi all,
Is anyone here using the EDAC multi-pin connectors on the back of the Series II? If so, how are they wired and from where do you tap the signal?

Many thanks!

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Ragnar Jonsson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 29-Nov-10

Both have the users and service manual. Give me some time for scanning

Did a lot of recordings and live(FOH)mixes with the SM in the late 80´s
and 90´s. Its a great sounding thing. Full, soft, and detailed. Still in
good working order.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Don Dixon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 30-Nov-10

[quote] Ragnar Jonsson wrote: Both have the users and service manual. Give me some time for scanning them.Did a lot of recordings and live(FOH)mixes with the SM in the late 80�s and 90�s. Its a great sounding thing. Full, soft, and detailed. Still in good working order. [/quote]

Hi Ragnar,
We are a repair shop in the u/k
We have got a 16-16-2 in for repair.
Do you have the service / user manual available.
Many Thanx Don

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: tim resaul
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 01-Dec-10

Hey there did you ever find a user manual for your series ii 16.8.2
I really could use one right about now. Just picked up a board. Need Schematics too,

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Ragnar Jonsson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 03-Dec-10

Have almost finished the scans. Give me your email address. There are 2
PDF files about 10 mb each.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 03-Dec-10

[quote] Ragnar Jonsson wrote: Have almost finished the scans. Give me your email address. There are 2 PDF files about 10 mb each. [/quote]
hey we'll host them also if that's ok please. Cos when people search for this mixer in google we get the top results, so it'd make sense if people could get the manual here anytime. I frankly think it's not right that studiomaster make people pay for old manuals. Why dont they make their archive free? anyways, if you want to send us a copy we will host them.You can send to admin[at]dancetech[dot]com please.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Ragnar Jonsson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 04-Dec-10

My scans of the Sm series II owners and service manuals are now hosted
here at dancetec.com

Used this console a lot for recording work and FOH mix in the late
1980´s and 90´s. It´s still in good condition.

Good mic preamps
Good eq
Separate amps for line inputs. Mic preamps with pad not used for line.
All OpAmps on sockets for easy maintenance.

Lack of lo cut (high pass) filter
Meters only goes up to +4 db. Think their response is somewhere
between VU and peak.
Master(LR)outputs and subgoups out/inputs are unballanced.

Best regards


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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: kerry Drake
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 17-Mar-11

Love this board. I have had several digital boards and still keep one of these around for that awesome
analog sound you cant get in other units. Very functional and easy to use, EQ is very flexible and the mic
pres sound great. Use it with a digital compressor for some low register jazz voices with ribbon mikes. Cant
beat the sound!

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Robert Smith
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 15-Dec-11

Trying to find owner's manual for Studiomaster Diamond Club 16-2

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Jon Maye
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 17-Feb-12

I've had a 32x16 Series II since the early '90s and it has served me well.

I'm looking for the 8 tape monitor expander strip, if anyone has one to get rid of drop me an email...or even a spare 8 channel expander section.

Was nice to find some .pdf manuals here.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 17-Jul-12

I have a STUDIOMASTER SERIES II, I bought from my friend. Some Channels are not working.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: mårten tiljander
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 21-Jul-12

Big up Ragnar!!!

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Mark Clarke
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 10-Aug-12

Great Desk even better than my A&H , I'm looking for a spare 16-16-2 series 2
inc the meter pod and a psu if anyone knows of one for sale.

Thx Clarky

Mail me if u have one mark.clarke17@btinternet.com

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: gabriel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 03-Sep-12

[quote] mårten tiljander wrote: Big up Ragnar!!! [/quote] Hello Ragnar, i
need power supply for my studiomaster series 2 16-16-2 mixer in case you
know anyone that want to sell one


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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: gabriel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 03-Sep-12

I need manual for my studiomaster series2 mixer 16-16-2


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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: robburgess
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 10-Nov-12

i have the series 2 16-4-2 but the ep3 is missing the front fuses and fuse caps-
does anyone know where in the world i can get replacements or if anyone is
selling spares..?

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: fash kay
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 03-Dec-12


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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: chriree
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 03-Feb-13

[quote] robburgess wrote: i have the series 2 16-4-2 but the ep3 is
missing the front fuses and fuse caps-does anyone know where in the
world i can get replacements or if anyone is selling spares..? [/quote]

Rob- I'm missing one fuse cap on my Ep3 as well...if you find a resource let me
know and I'll keep a look out and do the same. Thanks!

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: ian witt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 03-Feb-13

I have a 16 channel series 2 I liked so much I just bought a 40. Its not one of
those lifeless sounding things they make nowadays. Anyway, I don't need
40 channels I only wanted 32. I am selling off one of the impossible to find
extenders and I also have an entire extra 16 channel board with PSU.

One thing I was considering , and I would appreciate comments is if I would
have an easier and more profitable time parting out the extra 16 channel
board. Maybe keep 5 or 6 spare channels for my self.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: ian witt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 03-Feb-13

[quote] Jon Maye wrote: Ive had a 32x16 Series II since
the early 90s and it has served me well.Im looking for
the 8 tape monitor expander strip, if anyone has one to get rid
of drop me an email...or even a spare 8 channel expander
section.Was nice to find some .pdf manuals here.

I have a spare 8 channel expander I'm looking to sell. Its
labelled channels 33-40, I know you posted a long time ago, but
you never know, might still be looking

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: alan kirk
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 19-Feb-13

Hi Ian,

I use a Studiomaster series 11 24/ 16/ 2 which I have used for 25yrs,
Still love it but my ep3 external power supply has gone down, did you say you may have a spare one or would you know where I could get one from?
Have tried Ebay etc. with no success.


Alan Kirk

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: ian witt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 19-Feb-13

It's too bad you don't have an 8 bus, I have a whole extra 16-8-2 with ep3
power supply. I don't really want to seperate the power supply, then the
board is worthless. The supply is in great shape. It may be cheaper to buy an
entire board and s dupply than to get yours fixed. I know the 8 and 16
channels aren't dirtectly compatible but it would give you a boat load of extra
parts. I'll look at offers if it sounds like a good idea to you.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: jon maye
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 18-Mar-13

[quote] ian witt wrote: [quote] Jon Maye wrote: Ive had a 32x16 Series II since the early 90s and it has served me well.Im looking for the 8 tape monitor expander strip, if anyone has one to get rid of drop me an email...or even a spare 8 channel expander section.Was nice to find some .pdf manuals here. [/quote]I have a spare 8 channel expander Im looking to sell. Its labelled channels 33-40, I know you posted a long time ago, but you never know, might still be looking [/quote]

YES!! Would definitely take that channel expander.

Drop me an email ( mc2 AT usa DOT com )

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: jon mate
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 24-Mar-13

[quote] ian witt wrote: [quote] Jon Maye wrote: Ive had a 32x16 Series II since the early 90s and it has served me well.Im looking for the 8 tape monitor expander strip, if anyone has one to get rid of drop me an email...or even a spare 8 channel expander section.Was nice to find some .pdf manuals here. [/quote]I have a spare 8 channel expander Im looking to sell. Its labelled channels 33-40, I know you posted a long time ago, but you never know, might still be looking [/quote]

Ian....YES YES!!! DEFINITELY will take this. Please email me.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: ian witt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 24-Mar-13

The only problem might be the one I have is for an 8 bus, they both
have 8 bus buttons, but they are individual 1-8, I understand on the
16s they are paired. If you pull the end cap on your board and look at
the ribbon cable if it is a 26 pin connector than it may be comparable.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Mike Kahl
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 31-Mar-13

[quote] NoteFarm wrote: I purchased one of these desks in January and I love it. I had to do a fair bit of cleaning and restoration but now it looks as if it were new. Some pots were basically glued in place due to neglect and lack of use. I bought them back back to life by tacking of the knob and then very very carefully dabbing the smallest tinniest amount of WD40 around the stem with a cue tip. This took allot of time but worked a treat. The faders were all perfect. There are still a few noisy pots but that will be easy to remedy with some switch cleaner. I love the sound of this desk. It has personality and its own sound. This took a little getting used to not because I didnt like the sound or personality but because compared to my previous desk, a Soundcraft Studio 24 that was was very transparent, this desk seems warmer or softer to me (sorry that sounds nebulous and esoteric I know)The routing on this desk is amazing too. I understand mixing consoles much more now than when I first got my Soundcraft so I may have missed many of the options that were on the Soundcraft Studio 24 but the Studiomaster seems to be laid out much more logically and more flexible. The construction is solid and certainly seems to stem from a time when things were built to last. I must say again compared to the Soundcraft this desk seems more like a luxury car. I would like to buy a spare meter bridge if any one is selling one or knows of one for sale please get in touch.Also I have the owners manual in English and will be scanning it and turning it into PDF format. So if you are rebuilding one of these desks and need a copy please email me and I will be happy to e-mail you a copy once I have scanned the whole thing. Good mixes to all, Jay [/quote]

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: mike Kahl
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 31-Mar-13

I would be very interested in geting a copy of any and all documentation on the Studiomaster Series II 16-16-2
I recently purchased one from a local pawn shop but it needs a good cleaning and a power supply (EP3) upgrade. ( New capacitors, voltage regulators etc.
I hope you have these docs in PDF.
Please email them to wmkeng@wccta.net
I really appreciate you help in advance! Thank you for any info you can provide.
Mike Docsradioden

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Wolfgang
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 02-Apr-13

I am looking for an manual for the Studiomaster Showmix 16-2.
Help would greatly appreciated.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: casper
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 23-May-13

how come i can't find any insert on this mixer if i wanna use compressor or
gate ?

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 23-May-13

[quote] casper wrote: how come i cant find any insert on this mixer if i wanna use compressor or gate ? [/quote] it's marked as send/return, two sockets, not a single stereo one.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: casper
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 23-May-13

[quote] ADMIN wrote: [quote] casper wrote: how come i cant find
any insert on this mixer if i wanna use compressor or gate ? [/quote] its
marked as send/return, two sockets, not a single stereo one. [/quote]

thanks for your response but i have a tape recorder R8 reel to reel and it's
connected to send and tape in, so in other words your saying that i can't use
the send and return for my compressor cause i have a recorder connected, it
doesn't make sense. on my mackie i have a single insert for compressor and
gate and it's simple..this board is design for analog tape and it doesn't make
sense why i can't use a compressor and gate unless im not connected
properly. my out put for my fostex is connected to tape in and my mixer send
is connected to the in put of my fostex R8 , so how am i going to connect my
compressor ?

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Benjamin Ereanimae
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 16-Jul-13

can anyone take a picture of 16 challen mixer and name its parts and also its
uses and to set good sound for church program or worhship time.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Pete (Stake) Farley
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 22-Jul-13

I worked at Studiomaster from the mid 70's until it went Chinese. I have two
filing cabinets of old stuff in my garage. I should have manuals for everything
somewhere. In addition we (me and the missus) used to build all the EP3's (and
others) for them at home in the evenings. Haven't looked at what info I have as
we were so used to building them we didn't bother to look after the
documentation. Might have some bits left over too.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 22-Jul-13

Hi Pete, that'd be excellent if u could find whatever u have. Any help you need, just ask.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: letitia
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 10-May-14

Hello Jay, I have just got one of these!!! Ver

[quote] NoteFarm wrote: I purchased one of these desks in January and I love it. I had to do a fair bit of cleaning and restoration but now it looks as if it were new. Some pots were basically glued in place due to neglect and lack of use. I bought them back back to life by tacking of the knob and then very very carefully dabbing the smallest tinniest amount of WD40 around the stem with a cue tip. This took allot of time but worked a treat. The faders were all perfect. There are still a few noisy pots but that will be easy to remedy with some switch cleaner. I love the sound of this desk. It has personality and its own sound. This took a little getting used to not because I didnt like the sound or personality but because compared to my previous desk, a Soundcraft Studio 24 that was was very transparent, this desk seems warmer or softer to me (sorry that sounds nebulous and esoteric I know)The routing on this desk is amazing too. I understand mixing consoles much more now than when I first got my Soundcraft so I may have missed many of the options that were on the Soundcraft Studio 24 but the Studiomaster seems to be laid out much more logically and more flexible. The construction is solid and certainly seems to stem from a time when things were built to last. I must say again compared to the Soundcraft this desk seems more like a luxury car. I would like to buy a spare meter bridge if any one is selling one or knows of one for sale please get in touch.Also I have the owners manual in English and will be scanning it and turning it into PDF format. So if you are rebuilding one of these desks and need a copy please email me and I will be happy to e-mail you a copy once I have scanned the whole thing. Good mixes to all, Jay [/quote]

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: letitia
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 10-May-14

i meant to say i am excited to use it and ask if you could please send me the manual.

[quote] NoteFarm wrote: I purchased one of these desks in January and I love it. I had to do a fair bit of cleaning and restoration but now it looks as if it were new. Some pots were basically glued in place due to neglect and lack of use. I bought them back back to life by tacking of the knob and then very very carefully dabbing the smallest tinniest amount of WD40 around the stem with a cue tip. This took allot of time but worked a treat. The faders were all perfect. There are still a few noisy pots but that will be easy to remedy with some switch cleaner. I love the sound of this desk. It has personality and its own sound. This took a little getting used to not because I didnt like the sound or personality but because compared to my previous desk, a Soundcraft Studio 24 that was was very transparent, this desk seems warmer or softer to me (sorry that sounds nebulous and esoteric I know)The routing on this desk is amazing too. I understand mixing consoles much more now than when I first got my Soundcraft so I may have missed many of the options that were on the Soundcraft Studio 24 but the Studiomaster seems to be laid out much more logically and more flexible. The construction is solid and certainly seems to stem from a time when things were built to last. I must say again compared to the Soundcraft this desk seems more like a luxury car. I would like to buy a spare meter bridge if any one is selling one or knows of one for sale please get in touch.Also I have the owners manual in English and will be scanning it and turning it into PDF format. So if you are rebuilding one of these desks and need a copy please email me and I will be happy to e-mail you a copy once I have scanned the whole thing. Good mixes to all, Jay [/quote]

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Alex Moraes
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 23-Feb-15

Good evening friends, loved the group on this fantastic table, I'm from Brazil
and got a little time, I like the style and tasty and brilliant sound of the table but
I'm picking up a lot from her, lol mine is super conserved and managed to buy
for legal value, I would like to know if her manual to send me please !! I ask you,
lol I'm looking for and not found in lugal no, I am madly ago, need more
information about it, please friend if possible send in my email, grateful and an
optimal week.


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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Alex Moraes
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 23-Feb-15

Good evening friends, loved the group on this fantastic table, I'm from Brazil
and got a little time, I like the style and tasty and brilliant sound of the table but
I'm picking up a lot from her, lol mine is super conserved and managed to buy
for legal value, I would like to know if her manual to send me please !! I ask you,
lol I'm looking for and not found in lugal no, I am madly ago, need more
information about it, please friend if possible send in my email, grateful and an
optimal week.


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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Gunadoo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 11-Sep-15

Got a Series 2 32:16:2, a few months back.
Found it locally in South Florida, USA.
Going thru a complete recap.
Love the Vibe from this thing.
Anybody ever "mod" one?
Do you have any tricks, to share?
Thanx, Jimi.

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Rinse
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 03-Nov-15

Greetings from Sunny Spain,

I've just picked up one these beauties (takes me back to when I was working in a studio in London years ago) and although I have the schematics, I really could use the colour codes for the EP3 psu and if possible the ribbon cables aswell..........any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Rob burgess
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 13-Mar-16

Hey there-I know this was posted years ago but I've only just read it! I
wondered if you could tell me where to get the ep3 fuse caps from?mine are
all missing (I got the desk second hand) and I can't find any fuse caps to fit it
anywhere-and so I haven't been able to use my desk for about ten years! If
you knew of anywhere that sells them and could let me know I would be so
Yours sincerely

[quote] Pete (Stake) Farley wrote: I worked at Studiomaster from the
mid 70s until it went Chinese. I have two filing cabinets of old stuff in my
garage. I should have manuals for everything somewhere. In addition we
(me and the missus) used to build all the EP3s (and others) for them at
home in the evenings. Havent looked at what info I have as we were so
used to building them we didnt bother to look after the documentation.
Might have some bits left over too. [/quote]

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: roberflas
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 19-Sep-16

[quote] Rob burgess wrote: Hey there-I know this was posted years ago but Ive only just read it! I wondered if you could tell me where to get the ep3 fuse caps from?mine are all missing (I got the desk second hand) and I cant find any fuse caps to fit it anywhere-and so I havent been able to use my desk for about ten years! If you knew of anywhere that sells them and could let me know I would be so grateful! Yours sincerelyrob[quote] Pete (Stake) Farley wrote: I worked at Studiomaster from the mid 70s until it went Chinese. I have two filing cabinets of old stuff in my garage. I should have manuals for everything somewhere. In addition we (me and the missus) used to build all the EP3s (and others) for them at home in the evenings. Havent looked at what info I have as we were so used to building them we didnt bother to look after the documentation. Might have some bits left over too. [/quote] [/quote]
Hi, I own a 16-4-2 showmix, but want to do some modifications to this mixer, can you post electronic schematics for this series.
Thank you in advance and best regards

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Andrew Howden
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 30-Jun-19

I acquired the 16-16-2 a few years.baxk and it
had that same hum, this was to do with the
+15/-15v rail. My +15v rail was hitting ~22v. I
found out this was to do with the regulator
conditioning resistor/capacitor. The cap had
given up the ghost.
I changed the cap and the resistor like for like
(pretty much) and I now get the correct
The hum went away. You need to get the
schematic and look into the pages for the
power supply unit.

Hope this helps. [quote] guy bryson wrote:
Hello,Ive recently got a hold of a
24/16/2, its a real beauty and in great
condition, everything in operation is clean and
quiet.I am trying to hook up to a Motu
24I/O, then to my Pc loaded with Cockos
Reaper. my trouble is i am getting a low end
hum from each output on the desk. ive tried all
conceivable gain levels, and pre amp in/out
levels. i can get it to a minimum, but its still
obviously there.when i activate each
channel in the software the hum gets louder
each channel thats turned on.Does
anyone know if i am missing something, (a
brain maybe), or could there be a prob with
preamps, bad earth, or something else.I
would really appreciate some help, or perhaps
a contact that can have a look over the desk
for me.cheers! [/quote]

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Moritz
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 14-Jan-21

Hey guys, I bought a old Studiomaster EP3 with the 8 Expander so 24
Channels .
On the right there are 5 Channels on Midi Mute, how i can turn the mute off.
to use them normal ?

i connceted the Studiomaster with midi in and out the the midi Interface.
I use Abelton to send midi stuff to the mixer.
here in the service manuel on the end there are the midi description.

they say i should use midi channel 16 i tried all channels out, also my mixer on
the back doesnt has the midi channel selection . i cant use the channels :( any
help please

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Product:  Studiomaster - Series II - 16-16-2
Name: Peter
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Feb-23

Hi, I purchased a studiomaster s II it was sold as spares, I am looking for the circuit diagram for the ep3 power supply, it looks like it has been dismantled and the toroidal cut-out, can anyone help, thanks, Peter

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