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Muon Atom Pro


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Muon Atom Pro

Category:  Products / music software / software instruments

Added: 01-Mar-02  |  Author: admin

New price: US$30  |   S/H price: Not listed

Muon Atom Pro

The Muon 'Atom Pro' is a well known VSTi plugin... this is the 'pay' version of the freeware 'Atom', and has more features.... Here's some text for this product from their site:

'The Muon Atom Pro is a serious enhancement of the original Atom. Although the patch architecture is the same, the sound quality, 12-voice polyphony and 3D graphical interface are a quantum leap forward.

The two 64-bit oscillators offer total analogue realism with little or no aliasing distortion, and the lowpass filter has all the resonance and warmth you expect from a Muon product. Huge, fat basses, rich pads and searing sweeps are only a mouse-click away with this little nuclear-powered synth!

The Atom Pro’s generous MIDI specification includes support for pitchbend, velocity and continuous controller messages. Direct recording of all “live” parameter changes is also supported in both Logic Audio and Cubase.

Check out the screenshot, read up on the features and try out the demos . You’ll be amazed to find out just how much music you can make for only US$30'

Minimum Computer Requirements

- IBM-compatible PC required running Windows 95/98/98SE/ME, PII300 processor, 64mb RAM, 16bit soundcard
- Mac G3 or G4 based PowerPC computer running Mac OS 8.5 or higher, 300 Mhz processor, 128mb RAM
- Steinberg Cubase VST5.1 or Logic Audio v4.5 required. Other host software is available, depending on platform.


VST2.0 Instrument Plug-in. Compatible with Logic Audio, Cubase VST and Cubasis VST and others

Audio Engine

Uses the Muon Advanced 64-bit Digital Signal Processing Engine to accurately replicate the warmth and richness of a classic vintage synthesiser without aliasing noise.


Twelve voice polyphonic with dynamic voice allocation
Two oscillators per voice (sawtooth and variable pulse wave)
Low pass filter with resonance (capable of self-oscillation)
LFO for pulse width modulation (four presets of rate and depth)
Two ADSR envelope generators for amplifier and filter cutoff modulation respectively

MIDI Specification

Sample accurate response to Note On and Note Off messages
Full parameter automation using MIDI continuous controller messages
Velocity sensitive
Pitch bend and modulation wheel sensitive

User Interface

Full colour animated “3D” graohical user interface (click here to see a screenshot)

Well, go and get it download & give it a try...!!

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