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Alesis HD 24 XR


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Alesis HD 24 XR

Category:  Products / studio equipment / digital multitrack

Added: 13-Jul-04  |  Author: admin

New price: 1,799.00 Euros - 1,313.26 GBP  |   S/H price: Not listed

Alesis HD 24 XR

Alesis HD 24 XR, 24-Track Hard Disk Recorder, 24bit/96kHz AD/DA Converter, 24 tracks of high-resolution 24-bit recording at standard sample rates of 44.1kHz, 48 kHz, or at 88.2kHz and 96kHz with a forthcoming 96 kHz I/O option, 24 channels of 24-bit analog I/O , 24 channels ADAT optical digital I/O, Incl. 20 GB Hard disk.

Here's the rear of the HD24 - All the i/o sockets are shown - The removed left-side area simply houses the mains voltage power switch & connector socket - As you can see the HD24 has 24 analog 1/4" i/o, ADAT optical I/O and you can see the ETHERNET connector on the left which is used to add the HD24 to a PC network

Open a large front image of HD24XR

We used the older version HD24 to record the band SENSER live, and it was a fantastic machine I must say, so hopefully this'll be more of the same. Despite the fact there was no user-manual when we picked it up, and due to traffic problems picking the unit up we only had a short time to 'learn' it back at the venue... however, the gig recording went well and has since been mixed by the band's producer and released as a DVD product.

High points for me with the HD24 were: easy to obtain media on standard IDE hard drives - Easy to replace media using the drive caddy's - Best of all is the way you can transfer data off the unit by allocating it an IP address and simply adding it to a PC network! - Transfer speed is not the highest, but it works easily and it means anyone can attach the HD24 to their home PC/MAC and transfer the audio data into their favourite multitrack software editor for final mix.

You can watch a video documentary of that live session using the older model, inc' footage showing the setup procedure & transfer of the recording to an editing machine over the network back at base in a little movie we made here:

Recording Senser Live @ The Underworld

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