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Yamaha DX-21


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Yamaha DX-21

Category:  Products / synthesisers / fm & digital synthesisers

Added: 20-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: 100 - 150 (uk)

Yamaha DX-21

Another 4 OP cheapie yamaha FM unit.... The Yamaha DX-21 is almost identicle to the DX-27, but with less patch memory spaces as far as i can tell... I have a feeling this was the cheaper of the two.......... I think this one had 4 banks of 32 spaces..... they may have different algorythms....... This one recieves velocity data i think..... Anyways.... the DX-21.... more classic Yammy FM.........Comments please...

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Product:  Yamaha - DX-21
Name: Ed Swindell
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 27-Jul-01

My first synth, and I still have it.My mate had the DX27, so I can tell you the differences as far as I remember. The DX21 was slightly more expensive as it was 2 part multitimbral and allowed you to layer two sounds straight from the keyboard or split the keyboard into two sections.
It had 32 user memories, plus the 192 built in sounds. The keyboard itself was non-velocity sensitive (unlike the DX-7). it was however velocity sensitive via a breath controller - play that harmonica/sax with all the feeling of the real thing, particularly cool if, like me you play a wind instrument.
It was an excellently solid bit of kit in a solid steel case and very hard to damage, though very heavy as a result!

Anyone else who has one give me a mail, particularly if you have a working breath controller up for sale!

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Product:  Yamaha - DX-21
Name: Phil James
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 28-Apr-02

HI i have been in an electronic band for about a year now and we have resently got a DX-21 synth to help with the tracks for our album. the board came with no manual and it seems i cant get hold on one for it. so far iv only got as far as layers and characters but i dont know how to save edited tones
like i can on my standard Casio ctk-601 that we have been living off for electronics.
if you could teach me a bit about programming the DX-21 or you have a manual you could send me i would really be greatfull

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Product:  Yamaha - DX-21
Name: papa lazarou
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 29-Apr-02

try asking in the main forums phil (click the yin-yang icon at the top right of the screen), someone should be able to help. The dxs are nice synths, but mad difficult to program....

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Product:  Yamaha - DX-21
Name: Phil James
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 29-Apr-02

im glad i desided to take a look on the web for info on the DX-21.
i guess its pretty lucky my first real synthesizer is a DX. im a big fan of electronic bands like Depeche Mode
so its good that you can get a DX-21 for under £150

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Product:  Yamaha - DX-21
Name: Paul
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 01-Feb-03

I've just bought a DX 21 and have a manual. Even though I've got the manual I still can't work out how to save the sounds I've programmed. It seems to make no sense. Can anyone help me?
Does anyone wanna make an offer for my user manual?

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Product:  Yamaha - DX-21
Name: simon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 02-Feb-03

The DX 21 is an amazing synth capable of so many weird and wonderfull sounds you would not beleive, but you must master the beast and its a tricky business, for all you having trouble saving your sounds this is how you do it, when you have finished editing your sound go into the function mode and make sure the memory protect is "off" then press and hold down the STORE button, a message should appear in the window with somthing like "FROM A3 TO...." keeping the STORE button depressed press the desired location or button where you want the sound to be stored and hey presto there it will be!!

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Product:  Yamaha - DX-21
Name: Andy
Email: No email added
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 28-Sep-04

The DX21 is a better bet than the DX27 or 100 (which are the same, just with different sized keyboards). Heres why...

It can split/layer 2 sounds on it's keyboard... sure, layering takes it down to 4 note poly, but most people buy these things for bass anyway, so it's not a problem.

Take a copy of the Lately Bass preset patch, edit it slightly (phutz around until it sounds different but still nice), then layer it with the original, set the layer detune up a few cents, and switch the chorus on (oh yeah, the 21 has chorus). Absolutely HUGE, wide sounding bass comes out with these settings :¬)

It also has a pitch envelope that the 27/100 dont have, that can be used to make the start of a note bend up to pitch for example, kinda makes things even more squelchy.

Its not the best 4-op out there (that would be the TX81z/DX11/V50), but its definately the second best, with the DX27/100 coming in 3rd, and the FB01 comng in way last (why bother?)

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Product:  Yamaha - DX-21
Name: Mark Duff
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 02-Oct-04

The Yamaha dx21 was same voice chips as the Dx27 .. but had slightly different patch setup due to the fact you can split and layer two sounds..

for the money thou .. look for an old Yamaha Dx7 .. 6 operators bigger sound
but slighty more noisey .. but this is part of the charm!

i paid about 100 USD for a DX7 with e! patch expansion.. great as midi controller
and for 80s bass sounds and grindy harse leads..

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Product:  Yamaha - DX-21
Name: Bernard
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 15-Apr-09

Midimetric UniSynth version 1.0 for XP/Vista is now available

The demo version is fully operable and freely downloadable.

Version 1.0 supports the Yamaha DX21/DX27/DX27S/DX100:
- full patch editing
- Real Time* graph
- manages assigning ROM patches to A,B,C,D banks for the DX27/100
- manages pitch envelope of the DX21
- functions initialize, randomize and morph

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