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Yamaha Rev7


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Yamaha Rev7

Category:  Products / fx & processors / reverb

Added: 02-Feb-01  |  Author: admin

New price: about a grand  |   S/H price: what would you pay??

Yamaha Rev7

The yamaha Rev7, baby sister of the massive Rev1, and sibling to the later Rev5, this was released around 1986 and is a good 'verb for the user wanting better s/h than they might get spending the same new.. wouldn't call it a 'budget' reverb at all tho even tho they can come down quite cheap s/h...

Spec's ?... well I ain't used one, and mainly the reason why I added so many old fx to DT is cos there is simply so little data, even an image is hard to find... anyways all I can find is this..

Yamaha raved about their custom designed and manufactured LSI chips and how this gave them wicked 'verb at cost concious prices, and what you get is a editable reverb & other time/delay effects unit with midi control... hmm...

The Rev7 has 30 factory presets of different sized halls, choruses, delays, repeats, flanging, phasing, flanged 'verbs, gated 'verbs, etc etc...

You can edit the paremeters of a programme and store the results in any of the 60 user locations.

Parameters include: 1-100ms first reflection, 0-100% first-reflection level, 1-100ms reverb offset delay/attack, reverb time 0-10 seconds, and this is adjustable over 3 frequency bands!!... Diffision can also be adjusted with 0-10 measurements which in effect adjusts the apparent 'shape' of the room by adjusting the directional quality of the reverb independent of room-size.. quite how they set this to tweak tho i dunno...

The Rev7 and the larger Rev1 both use 16 bit engines and the Rev7 here has a sampling rate of 31.25 giving a 12khz bandwidth for playback... plenty respectable enuff for sparkly top end, as any reflective frequencies above this die away as they creep up to 10-15k, so 'sparkley' this will do.... respectable bandwidth then and the usual 16 bit dynamic range of around 78 - 84dB depending on effect choosen...

The Eq section features 3 band sweep Eq for further tuning and messing around with sounds... all in all.. a good 'verb eh?! :-)

umm... well that's about it, and remember it also does pretty much every other time/delay effect too, stereo, and has the nifty remote too !!.. user comments please!... quality kit... as used by Prince in his Paisley Park studio !...

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Product:  Yamaha - Rev7
Name: bloke
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 03-Feb-01

heh heh - whats all this then..

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Product:  Yamaha - Rev7
Name: Ashley the semen demon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 11-Apr-02

i use the rev 7 at college, and although this is probably because i have never used a different machine, i find it quite a handy and easy to use little box.

However, the market for this kind of equipment is slowly but surely falling, as programs such as Logic Audio comes with many effects such as flanger, reverb, chorus noise gating, EQ and virtually everything else that specific studio equipment has been built to perform.

These programs are becoing more and more advanced and soon, apart from recording, studio's will be equpied with an apple mac and a copy of logic. perhaps with the use of a sampler.

Although these programs come with those on board too. So all the studios will be good for is recording. And as we have already seen, Artsists are cutting out the middle men by creating their music and mastering at home. A prime example is Daniel Beddingford, (I gotta get through this.)

So anyway, equipment like this in 5-10 years time will be rendered useless and therefore serve no purpose in any form in the recording studios around the world. Armed with a simple mixing desk and a computer, you too could be creating proffesional standard music in the comfort of your own bedroom.

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Product:  Yamaha - Rev7
Name: Music Mike
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 15-Mar-09

I bought a secondhand Yamaha REV 7 over 10 years ago, which I use regularly in my 'project' studio.
It has been used on every recording, with exceptional results.
I am always on the lookout for another, to apply secondary effects, as and when required.
I can't fault it in any way.

I would score it 10 out of 10.


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Product:  Yamaha - Rev7
Name: Dasan Ebenezer
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 04-Jun-09

Performances of REV-7 better choice. I see you are looking for 2nd unit would like to buy rev-5.

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