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Akai Z8


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Akai Z8

Category:  Products / samplers / akai samplers

Added: 02-Jul-02  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: Not listed

Akai Z8

AKAI Z8 sampler, 64 voices (32 with 96 kHz), 16MEG memory (up to 512MEG), 24 Bit/96 kHz processing, EB4JS effectsboard, 3x multi-mode filter, eight Q-Link knobs, USB Interface, internal IDE HD Port, external SCSI Port, frontpanel removable.

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User Comments

Product:  Akai - Z8
Name: Burned
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 10-Apr-03

Very good machine - yet it lacks some minor usability things (such as spinning down HD by menu, turning off display backlight etc.), but it definitely is THE standard in hardware sampling as of 2003.

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Product:  Akai - Z8
Name: Fox Whomzour
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 28-Sep-03

1st -minus- Effects not Midisyncable.
2nd -minus- AkSys can not handle
multiple samples at once WHY?
3rd -minus- Jog WHell and
overallquality is a joke ? isnt it
I hope OS update cancel 2 minus.

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Product:  Akai - Z8
Name: one Z8 problem after another
Email: No email added
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 21-Nov-04

My Z8 has been a huge waste of time.

Its unusable out the box until youve added memory and updated the operating system and bought a pc and installed ak.sys and read two lots of hundred page user manuals and then you discover it doesn't do what the company claimed it can do (stream samples from hard disc)

Ak.sys also doesn't work (it cant control effects)

Its been an expensive huge waste of time.

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Product:  Akai - Z8
Name: me@here.com
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 25-Sep-13

You guys are talking rubbish. This thing rocks!!!!

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