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Behringer BCF 2000


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Behringer BCF 2000

Category:  Products / midi & controllers / daw controller

Added: 21-Sep-04  |  Author: admin

New price: £155 - 299 Euros  |   S/H price: Not listed

Behringer BCF 2000

BEHRINGER BCF 2000, Total Recall USB/MIDI Controller with 8 Motor-Faders, cascadeable Total Recall MIDI Desktop Controller, 8 x 100-mm Motor-Faders, 16 + 4 lit up Knobs with free allocatable MIDI-Functions, Footswitch connection, 32 User Presets, 1 MIDI Input and 2 MIDI Outputs (as Midi-Interface useable), LED-Display, MIDI-Input with Merge-Function, Generic USB MIDI supported.

New (20th Dec' 2010) Full BCF2000 tutorial with Logic Pro

This guide also is mostly interchangable with cubase

Old review and videos

Behringer sent me over a BCF2000 & a BCR2000 controller to checkout, and after initialy being confused by incorrect/out-of-date information on Behringers website and in their product documentation regarding working with Logic, I got it going ok!

The BCF is all I tested so far, and the results are great! - I'll get onto the BCR soon and add video for that with various uses inc' a few popular synths & other plugins.

Updating the OS/Firmware on the BCF & BCR is very easy - Using the supplied utility from Behringers site the units updated no problems, and then off you go!

One thing to note is that Behringer supply a little applet called BCFVIEW.EXE which mimics the Mackie-Control/Logic-Control LCD screen on your desktop - This little screen can be set to 'Always on top' mode and positioned on your sequencer page wherever you like - The screen applet delivers hi-quality visual feedback of which bank of tracks is selected, which actual track is selected, and shows parameters for selected plugin effects, Instrument parameters, sends, EQ's etc etc - all nice and clear on-screen which is incredibly useful!

I didnt so far test alot of 3rd party plugins, but it seems that if the Plugin follows the VST protocol in it's own engine then it works fine - The free plugins by 'Kjaerhus Audio' & 'Blueline' for example work fine with all controls automatable in plugin-edit mode.

CUBASE SX2 - works great with the BFC - All channels can select & control Volume, pan, mute & solo - 4 bands of EQ ('Q', freq' & gain & On/Off), 8 Sends (pre/post, destination & amount), 8 inserts (select insert plugin, fix insert plugin, edit plugin parameters, on/off) etc

LOGIC AUDIO 5 - Again, works great, but Behringer don't tell you it works under Logic Control emulation - On their site and in the documentation, they tell you to dump sysex patches to the BCF & BCR and use them in tandem. You are told to download a special Logic .LSO file and patch things on the environment etc etc - Odd, because it seems to work almost 100% using the straight 'Logic Control' setup on Logic. However, I'm still experimenting to get access to a few last parameters, but suffice to say, almost everything is accessible when using it with Logic.

For working with Logic I found it works fantastic with V5 if you just make a special screentset for Logic and adapt the way you work... You can see more of that in the videos.

Video Footage

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Ok... I use Logic on PC - So I started the videos first with Logic - As i said above, i did test it with Cubase SX2 and it works great rest assured...

Cubase SX & BCF video Part-1 has been added (see down page) with Parts 2/3 coming soon.

(5/1/05) We have another BCF which has arrived now, so we are testing & video-ing two units working in sync. Initial tests are working great and it works with 2 sync'd units for Logic & SX fine - Also a video review of the BCR2000 rotary unit will be added once we've finished the BCF video's

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BCF2000 General - Video Footage

Dancetech BCF2000 Introduction Video - [DivX .avi stream - 51.7 mb]
Dancetech BCF2000 Introduction Video - [DivX .avi zipped - 32.3 mb]

An intro to the Behringer BFC2000 - This video pertains to ALL sequencers using the BCF and shows the BCF2000 package & build details of the BCF2000 as well as a full-on sequence showing the updating of the BCF firmware (yup, you see everything on the BCF AND the PC-Screen).... Also shown is how to set the BCF2000 into the different operating 'modes' for your selected sequencer.

[we're re-rendering this one cos the audio goes a bit out of sync towards the end, but it's still watchable as it's only about 1/2 second out]

BCF200 & Logic Audio - Video Footage

Ok first update the BCF2000 OS to version 1.6 - (see the: 'Dancetech BCF2000 Introduction Video' above for a full video of how to do that) - Then set the BCF2000 into LC-MODE (again, in the intro video) - Then you're ready to setup your LOGIC CONTROL inside Logic!

Logic Control setup in Logic

You add in a 'Logic Control' unit by selecting: Options/Preferences/Control Surfaces/Setup - The control-Surfaces page opens. You then choose 'NEW' from the top menu & choose 'INSTALL' - Add-in a Logic Control.

OK - Install one Logic Control unit - My settings for two BCF2000's are like this - HOWEVER - If you only have ONE BCF2000, the 'OUT PORT:' and 'INPUT:' would both be showing: BCF2000[01]

Use the arrow-buttons on the top-left corner of the top two parameter-boxes on the left-hand side of the page to minimise the top two left-hand parameter-boxes, and you can then see all parameters for the bottom left display - Mine is set like this.

OK - Install a second Logic Control unit - my settings are like this

Use the arrow buttons to minimise the top 2 left-hand display boxes and you can then see all parameters for the bottom left display - Mine is set like this.

Dancetech BCF2000 & LOGIC Video - Intro - [DivX .avi stream - 21.6 mb]
Dancetech BCF2000 & LOGIC Video - Intro - [DivX .avi zipped - 11.1 mb]

Logic (PC V5.5) working with the BFC in standalone mode - If you want to get straight to the beef, miss this one out and go for the main details video below. - This short 5 minute intro video shows the basic ability introduction for the BCF working with Logic Audio - Selecting & scrolling up/down through Audio tracks 1-48, Busses 1-16, Audio Instruments 1-64, Outs 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, Master volume, Midi tracks 1-16 in Logic's arrange-page - This short intro shows you BCF's speed when scrolling around following Logic or commanding Logic before the main Part-1 when the screen-recorder s/w is opened to capture Logic's screen to show the various control abilities of the BCF.

Dancetech BCF2000 & LOGIC Video - Part-1 - [DivX .avi stream - 59.7 mb]
Dancetech BCF2000 & LOGIC Video - Part-1 - [DivX .avi zipped - 29.1 mb]

A close up look at the interaction between the Arrange-page in Logic (PC v5.5) and the BCF - Selecting & controlling the channel EQ on compatible tracks which feature the 4-band channel-Eq. Selecting & editing/controlling Insert Plugins & Instruments on tracks, selecting Sends and send-control editing on all relevent tracks which have sends - Setting up a new-look Logic Screenset to maximise productivity with the BCF etc.

Dancetech BCF2000 & LOGIC Video - Part-2 - [DivX .avi stream]
Dancetech BCF2000 & LOGIC Video - Part-2 - [DivX .avi zipped]

A short 5 minute adendum video showing any additional functions & points of BCF working with Logic.

(Coming soon)

BCF2000 & Cubase SX - Video Footage

[remember there is a general intro video at the top of this pages video section which is relevent to all sequencers, inc' full video footage of updating the BCF os]

SOME CUBASE/BCF NOTES as sent via email to a question:

Remember that bcfview.exe must be running before booting the sequencer as this applet 'steers' the sysex from the bcf to the host sequencer - you can get that at behringer website as a small download - it doesnt need to be installed, just put it on your desktop and you can boot it from there whenever u use cubase/nuendo

if you have probs installing drivers, i just tried it again and found windows would not install the bcf driver - and if i tried to update the driver it said the driver it had already was ok and refused to automaticaly install the bcf usb driver

to install the driver i had to go into control-panel/system/hardware/device manager

select the un-named usb control device you'll see in the SOUND VIDEO & AUDIO CONTROLLERS

right click on it and choose properties choose DRIVER tab, then 'update driver'

then manualy install it, meaning: DONT LET WINDOWS SEARCH - say install from a specific location - then choose: 'HAVE DISK', then browse to the bcf usb driver and select the .inf file - say 'ok', then install it

then you gotta go into cubase/nuendo and do what i showed in the image i sent (add a 'mackie control' device in DEVICE MANAGER)

do NOT use bcf as a midi controller, it doesnt work that way

when mackie control is in the cubase devices list, select it, choose setup tab on right and assign in/out midi ports for it

then close cubase

then boot bcf into mackie control (hold down top row button 2 & power-up - the display shows:


then it shows EG in the display - ok you now must edit the global parameters correctly

in EG (edit global) use the top row of pots and select the following:

U_2 (usb mode 2 - select this using pot1 on top) & ID_1 (unit's id number - select using pot5 on top)

also, adjust pot 3 on top of the bcf to show AUTO

once all that is set, click EXIT on bcf to exit EG (edit global) - thats all set then and will boot up like that with those settings each time you turn it on

if you add another one to get 16 channels of control, set it the same but set it to ID2 also you'll need to install a second mackie-control in the device setup in cubase


then start BCFVIEW.EXE

then start cubase

try all that

once it's done right, the bcfview blue display jumps to life showing stuff and the fader rise up when you load a default song - try loading a default 24 audio tracks template

reveal the left-column fader display... now use the arrow keys on keyboard to scroll down/up the tracks in cubase arrange page

the bcf follows, BUT... it does not do bank-changes in cubase, so once you pass track 8 the lights dont display on bcf and you must manualy forward to the next bank on the bcf using the PRESET forward/back arrow keys

cubase follows the bcf ok, you just must use the PRESET forward/back arrow keys

The BCF follows cubase in the vertical sdtack on arrange page, meaning whatever order things are stacked on in the arrange page track header column, bcf follows that order, in steps of 8

so try to keep the arrange page setup with things in devisions of 8 - eg

8 x audio 8 x audio 8 x audio 8 x buss 8 x vsti 16 x midi


that way you dont get a preset bank on bcf showing 3 audio tracks and 5 midi tracks or whatever, it always show 8 of the same as you step down/up in blocks of 8 tracks any probs use our forums please

Dancetech BCF2000 & Cubase SX Video - Part-1 - Intro & EQ use - [DivX uploaded to Google video - originaly 63.7 mb]

General navigation using SX with the BCF2000 and the interaction between the two in either direction - Workthru of the EQ section of BCF2000 inc' how it sync's with SX navigation.

[PARTS 2/3 for Inserts, Sends and VSTi use with the BCF & SX will be added soon]

Product Manuals or Files

no user manual

Product Resources

User Comments

Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Joris van der Straten
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 16-Nov-04

Awesome product!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: George Boyd Jr.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 01-Feb-05

How many B-controls can successfully be merged together. I am thinking about linking 3 or 4 together. I noticed the manual stated multiple units could be linked if response was not needed. What does that mean?

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Fredrik
Email: No email added
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 12-Feb-05

The little plastic bag with a little rubber-sticker is feets. It's four that are in one piece.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: KillatheGreat
Email: No email added
Activity: Professional
Date: 21-Feb-05

Totally Great.....I've only had it a week or so....totally tight for the price..
I do rap....Rap producers will love this thing..

cons: automation of faders is not super smooth, programing in learn mode is not perfect, emulation modes require double tapping the button very quickly in Sonar (bothersome at times v1.70 firmwire), usb modes will sometimes crash your cpu (use the stand alone midi formats and get midi cables for your cpu), programing software is beta version avaliable from the website (don't waste your time with this).

Pros: emulation modes are prety tight considering the cons, it's like getting the
mackie control surface with 16 faders...sweet, can be programed like a drummachine (use learn mode to program the notes), motion faders at this price, strudy construction for a hunk of plastic, can cascade multiple units together building your console slowly (until you land that big deal and get an SSL), BCA2000 & BCR2000 to make the ideal console and get full use of your software.

I suggest this to any one wanting to lean recording and midi control...having a unit like this may be difficult for someone totally not experienced with recording and midi programing..but then there are the emulation modes....(This company is known for jacking Mackie and other top vendors ideas and making them affordable...Behringer is a musicians dream come true.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: james madison
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 02-Mar-05

when's part 2 the the bcf 2000 for cuabse coming? pls so me one do it... id love to figuer the sends and inserts out better..other then that this was deff worth watching thanks again

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 04-Mar-05

sorry - we are unfunded website so sometimes we cant get stuff done - it's been hectic busy in jan/feb

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: W
Email: No email added
Activity: part-timer
Date: 06-Mar-05

I mainly wanted to comment on how thorough I thought the videos were. I'll admit I did fast foward through some, but I was thinking "well, if this stuff is covered so in-depth, these videos should answer all of my questions" ;)
I'm still having some complications so I can't give a great first hand review of it (I'm a huge SONAR fan), but my friends and I each bought one this past week. One of them is using Pro Tools (and hasn't gotten it to even recognise), but the other running a PC setup like I easily swears by the BCF2000.

My only suggestion and request:
Please make a SONAR version in the style of the logic/cubase!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Daz
Email: No email added
Activity: Professional
Date: 24-Mar-05

everyone is waiting for the 2nd SX video

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 24-Mar-05

lol - sorry... soon, we are unfunded remember

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Marco Barcena
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 31-Mar-05

I'm very impressed with this product and I want to buy it. My question is: since there is limited compability with SONAR (only the Mackie emulation mode and not full duplex MIDI) is it worth buying it? I work with Sonar all the time so I don't know if the features showed in the video would be avalible within the Sonar environment.

Thanks and great job with this project.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Martin Rawlins
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Apr-05

Fantastic product but equally excellent coverage from Dancetech, really useful videos!!

But still only working from the cubase SX template preset, can't get MCC to control SL3 even with V1.07.

I'm sure I'll get it sorted!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Ernest Daniels
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 23-May-05

Thanks for the great turorial videos, they were especially helpful in knowing the functionality of the BCF2000. I am a Sonar 3.11 user, but the Logic turorial covered a great deal of functions that are allowed by Sonar users, once we set the BCF to mackie emulation mode.

I just wish that I could add plugins using the BCF. I know that if I add one of the plugins that is listed in the Mackie Controller.ini file to Sonar, then I am able to contol the settings by going to DP1 mod,. but I shtill can't insert the plugin.

I can't wait for your Sonar video. You have provided all of us a great service with your time and your un-selfish efforts, and I just wanted to thank you for what you've done for us all.


Ernest D

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Roger Palmeri
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 26-May-05

I've been thinking of getting the BCF2000, and your tutorials have helped make my mind up. Thanks very much for taking the time to make these videos, it is really appreciated. Take it easy.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Jxa
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 04-Jun-05

Does it works with FL STUDIO 5 as well?

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Roger Leibundgut
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 01-Aug-05

I work with Logic Pro 7 and new with the BCF 2000. If i move the Faders on the
BCF, Logic can read it. But if i play the movments back from Logic to the BCF...
nothing happend! the Faders dont move.
And i dont no were's the proplem!
If any Body can help me.... this would be "mega" Great....thanks a lot.
Gruss Roger

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Andymusikus
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 07-Aug-05

If you use a BCF2000 in Mackie Emu mode with cubase 3 the videos on this site are super helpful - extraordinary! Thanx a lot. Has saved me a lot of time (Just bought it). A company like Behringer has not been able to do what you folks have done for me as a cutomer...

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: funkiEst
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 22-Aug-05

Thanks for this great videos, it was really really usefull !!! Very good job.

I'll wait for the second Cubase video.

We, the Behringer generation, music powered people, we'll go anywhere without money :-D !!! Our music is getting pro :-D

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Brian Denney
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 18-Sep-05

This is a love-hate realationship , first I hated it - now I love it.
When I first purchased this product I went through both
the cubase SL manual (software used) and the B-Control
manual , finding them completely useless.
After setting it aside for some time inoperable,
I started trying downloads and templates from
the Behringer web site.No luck-
it wasn't until I erased everthing and started
from scratch,burning all the manuals,
that I finally realized everyone was full of
crap and this thing is totally easy
to use if you can figure it out.
anyone who's confused about running on
cubase sl can e-mail me--Bri

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Somebody.Somewhere
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 11-Oct-05

I just bought a BCF secondhand for $200aud ... never used, still with 8 months warranty! I use Logic Platinum 5.5.1 on PC and I am very happy with it. LC emulation works perfectly. My only gripe is that there does not seem to be an ACTUAL LC emulation manual. Best I could do was match the sparse template picture in the BCF2000_emulation_modes.pdf with the actual Logic Control Manual. Needless to say, it taking me a while to get to grips with all the functions.. Hopefully, with the help of the vids here I'll soon be a power user.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Niels
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 17-Nov-05

Hello people..
I am working with Pro Tools M-powered and a Audiophlie Firewire soundcard..
And have a problem with the bcf2000.. After installing the newest drivers for the controler and put it into the baby HUI mode, Pro Tools should recconize the Behringer.. He sees hem , but not works most of the times.. and gives always the same errors.. That pro tools cannot communicate with the HUI.. Behringer says the problem is with software and the soundcard..
Is there any way to make it work??Thanks and greets from holland!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Tom
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 17-Nov-05

Do you guys have any video footage for the BCR 2000?

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Mark
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 23-Nov-05

I would just like to say a big 'cheers mate' for the video on the Behringer - BCF 2000. You made the whole thing really easy to understand after not really understanding the manual, then getting more confussed with the Behringer web site. I think their site and manual asumes that the general end user has more knowledge than usual. After watching your video I got up and running in about 15 mins!


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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: skip
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Dec-05

Hi ,
I saw your posting about your BRC2000 Behringer..........
I just bought one and was wondering if I could bother you with a question...
I have it all set up...Im using Sonar.....all is working....but I want to use
16 channels.....your probably already know what Im going to ask....
I cant figure out how to program it......my faders are 1-8 channels but when I
click for the next preset level...instead of the faders being 9-16 they are always
odd ball channels and I dont know how to program them.....man there is nothing I can
make sense of in the manuals...
Skip McIntyre
Lebanon, tn

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Tank
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Dec-05

I have a Mac G5 and am really struggling to get set up. What is the sequence of
events for the setup. Should my BCF2000 have come with a CD (with drivers on it)
All I have is a very thick french manual, a much thinner english manual (very hard
to make sense of) and a few other pamphlets. If someone who has set up one of
these on a mac could give me a blow by blow account, I would kiss their boots.
cheers in advance.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 10-Dec-05

watch the video man - the first one up the top of this page - You gotta add the drivers then check it appears in your system hardware listing (see manual for this & ALWAYS get LATEST drivers from behringer FIRST before installing) - Then you need the new BCF OS & installer which you also d/load from behringer, it's shown in the video in detail how to update the OS which i assume is identical for the mac. Then you gotta set the BCF into the right 'MODE' for your machine (depends on sequencer, again this is in the first video)

then you add & setup the appropriate hardware controller object in your sequencer (how that is done depends on the sequencer you use) - The manual tells you which model of hardware controller the BCF is emulating for whichever sequencer you use (Mackie Control for Logic etc), so get that setup in your sequencer - for all that choose either logic or SX videos above... sorry if it aint either of those you use..

then to use the BCF you start the BCFVIEW. applet (also d/load this from behringer) which emulates the LCD screen of the controller mixer in hardware for parameters onscreen

THEN finaly, you start the sequencer - it should raise all it's faders & be ready to use (see videos for 'use')

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 10-Dec-05

for the SONAR question, try seeing if the fader banks in BCF matches the stack order of tracks on your main arrange-page - When using SX & LOGIC, it doesnt matter what order tracks are in in the mixer, the BCF always follows the stack order on the arrange-page - if on the arrange-page you have 20 audio tracks followed by 10 midi tracks, then as you step up the banks using the bank switch on BCF the fader will control:

Bank-1 - audio 1-8
Bank-2 - audio 9-16
Bank-3 - audio 16-20 + midi 1-4
Bank-4 - midi 5-12

So if you wanted the BCF to keep audio & midi on seperate dedicated banks of 8 fader you'd need to add an additional 4 audio tracks to the araange page so there is a total of 4 x 8 audio tracks.

So, if the arrange-page vertical stack IS being followed by the BCF in sonar as well as logic & sx then check that as a solution

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Josh
Email: No email added
Activity: part-timer
Date: 30-Dec-05

I just bought 2 BCF's and im trying to link them to work with Sonar. The manual suggests linking them with MIDI cables, but this doesnt seem to work.

I tried first unit in Sonar mackie Emulation connected USB to the PC.
Second Unit in the standard mode, with midi out/thru going to the other unit. I also connected another MIDI cable from the out of unit 1 to the In of unit 2. The first unit shows MIDI sigals are coming in, but the faders on unit 2 do not move and neither does anything on screen. I also noticed when plugging in unit 2, unit 1 jumps banks of 16 instead of 8, which leads me to believe its doing that because it can tell i have plugged unit 2 in.

Any help please!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Josh
Email: No email added
Activity: part-timer
Date: 31-Dec-05

Note: It works fine in Logic but Sonar just wont have it!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Mario Cezzare Angelicola Chiodi
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 03-Jan-06

Thank you Bro, I have 3 external equipaments turned on midi hub 4x4 and used soundriver for controle everything (I am studyng how to control them by bcf too, they are clavia nord lead2, a microkorg, and a ER-1) . After see the first movie and the option of boot the bcf in LC mode, Logic automaticaly detects the interface emulated as MAckie , and reset the faders :).

Its working on logic 5.5.1 on PC XP and on Logic 7 PRO on Panther 10.3.2 .

For live performances on Live 5 is very easy to setup each control of bcf.

Peace for US and thanks for the article.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: kurt
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 25-Jan-06

Great product. I miss more info about Baby HUI emulering. Du you have some
list with shorcuts? Or can I find them may it self? Where?

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Ernest D.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 17-Feb-06

To use dual BCF2000 in Sonar, you must add unit 1 as mackie Mode and the add unit 2 as Mackie XT (Extender). When both units have been identified in Sonar as Mackie Control and Mackie XT, go to Tools > Mackie Controller properties page and you will see a layout button. You have to press the button and identify to Sonar, by using the top BCF POT buttons, which Controller will use tracks 1-8 or 9-16. Look at the 1st video, it will show you how to apply the setting once the Mode is set for the sequencer, and before you exit the initial Sonar setup.


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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Josh
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 17-Feb-06

Ernest D.,

My second BCF wont connect to Mackie Control XT, it just says Connecting....

It has connected once before but onl on that one occasion.

Am i doing something wrong? Should i have certain ID's, orders of connection, USB modes? Nothing seems to work to get my second unit connected as an XT.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Josh
Email: No email added
Date: 17-Feb-06

Sorted the problem!

Connect both as a Mackie Control. Hold the configure layout button on the setup for the secod one, move the channel 1 pot so it controls 1-16. You then have a perfectly linked pair of BCF in mackie emulation! Including bank switching!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Ernest D.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 06-Apr-06

Hello my Fellow BCfers (is that a legal word to use) Oh well!

Here is a little tutorial on how to connect 2 BCF2000 to work happily in Sonar 2, 3, 4, and 5 without problems.

Important!! The BCF2000 view must be turned on prior to opening Sonar so that you may identify the channels being assigned to the second BCF2000.

Use USB with each BCF2000 going to its own USB port as this is the best way to connect them as Control Surfaces.

Set up each BCF2000 with it's own ID# ( after putting it into Mackie mode (MCso)for Sonar, turn the fourth pan pot to set the ID number) you will have ID 1 and ID 2.

Set up the midi drivers for the BCF2000 in Options > Midi devices and click the BCF2000 for inputs and outputs.

Next, go to Options > Control Surface > create a Mackie Control BCF2000 [1] and then create a Mackie Control BCF2000 [2], don't use XT or Baby Huey).

Next go to Tools > click on Mackie Control 2 and press the "Configure Layout" button.

Turn the first Pan Pot on the second BCF2000 unit to assign it channels 9-16. You will see the channel assignment shown in the BCF2000 View window. Now press the 'Configure Layout" button again to save the layout settings and exit the window, and your Fader will fly into position.

Now you will have 2 BCF2000 working with Sonar. The first unit will control channels 1-8 and the second unit will control Channels 9-16, and if you have a free USB port, you can add a third BCF2000 as well.

Remember, BCF2000 view must be turned on prior to opening Sonar so that you may identify the channels being assigned to the second BCF2000.

I hope this helps.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Dwight Larks
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 24-May-06


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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: fizikl
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 03-Jun-06

hey great tutorial!
will there be a tutorial on using vsts soon?
how to control different knobs in synths using mackie emulation and cubase?
if anyone can help itd be great!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Bomman
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 06-Jun-06

I want Clip VDO Install Bcf-2000&Cubase

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: mcmick3rd
Email: Email supplied but hidden
not yet
Activity: part-timer
Date: 06-Jun-06

thanks so much for the goodwill and energy u all putting in passing on knowledge, experience, keep up the good work,

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Rick
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 12-Jul-06

Hi, in the video 2 theis blue info-window has been showed all the time (upper part of the screen). How can install this?

Thanks from Germany

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Alan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 15-Jul-06

Just bought a bcr2000 for my homestudio, I'm working with a g5 + Logic 7.
A friend told me about this site and its so usefull for the instalation of the bcr2000 but I've have a problem, when I finished the updatedriver + firmware I want to start with the logic control mode but the bcr2000 doesn't do anything.

I'm looking for a kind of reset to the 1.04 firmware to start again but I cant find the way to do it.

What do u recomend me to do beacause, just wasted 2 days only to find the way to switch on the Logic control mode and it doesn't work, maybe its the controller? or I'm doing something wrong?

Thanks for all

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: rupert
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 23-Sep-06

Does anyone have any ideas about using bcf 2000 for mixing video sound tracks in Avid express pro ?

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Toni S
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Nov-06

Could someone post simple "dumb-ass" details how to set up BCF 2000 to work with Cubase SX 3.
I get the thing shown up as generic remote (the faders and buttons, etc. are shown up in the devices-menu), but moving a fader or knob does not change the corresponding items on the VST-mixer in Cubase... although I enable write-automation.

Please, Help... ):

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 19-Nov-06

read the manual, you're doing it TOTALY wrongly. You should not set it up as a generic remote

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: MarqA
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 02-Dec-06

The first video for BCF2000 General was great!
Are you still planning on getting more videos out for use with Cubase?
I know you're non profit but it's been two years now.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: andi
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-Dec-06

Torrent for Cubase vid doesn't work, it can't find the tracker.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: lewis
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 22-Dec-06

does it work in cubase se3??

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: nico mansy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 26-Dec-06

The video cubase SX for the bcf2000 isn't dowloading (only 39.2 kb)
Could you make it available again?
Thanks so much

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: GildouZ
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 04-Jan-07


The torrent doesn't work ...
Someone can post the video ????


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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Mike Anderson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 17-Jan-07

I aslso find the torrent not working - not just no seeds, there is no connection to the tracker at all. It sure would be nice if someone could host the video, even if only for a limited time...?

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Robin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 24-Jan-07

I have a Problem with my BCF 2000. I use Pro Tools 6.7LE and started the Baby Hui Mode. Now it is possible to control the Faders and write automation volume curves but the BCF2000 don't get any Data from Pro Tool and opens the error "Can't communicate wit HUI". So the Volume curves are not shown on the BCF faders.

In the Peripherals I selected HUI from BCF2000 and to BCF2000 (emulated).
But I only can select BCF2000 emulated to send Midi Data to the BCF.

What can be the Problem?


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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Robin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 24-Jan-07

I have a Problem with my BCF 2000. I use Pro Tools 6.7LE and started the Baby Hui Mode. Now it is possible to control the Faders and write automation volume curves but the BCF2000 don't get any Data from Pro Tool and opens the error "Can't communicate wit HUI". So the Volume curves are not shown on the BCF faders.

In the Peripherals I selected HUI from BCF2000 and to BCF2000 (emulated).
But I only can select BCF2000 emulated to send Midi Data to the BCF.

What can be the Problem?


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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Marcus
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Apr-07

My name is Marcus and I live in sweden.

I got my BCF2000 yesterday and I´ve tried everything it seems but still cannot get my cubase sx 3 to recognise my hardwarre, and the manuals doesn´t say anything about how to solve this issue.

I want to run it in Mackie control emulation but I dont know how.

My windows xp detects the hardware as "B-Control Rotary/fader 2000" and I have sucessfully (i think) installed the drivers. (v1.1.1.1)
The firmware is 1.10.

One thing that I think is wierd is that it won´t show up as a midi input device in any application. Is this correct?

I would be most grateful if you could help me figure this out.

Thank you in advance!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: RP
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 28-Apr-07

Im having exactly the same problem as marcus's post above with my new bcf2000

It arrived yesterday and have installed driver v1.1.1.1 on Win xp (sp1) and it will not be recognised as a midi device in nuendo 3, also (even though the firmware is already at latest) I tried the beringher update tool and the jave editor but it can not detect the unit when scanning. "error no appropriate device detected"

oddly i removed the drivers and let windows automatically install its own and it showed up in nuendo as "USB audio device" and it did transmit midi data but will not work in mackie mode and I cant get faders to move.
Why wont the behringer drive allow the device to communicate with my pc! :(


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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: RP
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 28-Apr-07

Just like to say a HUGE thanks to Matt at dancetech for his brilliant help that went well beyond what i would have ever expected a stranger with no links to the company to go through! so thumbs up to you mate!
Got it working in the end by backing up everything, installing service pack 2 - annoyingly still didnt work, - same problem of update.exe and edit applet not finding the device / not being able to communicate via usb with the v1.1.1.1 driver.
then i tried installing the unreleased driver from behringer - v1.2 which did the trick,
complete pain in the arse to get working but im finally there and the device is working as expected as a mackie controller. hopefully il regain my previous enthusiasim after the initial stall and get patch making soon!

cheers once again

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Anders Johansson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 23-Jun-07

Job well done. Look forward to more video tutorials. Would enjoy one on the BCR2000?


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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: marco
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 09-Sep-07

Hi all,
I have the same problem of RB: I'm not able to use BC edit end firmware updatewithin driver installed. Theysimply don't recognize my bcf. I wonder where could I find unreleased 1.2 driver version.Please help me!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: mschaff
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 18-Dec-07

These videos kick ass.

You have performed a wonderful service by presenting these. It my life a hell of alot easier learning the BCF2000.

If only other products would present their tutorials as clearly.


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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: mschaff
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 18-Dec-07

By the way:

After spending some time with the Behringer BCF, I must say that it is a steal for $175.00.

It isn't perfect as some of the emulation implementation is a bit convoluted and the moving faders sound like a food processor - HOWEVER...it works like a charm in Logic Pro 7.

A steal...big time.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Fredrik
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 01-Mar-08

Thanks a whole bloody bunch for your nice work. This was of great help, I just can't thank you enough! Keep it up, you're the best.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 01-Mar-08

you're welcome! thanks for the props. when the new site is launched (soon/march 2008) we'll be actualy finishing this video article by adding the missing final cubase parts... sorry it took so long

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Pavel Mladek
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 16-Apr-08

Does it works (Behringer BCF 2000) with Canopus
Edius v4.5 as well ??

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Mike
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 09-May-08

Thanks so much for the video - I'm using Logic 5.5.1. on a PC and was about to give up! Now I can start getting to grips with the little beast!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Franko
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 18-Jul-08

jus got one of these today from ebay, 135 euro including postage... plugged in and updated firmware, connected to reason 4.0.1, works perfectly.. totally impressed with this... reason detects it no probs, think im gonna buy another one and a rotary or maybe 2..... great insight from dancetech, was this site that helped me make my mind up... :)

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Mihai
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 27-Jul-08

Great work you guys. Are there parts 2/3 for Sends/Inserts?

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: spikes
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 09-Aug-08

very helpfull ,after few days of reading the funky manual it all worked in 5 minutes
do you know if it works in avid?
thanx a whole lot

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: IvanBlakk
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 16-Jan-09

Try to avoid Behringer !!! Behringer = problems.
For about the same price, go to "EMU" or "M-Audio". These are very decent brands and an a long term you WILL have problems with Behringer. I have an EMU X-board 49 myself sice two years : never had problems, not in use nor in installation.Plus ...you receive quiet some handy tools-plugins.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 16-Jan-09

all my behringer gear works ok, including 3 B-series controllers, none of it's broken yet. also the xboard isnt the same as bcf controllers afaik, which can work in hui, logic-control and other modes out of the box.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: goaFromLivingRoom
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-09


i want to use BCF2000 and BCR2000 casading.
The BCF2000 should run in LC-Mode, die BCR2000 only in controller mode to process synths.

BCF works great, send, BCR sends the midi correct to my sequencer. But the BCR doesn't receive the midi signals from sequencer?

Do i have to run the BCR in LC-Mode as well? In other words: is it possible to run BCF in LC-Mode and BCR as normal midi contoller without LC-Mode?

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Ryan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 03-Mar-09

Hi: I've got a question.

I'm running Logic Pro 8 and (after bumbling around trying with firmware updates to 1.10 through a PC) I
got it all working as per the diagram hidden in the 1.07 firmware download... EXCEPT for 5 phantom
faders! I mean to say that the color strips on the arrange window indicate the bank of faders currently
selected in a light gray. Then the next 5 channels are always highlighted with a light blue. So, as I bank
through tracks it Skips the 5 mysteriously highlighted ones. Any ideas? This product, despite having hard-
to-find documentation, is otherwise perfect for me. Please throw me a bone if you've got a clue what
might be going on! Thanks!

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: greenSquid
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 21-May-09

You just saved my life! Blessings on you kind sir.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Daniel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 19-Feb-10

Does anyone know how to sync 2 BCF2000 in presonus Studio 1?
I can them to work but not in 16 channel mode....
Please let me know.

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: ian stenson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 12-Mar-10

can anybody tell me if the bcf 2000 can work on windows 7 64 bit and how to get and install thesae drivers if they exist i've been searching the web for days even on behringers web site and still nothing i have got cubase 4 they work great on xp but i upgraded help would be very much appreciated thanks email me

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: lopez
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 21-Feb-11

I don’t know if you’re the right person for this question, but is there way to connect 2 or more behringers, in series that they would act as 1 single 24 tracks device controller using only one usb port? (as experience, when I press preset/bank, it changes the preset but not the tracks) my idea is like if I just press bank in main unit all the units would follow the cmd moving the faders from trck 1-24 to 25-48, just in single button push? if not is there and way that it can be tweaked/hacked to perform such task?

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: lopez
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 21-Feb-11

meaning the behringer bcf2000

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Product:  Behringer - BCF 2000
Name: Yogi
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 22-Apr-14


Your BCF tutorials are GREAT ! (Still going over them ...)

One MAJOR supertip is the .plist editing to reconfigure the knob allocations ...

Is that possible somehow on PC (winXP) and Cubase ??


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