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Category:  Products / synthesisers / analog synthesisers

Added: 13-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

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Ok.... I'm gonna add all the old vintage synths... not that i've used them all myself.. but i'm gonna dd the spec's then people can add comments based on real-life use.... so , as i had nothing to do today, i thought i'd start to add them as basic page templates... then add the spec's later....so...

The KORG MONO-POLY - a total dance classic..... please add your comments

Product Videos

The Korg Monopoly (part 1)

A demonstration of the sound and functionality of the 1981 Korg Monopoly monophonic/polyphonic analo...

The Korg MonoPoly (part 2)

The second part of a video demonstrating the sound and functionality of the Korg MonoPoly....

Smackos Korg Mono/Poly

Korg Mono/Poly ...

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User Comments

Product:  Korg - MONO-POLY
Name: Moho
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 28-May-99

This synth is awesome. Check out my webpage devoted entirely to the Mono/Poly at:


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Product:  Korg - MONO-POLY
Name: darksage
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 03-Mar-00

hehe, the chemical bro use this old syth also

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Product:  Korg - MONO-POLY
Name: j
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 04-Mar-00

I owned one of these and thankfully was able to sell it. Super over-rated and over-hyped. Sounds analog but cheesy analog. Limited sounds and not polyphonic despite the name. Good for making weird special effect noises but not for making music.

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Product:  Korg - MONO-POLY
Name: Ezra
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 29-Jan-01

I have owned one of these for about 5 years now and I love it. I agree that this synth is only usefull in mono mode, but with 4 oscilators it can make the fattest sounds of any synth I own. I belive that people who dont like this synth are confused by the super clean (not at all like Roland or Moog) filters and the lack of any on board delay or distotion efects. It definitely does not sound like the traditional techno synth.

On the other hand the 4 osciliators can be synced, Xmodulated and frequency modulated in pairs or all 4 together. This can all be controlled by envelopes, LFOs, Knobs and Wheels. You can make some crazy thick sounds that seem to morph and shift under themselves like no other synth. Throw in the filter and watch you speakers because the resonance is strong and clean. Definitely worth the bucks if you can find one.

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Product:  Korg - MONO-POLY
Name: Wouter van Nifterick
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 13-Jul-01

this is a fat synth
it came out right before midi was becoming really common

so to use it in a modern setup you'll really need a midi>cv converter.. it has enough connectors to control frequency, fm modulation, filter cutoff etc.

it has 4 oscilattors, wich can be synced, vca and vcf (adsr), a noise generator, a cool arpeggiator, and lots more..

its suitable for basslines and leads. it can go into 'polyphone' mode, but the 4 oscilators are all fed through one vca and vcf

drawback is that it has no memory to store sounds.. but if you get used to the synth you can recreate sounds pretty quick..

if you see a cheap one, go for it
the sound it can make are fat, and the knobs make it easy to adjust the sound to your needs

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