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Category:  Products / synthesisers / modeling synthesisers

Added: 09-May-99  |  Author: admin

New price: £ 349 rrp UK - cheap or what !!  |   S/H price: Not listed


2 new units out from Korg both off-shoots of the Prophecy/Z1 line emanating from the mysterious 'OASYS' system from which these ranges' sounds are apparently drawn...... Both are aimed at the 'Dance' market, kinda like Korgs answer to the MC 'Groovebox' series from Roland ... and very interesting they are too....

You get a synth version - the ELECTRIBE-A... and a drum version - ELECTRIBE-R ..... each with Roland-X0X style sequencer running across the bottom.....Here's the synth version - the ELECTRIBE-A...

The ELECTRIBE-A ---- ok, the sound processing/synthesis is from the Z1 and Prophecy so listen to them to get an idea of what the synthesis sounds like... It's a 2 part multi-unit, which for newbies means allowing 2 sounds/parts to play at once max either from it's onboard sequencer or from an external sequencer.....

The Korg site states: "(2 VCO + 1 VCF) x 2 parts" - so we'll assume it's a 2 part monosynth... enuff for a bassline and a synthline if added to drums.....You can record patterns into the unit, and also record controller movement into the patterns by using assigned knobs to adjust parameters whilst the unit records the movement... nice touch that similar to something like the ASR-X from Ensoniq, and it'll also record fx movement from the controls too - so you can create interesting stuff i guess although the synth itself from the Korg spec-pages looks pretty basic - like no-where near as versatile as something like a Nova, Sunsyn, Sidstation, Microwave or whatever.... this is for basslines and single/twin vco synth-line stuff... a bass & synthline-box.... so you will haveta add-in other unit/s to get a fuller mix.... I guess It's more close to a 309 without the drums...

Having said all that, they'll probably sell shitloads of them - 2 reasons...

  • They'll appeal as a first-time buy for starters.
  • You should be able to have alot of fun with one of these, regardless of experience.
  • You could play a gig with it in certain styles.
  • It WILL integrate into a current setup.

On the potential downside - here is 2 things I can't find out today - (I'll add-it next week when I talk to Korg)
  • Can it play an external synth ?? - is there any extra sequencer tracks ? This I doubt - it doesn't say so.
  • Can it load midifiles so you can import pc sequenced songs ?

The first one is important, cos without it, you can't utilise the sequencer on the 'Tribe to seq' any other equipment you might have in with the 'Tribe's internal composition - so if you have a keyboard already that you like, but were figuring to get the 'Tribe to add a live sequencer and some modelling synthesis all-in-one, this will let you down if it can't seq' any additional outboard... I think it can't... but i'll 100% comfirm that next week...

The good news is you can just add-in another hardware sequencer and sync the two together to play a gig with the 'Tribe and another sequencer in sync to play the other hardware unit/s... or play additional parts live over the 'Tribe backing..... But to my mind whilst a solution, I think if it can't do that... if it cannot sequence addtional ouboard units into the song, Korg have made a mistake, cos if it DID, it'd seriously increase this units worth and sales potential...

Having said that, perhaps Korg though most people in that situation would have a sequencer already, and they'd mostly be right.... But still.... If it could do another few midi parts to accompany the 'Tribe's internal synth parts that would be nice.... So bare that in mind if you'te thinking of getting it partly to become a live sequencer & sounds-source for your current kit.....

The sequencer's storage ... You can store a total of 256 - (64 x 4 banks) phrases or patterns plus 16 songs consisting of multiple patterns.... enuff for a set -

All the above may seem harsh, cos i guess this is supposed to be a stand alone unit... but still - this seems like you could have alot of fun with it... It's supposed to tie in with the 'ELECTRIBE-R' which is the drum version ..... so both would be alot of fun and would be ok to do some gigs depending on style - BUT ... limited to the sounds therein..... there is always some compromise -

The upside is you can buy this synth version for use as a stand alone module cos it WILL work with incoming external midi from another sequencer... - so it's a good option to look at if you wanna add-in some of this sorta synthesis to your system and programme it with your current sequencer... On top of that, you could sync it up and use it's internal seq' clocked for all sorts of arpeggiated fx & patterns .... there's alot this can do over a stand-alone synth....

You get more... The audio-Input thing looks very interesting, cos you can input a synth-pad from one of your current units, and use the clocked 'Tribe sequencer to gate the incoming synth-pad -.... VERY interesting addition to the old sonic arsenal that'd be ... adding in a 'Tribe would add alot of potential arpeggiated effects via the sequencer, as well as allowing synthesis of external sounds via it's filters & fx.... They can all be clocked to the main sequencer... so you can start to see the possibilities there for adding in great rhythmic stuff to your setup whilst at the same time satisfying your need for some analog modelling..... Sure, other synths process external sounds, but I like that ability of the actual sequencer to process incoming sounds... interesting !!...

: Also interesting is the audio tempo thing where it can take a clock tempo from a tap-tempo or an external audio input such as from a turntable !.... cool....

My overall evaluation is that using the unit as above would reap greater dividends.... but where it'll fall down is to become a center sequencer for a system... BIG oversite if it doesn't do that.... but this unit all in all if bought as a sound-source for an existing studio would be very interesting with those onboard arp' facilities, synthesis of external-kit, and realtime control of paramters & fx.... well worth checking I reckon... just don't buy it as a newbie expecting to expand around it's sequencer... maybe Korg can release an OS upgrade to add-in some external tracks ?? ... I dunno if this is an open OS unit or fixed....


• Sound Generation Method: Analog modeling
• Number of Parts: 2
• Memory: 256 patterns, 16 songs
• Effects: Distortion, Tempo delay, chorus/flanger
• Sequencer: (Pattern) 64 steps maximum per part, motion sequence, 1 parameter per part, 64 events, (Song) 256 patterns maximum per song, event recording 65,500 events maximum
• Input: AUDIO IN (1/4" phone jack - mono x 1)
• Nominal Input Level: -10 dBu
• Input Impedance: 47k-ohms
• Output: PART 1/MIX, PART 2 (1/4" phone jack - mono x 2), Nominal Output Level = -10 dBu, Output Impedance = 1k-ohm, Headphones (1/4" phone jack), Nominal Level = 21mW + 21mW @ 32-ohms
• AD/DA Conversion: 18 bit linear
• Power Consumption: 8W
• Power Supply: DC 9V (AC adapter)
• Dimensions: 300(W) x 222.5(D) x 53.4(H)mm / 11.8"(W) x 8.8"(D) x 2.1" (H), (including rubber feet)
• Weight: 1.25kg / 2.76 lbs
• Accessories: AC adapter (DC9V)

Tell you what... one of these with an old MC-303 would be a VERY interesting system if you think about it... you could have an MC- sound playing out in sync to the 'Tribe's clock, and feed the MC sound into the 'Tribe's audio-in, then use the 'Tribe to 'Evolve' the MC's sound with it's controllers or sequencer gate.... like a cross-sequenced sound !... that would be cool... old MC-303's are well cheap now at around 250 in London at least - so many were sold - they are cheap... and the 303 would provide piano's, strings and more digital chord stuff & drums too if you didn't have a'Tribe-R drum-version....add an old MC to the 'Tribe pair... that would be MORE interesting.... Or add this 'Tribe-A to an MPC... nice center setup !!....

I guess the good thing is more of this sorta stuff comes on the market, and there'll be shit-loads of it around s/h cheap in a few years... look how cheap MC303's are now.......hmmm....

I reckon they'll sell shitloads of this.... top marks Korg..... one of these would be a killer for most styles from Trance and hard-house arpeggiations to wicked Drum & Bass or Jungle subs, squeels & blips....

The ELECTRIBE-A - ..... comments please....

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Pookie
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 12-May-99

In a word...fun. It sounds great and is exactly the inspirational piece I've been looking for. It's a poorman's 303, capable of some pretty convincing cracking, snarling basslines. I haven't gotten into it's ability to gate an external audio source, but that is a stroke of genius. Now I don't have to shell out more cash for a dedicated noise gate. Incidentally, Sam Ashe will let them go for $350, and for that price, it's the best deal going. I've heard people knock it, passing it off as a toy, I guess because of it's plastic housing and knobs, but I also seem to remember people saying the same thing about the infamous TB-303 when it came out. L8R's!

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 13-May-99

absolutely - this is cheap and 'dancey' so it will get the same categorisation in peoples minds but i reckon it'll rock seriously and it's way more versatile than for the way of use it's marketed for

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: rsd
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 22-May-99

I've listened to some mp3 sound demos and it sure can emulate those old classic machines but one thing I found disturbing was that the 1st synth part played on the left channel and the 2nd on the right. I can't find any pan knob in the pictures so is it possible to define the panning position or is it always just full left or right?

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: God
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 29-May-99


The Japaniese site has a RealAudio demo...

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: ESD
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 01-Jul-99

In response to rsd: Of course you can pan it.. that's what your mixer is for. You do have a mixer, don't dou? =) Anyways... It has seperate mono outs for the 2 parts. You can do what you want from there. Pan 'em, fade 'em, fry your tweets with 'em (oops, damned esonance!). I'm messing around with the EA-1, my MC-505, and my JV-1080 and as soon as I get something of substance put together, I'll link some MP3s here.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: God
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 03-Jul-99

HEY, Kilo!! Ummmm.... Here's some more demos of the electribes. And I put the wrong E-mail address last time.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Matt Chinn
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 18-Jul-99

See above URL for a great review of these machines by Keyboard Magazine. Also includes sound bytes from a remix by the editor that he did for The Fixx ("Stand or Fall"), using the Electribes of course. Sweet!

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: sputnik
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 02-Aug-99

It is so damn cool, it sounds fat, agresive, distorted

It's THE synth to buy and it is cheap

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: seAn
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 27-Aug-99

my first synth and its teaching me alo because im going from friend to mentor of synths to websites like this to learn its limits as well as play with it constantlly...i dunno it can get some nice rythmn out of it (im in love with the tribal and war drums) as of yet there isnt much bad to say about it..i hope to pick up its counterpart soemtime soon

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: chucky
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 07-Sep-99

I've had it for about 3 weeks and the more I get used to it the more I like it. Its sort of like a bassline "drummachine":its a "bassmachine" The unit was aimed at the "dance/techno, rave, hiphop " crowd and obviously designed to be an affordable alternative to the tb 303, sh 101 etc and newer, more expensive analog mod synths- and that's exactly what I bought it for, it does emulate these synths pretty - a drummachine makes the patterns you program just about complete.- . The way I see it- why risk breaking, losing or wearing out an expensive vintage or modelling synth when you can mess around with this thing- especially if you gig? This thing is light and portable (alas no batteries) It does what they do very well- and a little more- it sounds almost identical to any analog and the sequencer is laid out just like a tb 303 sequencer but has more options and sound generating capability... true the sound of the unit isn't EXACTLY the same at a TB or SH but it is impossible to tell the difference when set and programmed correctly. Even though it may seem to be directed at the "dance" crowd it still requires familiarity with the tb 303 interface and analog synthesis to make it sound good- believe it or not you can get some good pads and fucked up bass kicks out of this thing yet I can see novices getting frustrated with it quickly since there are no banks for sound storage and the keyboard isn't that great for entering notes, much like a tb 303, but how many synths allow you to compose techno in bed?? Its weak points- no patch storage, all sound settings are stored as part of a pattern with no "banks" or "patches" to choose from (you must copy pattern to copy sound), also the EA comes with preset rhythms etc that must be erased before you can start filling up the pattern banks and there is no way to quickly erase everything from the memory and initalize the sound settings. Also, the write procedure, in which after recording any pattern or making a sound adjustment you have to hit store twice or data is lost, is kinda tedious- but it IS safe. I would recommend users should try to program it from a keyboard controller to make it easier. Detractors should just go out and spend 1000$ on a tb 303 and see if they feel they got their money's worth- an EA only costs 350 and its like getting TWO tb's.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: fadoh
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 07-Sep-99

i m d.j fadoh

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Revolver1010
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 13-Oct-99

OK, basically it's like this, I originally bought a Waldorf Pulse to use as a dedicated baseline for all of my songs. I've currently been using a Roland JP8080 for the basslines but I hate the fact that I have to hog one out of two parts just for a bassline for the whole song, hence forth I bought the Pulse. I will say that the Pulse is great for heavy aggresive basslines, but hey....I too once in a while want a real deep pulsing bassline. I must say that the Pulse SUCKS for deep warm NON-DISTORTED basslines. I've downloaded all the presets by other users and none are warm deep bases (the Pulse can't do it!) it's analog. Now I'm going to get to the Electribe, please bare with me :-) Anyway, I purchased and returned a Pulse twice cause I couldn't draw that deep base sound out of it. While I was in the store returning it I came across a Korg Electribe A. I messed with it for a while and fell in love. I mean, I have JP8080's and AN1X's which are me favorite pieces of gear in my setup but I will say that this little $399 unit really kicks ass!! It's pushes a lot of air. I had read a great review of them in Future Music magazine and the reviewer was right on target with what he said. For such a simplistic unit (no amplitude ASDR section) you really can still pull an amazing amount of sounds out of it. It really pushes more air than my JP8080 basslines! Anyway, the presets are awesome, and you can save 256 of your own (but by overwriting the original ones). Anyway screw the morons that say it's a toy cause it's inexpensive. Try one and buy one!!!

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Zacd
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 04-Dec-99

I have had this box for just a few days and i think it is an incredible machine.
The sounds are tremendously versatile, I have managed to get everything from a scream to a real cool bongo drum sounding thing. Only problem is that the knobs are real sensitve(so if you make a sound you like you had better save it as a pattern because recreating it may be impossible) and the distortion is only on/off. I had thought that you could get only delay or flanger but never both or neither, iwas incorrect after play with it i found that you always have both, you can only control one at a time though. For $400 it is a great peice that is very easy to write and improvise on.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Gos
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 19-Dec-99

Check out the dancetech classified for Electribe-A EA-1 for sale extra cheap.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 27-Dec-99

It's a great toy to play with and sounds amazing......
Definately worth every penny......
Plus it has a lot of blinking lights to spruce up any studio.

BTW Does this thing lock to Midi Clock WITH SONG POINTER in pattern mode?? I can't get it to lock with Cubase unless I start at the top....
Email me

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: DJ Danny J
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 29-Dec-99

Went to local store. Said "Self, try it out." Took a few presets and made some sounds. Took the Red counterpart One (ER-1) turned it on. Threw them both into the stores mixer. Played some more presets and some quick sounds. People thought i actually was good. Great unit, great price, great buy, and like someone else said, its got purty lights.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: rob
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 21-Jan-00

I picked one up about a month ago, and I love the thing. I'm somewhat of a newbie, and this is a great tool to learn the basics of modeling before going out to buy a JP or a Virus. Also the audio in jack is a blast. One trick i learned is plug a mic in (with an impedance converter) and you've got a cheap limited vocoder by setting the second oscillator to decimator and balancing all the way towards the 2nd wave. I just sit for hours making sounds. The only complaint is the use of NRPN's for the knobs (a controller I was forced to learn about due to this thing). It's a real pain to program into a sequencer if you want real tight knob movements, and even with an external seq you can only get one knob movement at a time.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Revolver1010
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Activity: Professional
Date: 25-Jan-00

Rob....you're wrong. It's only able to record one knob movement at a time to the internal sequencer. It can record every knob movement to an external sequencer.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: part 1
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 25-Jan-00

maybe rob doesn't have a sequencer that supports nrpns. there are a few left that don't, and older ones. you have to set the nrpn # (don't remember the cc#), then fiddle with the knob on cc#6. which would be a supreme annoyance, since you'd have to edit it in the event list view. otherwise it records like a charm, except when moving 3 knobs at once with lots of movement, it bogs down, but thats my computer.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: exiDe
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 17-Feb-00

This is the poor man's 303. Don't waste your time, get a FR-777!!! I owned this thing for about a month and had to get rid of it.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Maarten
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 17-Feb-00

"This is the poor man's 303. Don't waste your time, get a FR-777!!! ....."
blahbla bla blabnlalalala .You must be
insane , this piece sounds excellent together with my tb-303.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: alii
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 20-Mar-00

OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!! I just brought an EA-1 second hand for 200 and it is SOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOL!!! the sounds on it are great, i just went through every sound on it (just the presets..) and each one was TOTALY cool!! i'm gonna use it for industrial dance... mmm... can't wait to get some tunes written with this baby!

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: unknown talent
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-00

I agree with most of you guys. This little plastic box is really really neat. I've been using it for 5 Month now and still didn't get tired of it. I use it mostly with computer programms and stuff but I'm thinking about getting a real cheap mc 303 to process it's sounds thru the ea1 effects and stuff. (I'm poor)
and by the way, someday I'll be famous ;) ...

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: MixMasterCid
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 22-Apr-00

I love this machine!!!!!!!! (kinda cheap though - plastic) I use this thing so much that it arleady has scratch marks around the knobs, and ive only had it for a few weeks. so what if they're a poor mans 303, IM A JOBLESS HS STUDENT what do you expect. I'll be getting a JP-8080 and a ER-1 this summer
maybe even a sampler.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 23-Apr-00

This is -AGAIN- so funny. When there are new products from whatever company people will always compare them to the old "dusty" machines. The EA-1 is far boyond the tb-303. In my opinion you shouldn't even compare them!

Anyway I love the EA-1. I didnt purchase the ER-1 as drummodule but the JOMOX Xbase-09. They both sound very very great together. It is possible to create tunes with these machines only so for a starter (or a poor man) a great setup. If you don't "believe" it please visit my mp3.com site (www.mp3.com/alterex).

The Audio Thru doesnt work very well in my unit. Can someone explain it to me? Most probably I am doing something wrong here - plz email me.



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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Truth
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Activity: Professional
Date: 21-May-00

This is a fantastic little unit - I got one about a week ago and it is stunning for the price ( about £249.00 in the UK ). Anyone who says it's a toy or it's a "poor man's 303" just does'nt know what they are talking about and should quit making music now, as they are deaf ! ! !
Can't wait to add the new Electribe-S sampler and a Kaoss Pad ;o)

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: F#@kingBoring
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Activity: Professional
Date: 22-May-00

Any demozzzz that don't suck the skin off a donkeys dick. You people aren't selling me on this thing. Goa-away? little beat? In-dusty-hole. Is this machine made for imatators or orginators?

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: This thing SUX
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 25-May-00


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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Thankz
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Activity: Professional
Date: 25-May-00

It's hart do bit ass point o chris ift yuo Kaint spill.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: smarter where it counts
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Activity: Professional
Date: 26-May-00

Too much acid to spell JUST ENOUGH TO KNOW IT REALLY SUX>Last time I checked you didn't have to spell to program an analog synth.NO glide in the sequencer=no fun for me.My unit also leaks audio from output 1 into output 2.USELESS IN A PRO STUDIO.The KORG rep was some old guy (late 40s)who can't even get back to me.I wish all you know nothing newjacks would just quit frontin' and crawl back under that MTV/AMP rock you came out from under.REAL ANALOG RULES....DIE! PRESETS DIE!

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Jason
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nope i dont have one
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 27-May-00

Its not a TB 303 or a MC 202. Its a EA1 I dont see what people are talking about. Clone what clone Are you saying it sounds like somthing else? hmm funny it doesnt sound like anything I heard of before. Somthing be wrong with your ears somthin? Oh well like I said its not a 303 or a 202 its an EA1 its different and unique.


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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: An actual owner
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Activity: Professional
Date: 27-May-00

I never sid it was a clone of any sorts.It couldn't reproduce any analog period.Perhaps if you owned any REAL analog synthesizers and this thing you would understand.It just won't sit in a mix w/ my MS-404.The resonance is odd in that it just runs out of steam@ high cutoff frequency.The distortion sucks too,the filter seems to not really work when the distortion is on.It leaks audio across the outputs,so what you say,well try running ch 1 into a Boss VF-1 guitar patch that has distortion and a noise gate.Then program a clean sub bass on Ch 2,run both into seperate outputs on the board,now don't play anything w/ ch 1 and start up the sub bass.Oh shit!that noise gate is triggering on ch 1 giving you this lovely burst of white noise and hum right where you don't need it.If you change the gate parameters to compensate(threshold)it squashes what little tone the box has.If you never plan on using the extra output than fine.The only plus is that YOU CAN PROGRAM BETTER SOUNDS ON IT YOURSELF.This box could be used pretty well in something minimal,however if you are looking for extreme bass and lead sounds look elsewhere.(maybe a nice new analog synth from Doepfer for $365 if you can program it because you don't get memory).Instead of insulting me maybe you should get your head out of your ass and use YOUR ears.YOU MUST BE DEAF.OR MAYBE YOU JUST LIKE PRESETS.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Chuck B.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 31-May-00

The main focus of instruments behind techno music is keeping it cheap. Looks like all the real TB-303s, TR-808s, TR-909s, etc. are just too expensive now. So this was made to emulate those at a cheap price. Works for me!! I hate when people knock things because they just aren't the 'original' or 'advanced' enough. IT DOSN'T MATTER!!!! A lot of people knock the Kaoss Pad because of this. Most of the effects for guitars and vocals on the new Korn album used the Kaoss Pad. Even Pro's use this stuff too.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: your on the wrong website
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Activity: Professional
Date: 01-Jun-00

I can't process 2 sounds out both outputs for god's sake did you miss that or have you never used a proper mixing desk w/ outboard processing gear?That's a pretty good reason to knock it.Who the fuck records music without fx.KORN boy i say KORN somewhere on your way in here did you miss the whole DANCETECH name?What the fuck does KKKORN have to do with dance music.Gangster Metal I think not.Why don't you take your ass on over to rolling stone or spin.Maybe metalzone.


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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: KBr
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 17-Oct-00

This silver beast is a great addition to virtually anybodies setup. Whilst it is not strickly analogue (analogue modelling, but what the hey) it still has a huge range of fat, wet, deep sounds. This thing has blown many speakers (including subs!) and I intend to keep playing it with the intent of causing harm!

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: herbert
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 22-Dec-00

As far as I know, the first sold units had this bug with leaking from output 1 into output 2 and vice versa. This can be fixed rather easily by your Korg-dealer for free, even if your warranty has expired (it was so in my case). Now it works quite fine - there is still some hardly audibly leakage, but you can use distortion and everything without any problems. New units should be okay, anyway.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: You people have no idea
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 22-Dec-00

Why dis the EA-1 and say it's "NOT A 303"? It isn't supposed to be... It's something completely different for making 2 monosynth lines. Did people say the 303 "wasn't as bad sounding as the SH-101"? I think they were happy there was something new! I certainly am glad people can get some cool monosynth lines that sound different than the 303! It spices up electroinc music immensely! As for guitars not being used in dance music... WHAT? ARE YOU DEAF? Of course guitars are used! Listen to some HOUSE sometime. Perhaps they aren't used in a death-metal style or as the main instrument (not that Korn is), but they SURE AS HELL have a place, especially if you can fux with the sound enough to get something completely whack and original. Lets see how closed-minded we can be here...

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Christian K
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 10-Jan-01

My EA-1 is the best "non-drum-groovetool" my fingers ever touched!
It offers a really HUGE range of different sounds! Even there are just two hands full of parameters... These variety results from the Ringmod and Sync functions...
Really HUGE range... as i mentioned! From nice and round sounds with deeeeep bottom end to weirdest stuff is all included in its capabilities!!!
=>> HEAR it in my song "calm before the storm" on my mp3.com-page =>> All synthsounds came from it!

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Dan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 07-Dec-01

Look. For all you people that think this is a toy or whatever I think your wrong. Armed with only an EA and my emu sampler I can really create some decent tracks. The EA one has the ability to create unbelievable bass lines, those pulsing basses, along with these very unique atmospheric sounds. Don't forget some really great synth leads. I mean for 200$ used this thing is a steal, seriously. If you cant afford the nova, nord, etc etc this is not bad at all. I have had it for 4 months and I have gotten extremely creative with it. I recommend it. whatever that means to ya.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: d-SIL
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Mar-03

This baby is just great, no matter if you have a 1500 square feet studio. For this money, knowone can be unsatisfied.
The only bad thing about it (but maybe it my version of cubase) is that i cant controll the filters or other knobs with cubase. Somehow this will not work, not on any cc, nor will it record any knob movement. Very strange, but maybe some of you guys know how to solve this. IT has taken me hours and hours, but i tried and died.
Help me out here guys, my version of cubase is 3.7 so i think this is new enough to record or control the EA1

I like the rest of it!!!

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Vladnile
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don't have one
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 03-Feb-04

Do the preset patches on the EA1 sound anything like those found on the Moicrokorg? And what exactly do they sound like?
I don't particualrly want to purchase it if it has mainly GM type sounds (e.g violin, piano etc.) I'm more interested in hardcore acid synth. (and analog modelling)

If anyone knows what most of the preset patches sound like, (owners, perhaps) I would be greatly thankful.

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Product:  Korg - ELECTRIBE-A
Name: Vladnile
Email: No email added
don't have one
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 03-Feb-04


can't post....

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