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Roland SH101


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Roland SH101

Category:  Products / synthesisers / analog synthesisers

Added: 13-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: up to £1000

Roland SH101

The SH101 is one of the few budget old Roland analogs... great for basslines to leads.... lots of realtime control... although the unit is non midi, you can clock the onboard sequencer to a CV ... so a midi-cv converter gets it in sync... In this respect it is stablemates of it's Roland pals - the MC202, TB303, and the TR drum units....all units you can programme & clock for long evloving patterns while sync'd to the main track...


From 1982 costing a mere £249 GBP, this is another of the few budget old Roland synths that won't break the bank nowadays when other classic old synths are fetching silly money. Needs a CV-clock to run the sequencer or you can play it live from the keys. Lots of realtime controls with this affordable classic.


Alot of these were made, and they are still cheap, hovering around 150 until the last few years when they have risen a bit to the 200 and a bit more price in London....

Usually, the grip you can see sticking out is not present, it was an add-on... you dont need it unless you want to play live on stage with it strapped on of course ...

Lots of edit parameters....all squelchable in realtime.

The Roland SH-101..... please add your comments

Product Videos

Roland SH101 Smackos

little demo on the SH101, the sequence is run by another SH101 (mr.elektrovolts) because this 101's ...

Roland SH-101

A test of the functions of the Roland SH-101. Not a keyboard wankery video or musical statement. Cre...

Vintage Roland SH-101

Here is me demo Roland sh-101, it is an eBay item, (Item number: 160150322478) Everything works fine...

SH-201 String Patches Part One

The fabulous SH-201 synthesizer preview my custom string patches. Hopefully the poor audio quality o...

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no user manual

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User Comments

Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Malte Luebbe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-99

I do not own a SH-101, but got lots of chances to use it.

In my opinion it can make the crulest sounds of them all,if you want a sound that sounds like a amplified crying baby with distortion or some real fat bass sounds.But it could also go in a melancholic more brassy direction, it is definetely on of my favorites.I would prefer it to a TB anytime.

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Malte Luebbe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-99

I do not own a SH-101, but got lots of chances to use it.

In my opinion it can make the crulest sounds of them all,if you want a sound that sounds like a amplified crying baby with distortion or some real fat bass sounds.But it could also go in a melancholic more brassy direction, it is definetely on of my favorites.I would prefer it to a TB anytime.

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: mike ash
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 19-Jan-99

I love my 101. I've had 2 grey ones and a red one over the past 10 years. They are the business, probably the most useful synth I've ever owned (and I've got a lot of synths!) earthquake like bass, squealing acid, wierd percussion it does the lot!!!

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Luke eyeball
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-99

we have a sh-2 just like the 101 but no sequencer

and an extra oscalater fat and beutiful

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: TTToaster
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-99

I do not own a 101...but considered buying one...

I'm really into Dub music, but my probably favorite band is Sublime (they had a SH101 too)

Now...i got a coupla questions...what exactly can i do with a sh101???

And what do i need to get to make like...echo and delay effects with voices in like...real time...for life performance...

i wanna put the effects on either instruments or singing...but live...while the band is playing...


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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Jon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 19-Jan-99

Mine's a bit knackered, but can still do nearly everything. Good for 'synth' sounds, subsonic bass, massive acid lines (esp w/ portamento), and all manner of squelchy weirdness. Looks limited, but I've never had any problems getting whatever sound I want. Simple to use as well - anyone ever taken a soldering iron to one - for external audio input, vcf cutoff etc?

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Deryck D
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 19-Jan-99

I own a Red One and my wife she dont appreciate me making funny noises with that thing. But seriously it is the Bomb for creating the perfect FAT-ROUND-BASS that we all love. It is my favorite synth out of the 10 that I own.

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Ashley Pomeroy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 19-Jan-99

Great, cheap little analogue (ish - the VCO is kept in check by a microprocessor) synth from the days when such things were as common as dust. Great fun to play around with, and capable of some punchy bass noises (thanks to a vicious filter and ultra-quick envelopes). Not much use for warm-sounding ambient music, however, as it tends towards the harsher end of the musical spectrum. Another drawback is that a full MIDI retrofit costs as much as the synth itself, which negates the biggest point in it's favour - the price (they made thousands of the blighters, and you can find them all over the place). Mine's red and strapless (oo-er).

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Scotty
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-99

My Sh101 is a bluey. It has deep bass and a good deal of

resonance and character you can get out of changling the

envelope and filter settings. But, since it is a Roland

I did pay too much. For the midi and the programming

if you have to pay more than $350, shop around more.

These have sound like you find on deep house records,

but cant really do the acid house routine like a tb303.

Having a keyboard means more room to get funky, and

the limit arpeggiator and sequencer on mine are hardy

touched. Durable and roadworthy for plastic. Nice colors

but Red is overrated.

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: willy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 19-Jan-99

Great synth at a good price. Just one problem mine

seems to be stuck on square wav and no amount of

changing the dial seems to change the sound. Anyone

any idea whats wrong and how to fix it ?

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: chrisk
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 19-Jan-99

only used it once but i was hooked. Unfortunately didnt have the money to buy it at the time, next time im in england though, im definately gonna have to find one.

As mentioned in a few other comments, it looks real simple and limited, but once you get it going, every single sound it makes is way fucking cool.

i got a bass station in prefeence to it cause it has dual vco's, bit now im beginning to regret it.

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: German Garfunkel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Jan-99

We have an old grey model. Excellent punchy bass sounds for that mid-80's feel, and if you stick it through an overdriven amp and crank the octaves up to the top end, set the legato to sync to a drum machine (like a 707 or 808), it sounds like a passable synth-guitar. I've used it in thrash-industrial songs and it sounds perfectly in place.

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: DJ Spectre
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 12-Jun-99

Well... so much to say about such a marvelous little machine. I obtained one late last year as a gift. I really love it! It creates the best basslines and combined with effects pedals, they make it sound even better!!!

Good: Bass! Sequencer is really nice to have for the baselines. JUST HAS A GREAT SOUND AND FEEL!

Bad: The sequencer is a little primitive. And the time old flaw..
No midi! :( This is ok though. One can get along with out the wonder of midi.
Or you could convert it, but thats messy.

Ease of Use: I would say... 8 out of 10, without a manual. Pretty easy to figure out. I don't have a manual, but I'm sure the thing would be simple if you had one.

Overall Rating: 9 (I REALLY LIKE IT!)

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: DJ Phunkae
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 27-Sep-99

SH 101 is a great toy...but does ne one know how the fucking sequencer works...please email me and we can trade knowledge

if you like Breakbeat Electrofunk
look for DJ Phunkae "A little Suttin"
in your local record store late Nov
3 slamin breaks or write Snapska1@aol.com

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: adeptus
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 28-Apr-00

The roland sh101 is a great machine and all I can say is the machine deserves its cult status. If anybody disputes the difference between VCO and digital buy this and compare- the 101 has tones that can vary from warm and liquidy resonant bleeps to bass rumbles like rolling thunder, don't get me wrong the new VA come close but the smoothness in the sh101 analog circuitry is unique to VCO. There is something about the red sh101 that adds a feeling of warmth and novelty to my heart.

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: ashley
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 28-Apr-00

my first synth, so of course i will love my first born. it is limited with one vco and one envelope. but a few nice work arounds like a sub osc. the bass end can go low and full, the envelopes are fast. i have had mine for 18 years with no problems. they dont make them like this anymore. every home should have one real old monosynth this is (one of) mine. ha ha ha

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
not for much longer i'm afraid.
Activity: Professional
Date: 10-May-00

Just want to say that this site will unfortunately be shutting down very soon. I'm Very Sorry Guys but it's out of my control- I don't really want to get into it but As I said there is nothing I can do bout it i'm afraid....

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: bene
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 28-May-00

Hi, Ive just heard about this instrument...and I have 2 Questions :
1) How do you integrate the gear without midi ??? (What other things do I need for it?)
2) Is the synth similar with the Juno 106 (in sound) ??
Please e-mail me !!!!

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: That really suxz
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional,part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 28-May-00

Please don't say this site is shutting down. This is easily the best users support site I've seen. Is there any way that we the site users can *help*.........component

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: ashely
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 29-May-00

reply to bene, the synthesis engine is, in use, thne same as a 106. if you want it to talk to midi buy a box from kenton. that is what i use. ashley

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Richard Allen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 08-Oct-01

My favourite synth of all - best features:

- Arpeggiator gated off a 606 or similar enabled some great looping, rhythmic note patterns that you can't repeat easily with modern equipment. The MC202 sounded the same, and was smaller, but coudn't do this!
- Portability - you can busk with it!
- Modability - try a yamaha BC01 breath controller on the VCF cutoff!
- Beautiful resonant base tones
- Slide notes in the internal sequencer
- An old WWF album released in the 80's has Hulk Hogan playing a pink strap on one!

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: podar
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 11-Nov-01

Just secured one online. Anxiously awaiting arrival. Saw and played one recently at G.C. Fell in love. Now she's mine!

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: three2ndstare
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 16-Feb-02

I love this synth. i've been borrowing
it from a friend for about three
months now,a dn use it to play in my
band, but the other day, the power
just shut off, and it wont go back on.
batteries don't work either. any

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Langer Csaba
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 27-Oct-02

I need schematics+service manual for SH101.Can You help me with it?
Sorry I'm new in synthrsizers know only some things about them.Thank You!

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: john
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 01-May-03

Hi I have an SH 101 for sale. It has the handle on but no battery cover. Other then that its in pretty good condition. Probably want around the 200 ono
Let me know

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Androoow
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 04-May-03

I bought mine new in 1983..i LOVE this machine..i will be buried with it when i die.
My first synth ,and i use it as much today as i did 20 years ago..its never let me down once.
The built in sequencer is the easiest one ive ever used...shame that new keyboards dont do them like this one.

Roland should do a 20th year aniversary model...exactly the same just add midi..
they would clean up.

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: vspirit
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 23-May-04

Hey just wondering if you ever found out what the problem was with your 101's VCO stuck on square wave.??
I have a very similar problem with an MC-202 which uses the same Curtis chip in it's VCO. It too, is stuck on square and also oscillating strangely.
Just wondering if you have any info that would be helpfull to me.??

You can email me at >>>> markrussell3333@blueyonder.co.uk.

Any help or info/links would be much appreciated.!!

Best regards


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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: adam
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Jul-04

i always loved the analog sound & always wanted to get the roland sh101. i culdnt find anyone who sails hes own up until now & ther is a few answers i need to get just be for pying for it & cant find obout it . hope u can help me out by time so i can finaly by it...
1-is 660 us$ is the right price to pay for the device plus the cv/midi convertor?
2- i have juno 106 , are they around the same?
3- can i sync it in my q bass or logic ? i meen writing the parts in the midi editor & sync them with my other synths/vsti or both
4- can i get good tb303 style out of it?
many thanks
i think the sound of it is 11 out of 10 but mybe a low score will atrac some atention. need answers desperatley
thnks again

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: phil
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 16-Sep-04

can someone please explain why my SH-101 will turn on, but will NOT play any sounds??? The "Key Transpose" button is lit red and no other buttons work. Triggering the keyboard will not result in a sound. I am really upset at the moment!!

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Dusko
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 13-Jun-06

Hi, can somebody send me a full sh 101 schematics. I just got one for present but most of the functions are burned. Some stupid ass was trying to fix it by himself.
Thx in advance

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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Jon Electronics
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 08-May-07


problemes on a SH-101 D8 internal power suply short circuit, would like to have the scematics to be able to repair.

Thanks and have a nice day,


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Product:  Roland - SH101
Name: Paul
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 22-May-09

I have a very good condition SH 101 for sale.
Its grey and includes the Mod Grip!!!

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